Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Friday, December 02, 2011

they way we are and how we got here.

name recognition test: enron, raptor, condor, chewbacca, dennis kozlowski, tyco, worldcom, bernard ebbers, adelphia communications, martha stewart/merrill lynch, subprimes, cdo's and last, but certainly not least, standard and poors. they are the rougues gallery of the collapse of the american dream

m. stewart got included because she is a symbol of insider trader information, not because she brought anything or anyone down. all the others cost us trillions when added together, ruined tens of thousands of lifes, brought europe to ints knees and cost a gppd portion of the american public their life savings. nothing serious. and all these scams got great tiple AAA ratings from standard and poors, you know, the PRIVATE company that downgraded the usa's credit rating. repeat after me: we are so fucked.

if you don't know what or who these names represent then you are part of the problem. they are lessons in how we got to where we are, the facilitators of the collapse of the american dream. they are the scams and scammers of the past 15 years or so, look them up. read about the housing market collapse...nothing happens in a vacuum; anyone who stays silent is cupable,

i tried to warn people about the housing collapse way before it happened but no one listens to a drug addled comic in las vegas, everyone is smarter than i am, everyone knew that housing prices could go up 15-20% per year while wages stayed flat, why listen to me? everyone knew that giving loans to people with poor credit and a bad job resume was jut a hunky dory idea for public money (fannie mae and mac) and private banks (countrywide and bank of america to name two) why listen to me?

i said when bush II came into office that he was going to set up some kind of financial scam for his cohorts because that is what the bush family does....see neal bush and the savings and loans of the 80's. find out more about the brother the press NEVER mentions, marvin. see how exactly georgie boy became a "successful businessman" with his holdings in the texas rangers and the sudden infusion of PUBLIC money into that forlorn franchise. but no one listened, i was obviously just ranting and raving and what did i know anyway?

so, now here we are, no jobs, no credit, no manufucturing, europe staggering, the middle east still sucking lives and money out of the treasury and so who does the american public blame?...why, obviously it is barrack obama's fault. fuck me. fuck you. fuck us all. oh, and merry christmas.


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