why i am voting for senator obama
some have told me that my writings on the presidential race have changed their minds and they now are voting for obama. in the hope that i can change a few more, let me list my reasons for why i am voting for senator obama. obviously most of these i have already covered but repitition does not hurt.
1. WALKS THE WALK. all of his life obama has worked helping people. he started as a community organizer and then when he realized he could do more with a law degree he went to harvard and got a degree. while there he became the first african american to edit the prestigious HARVARD LAW REVIEW. that alone would have qualified him for a position with a large new york wall street law firm with a starting salary in the hundreds of thousands of dollars per year with perks the likes of which you and i cannot fathom. instead of cashing in on this, he went back to chicago and worked in some of the worst slums in america trying to help people pull themselves out of poverty. that speaks volumes to me. it shows me where his heart is, and that he likely cannot be bought.
2. INTELLIGENCE. not only did obama finish in the top 1% of his class at harvard (think how hard that must be...there are some really sharp people at harvard) when he got back to chicago and was working as a community organizer to supplement his income (community organizers do not make very much money), he taught CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO which is, in itself, an institution that is toward the top of all lists of prestigious universities. we live in a very complex world in very complex times and we need someone who is bright enough to see the complexity and respond intelligently to it. (john mc cain finished in the bottom 1% of his class and we have seen what george w. bush with his C average did) in addition, we need someone who knows the constitution, as it is obvious that gwb either did not know it or chose to just ignore it when it came to his own personal agenda.
3. HE IS COOL UNDER FIRE. we all watched the debates and we watched how each candidate responded. mc cain grimaced and rolled his eyes and looked angry. obama never wavered, never got off message and never showed disrespect as mc cain did when he either would not look at obama or referred to him as "that one." obama has never engaged in vicious attacks against his opponents and has brought much dignity to the process. he has always wanted this election to be about ISSUES that face the american people.
4. HIS ORATORY SKILLS. we are in tough times folks, and they are going to get tougher. we need someone who can speak to the american people in times of crisis and motivate and encourage them and the ability to speak well really comes in handy. we need someone who can reach across party lines to get people to put aside personal and party dogmas and work together for the common good and, once again, the ability to use the language to get important points across is paramount.
5. HIS POSITION ON ROE V. WADE. the republican party wants to repeal roe v. wade. as a feminist, i believe that it is a woman's right to chose what she does with her own body. the democratic party position is that roe v. wade should not be repealed. while i know this is a very devisive issue i must come down on the side of women making the choice. (incidentally, i really do have credentials as a feminist. when i was in business i had the very first office in the nation for mc millan publishing that had all female managers. i always promoted on ability and results and never on sex, or color. i have three daughters and have been married (or living together as man and wife) 6 times. my ex-wives and my daughters all like me and my wives will tell you that though i can be an asshole (hey, who can't?) they have no doubt that not only do i like women i respect them and treat them as equals.
5A. HIS POSITION ON EQUAL PAY FOR EQUAL WORK. why is it that a women makes less than a man for the same work? that is sexism at it's worst and must be stopped before we can really become a nation of equals.
6. HIS OPPOSITION TO THE WAR IN IRAQ. it was an illegal and immoral war against a country that had done nothing to us. iraq was not part of 9-11. there were no iraqis on those planes. there were no weapons of mass destruction. there was no connection between iraq and al qaeda and as a matter of RECORD, osama bin laden hated saddam hussain and the feeling was mutual. HE ALONE OF ALL THE CANDIDATES FOR PRESIDENT, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF DENNIS K., WAS AGAINST THE WAR FROM GET GO. compare that with john mc cain's enthusiastic support for the war even though john mc cain DID NOT READ THE INTELLIGENCE REPORTS THAT HAD ALL THE CAVEATS IN THEM ABOUT HOW THE INTELLIGENCE COULD BE WRONG. whose judgement was correct here? one rushed to war, while the other cautioned against it until all the facts were in. because of this, i am afraid that john mc cain would rush us into another war in the middle east, guaranteeing more hatred for america, more risk to american lives, more risk to american interests and even more drain on our treasury. we are spending TEN BILLION PER MONTH IN IRAQ, we need to get out of there as soon as possible and obama will hopefully do this and i am afraid that mc cain would not.
7. TAXES. obama will give a tax cut to everyone making less than $250,000 per year. obama will repeal the bush tax cuts for the rich. mc cain will give no tax cuts to the middle class and will continue the failed policy of bush of giving huge tax breaks to the rich and to corporations. I CANNOT EMPHAZISE THIS ENOUGH: TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS DOES NOT WORK! IT HAS NEVER WORKED! IT WILL NEVER WORK! HISTORY HAS PROVEN THIS OVER AND OVER. IT DOESN'T WORK FOLKS! DON'T BE FOOLED AGAIN! if anyone needs a break from taxes it is the middle class, not the rich. our wages have stagnated during the bush years....do you want more of the same? the middle class is the backbone of not only our country, but our financial success or failure. the gap between the rich and the rest of us is widening and if we are not careful we will end up as so many third world countries are, with a small percentage of the population rich and the rest of us in varying degrees of poor. anyone who does not think this could happen to us is not aware of history. we would not be the first great empire that crumbled over debts caused by foriegn wars and raiding of the treasury at home. (see rome, greece, persia, babylon, england, spain, france, etc.) some sank into oblivion and some came back from the edge but none regained their influence and world wide power. england is still hanging on, as is france, but we are supporting them.
8. HEALTH CARE. one of the biggest threats to our economy is the ever growing cost of health care. obama's plan, while not perfect, is so much better than mc cains as to be laughable. it is not "socialism" to bring health care to ALL OF OUR PEOPLE it is just common fucking sense. the cost of health care keeps rising, but if you look at where the money is going, it is not to the doctors and nurses but to the insurance companies and the large corporations that now own our hospitals. we must stop this upward spiral or it will cripple us in more ways than one. by allowing people to buy into a federal insurance plan THAT IS ALREADY THERE and making that plan cover pre-existing conditions, which WOULD NOT HAPPEN UNDER THE REPUBLICAN PLAN, we protect ourselves from financial disaster.
9. GREEN ENERGY. obama's plan is to invest billions into making america free from our dependence on oil. we have 3% of the world's oil reserves and we consume 25% of the oil. we are supporting regimes around the world instead of bringing that money back home. we cannot drill our way out of this folks. we don't have enough oil to do that. we need wind power, solar power, electrical power, wave power, thermal power and the myriad of other possible cures that could be out there. we won't find them unless we make a concentrated effort to do so. john mc cain is too tied to the oil companies and has been against every clean energy idea ever floated in front of him. we live in the 21st century and we must get 21st century ideas to confront 21st century problems. TO ME, SENATOR OBAMA REPRESENTS THE FUTURE, WHILE JOHN MC CAIN REPRESENTS THE PAST AND NO SINGLE ISSUE MORE ILLUSTRATES THIS THAN THE ENERGY POLICIES OF THE TWO. oh, john mc cain is giving lip service to green energy, but look at his past votes on the issues. he is in the pocket of the oil companies and obama is not.
10. JOB CREATION. what we need to do, in my opinion, is to use federal monies to create jobs and millions of jobs could be created with the GREEN ENERGY push that was described above. beyond that, senator obama has stated that we will use the vast power of the treasury to create jobs, not only in energy but in rebuilding our roads, our bridges, our schools and other infrastructure components. think of what ten billion per month would do if it were spent here creating jobs for americans instead of being spent in iraq.
11. OUR INTERNATIONAL REPUTATION. when we attacked iraq without provocation we made enemies of millions of muslims and lost the respect of most of the western world. we have been bullies on the international scene for all of the bush years and we are hated for it. the election of senator obama would do wonders for our reputation by showing that we are moving beyond the bellicose unilateralism of bush, cheney and mc cain. WE NEED TO TALK TO OUR SO-CALLED ENEMIES BEFORE WE START BOMBING. that is a major difference between john mc cain, who seems to like war over peace, and senator obama. when george bush called iraq, iran and north korea the AXIS OF EVIL, it ensured that the populace of those countries feared and hated us. INCIDENTLY, ONCE AGAIN, THOSE THREE COUNTRIES HAD ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH 9-11. that kind of belligerent war-mongering and name-calling does nothing for our international reputation except to pull it down. while americans may not know history, the rest of the world does. we may like to think that we can go it alone but the truth of the matter is that we live in an integrated world and we must make allies and friends much more so than we need to make more enemies. john mc cain likes to make a big deal out of obama saying he would meet with the heads of countries that don't like us but to me, the willingness to talk before fighting is the mark of great men not little men.
12. THE SUPREME COURT. if elected, obama will have a chance to put someone on the supreme court who will look at the constitution as something that guards the rights of citizens over the rights of government and corporations. the present court with its conservative majority has consistently favored corporations over citizens and, i believe, that must change. also the supreme court could overturn roe v. wade if mc cain comes into power. that alone would make me want to vote for obama. the republican party is the party of the rich and the corporations and their supreme court nominees have toed the party line and we need to put a stop to that.
13. THE RACIAL ASPECT. an election of a person of color would show not only the world, but ourselves, that we have moved past our racial divide. the saying of parents all across this country that "anyone can become president" would ring so loudly and so clearly, that i believe it will do wonders for our country. it would remove an excuse that some of color use that this is strictly a white person's country and make them re-evulate their beliefs. the election of senator obama will ring the bell of freedom for all our people, white, black, brown, asian, native american and all the others who have come to these shores seeking freedom and equality. we would show the world that we practice what we preach.
i know there are men and women of good conscience who do not agree with me. i know that there are millions who do love this country as much as i do who will disagree with my take on these matters. that does not make them bad people, nor bad citizens, and because i know my own stupidity more than anyone does, i know i could be wrong...but in my heart of hearts and my soul of souls i don't believe i am. i really think that senator obama is our absolute best choice for president in this year of our lord, 2008.