Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
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Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

this is something i wrote about how the workers are being fucked and someone wrote back and said that it was a perversion of capitalism and i answer:

well, actually it is capitalism taken to its logical conclusion. since i am one of the 16 americans (or so it seems) who read marx, who was a, for lack of better term, a financial philosopher, and he forsaw just what is happening here and in europe verily as we speak and that is that capitalism will eventually eat itself as the big get bigger and the small are swallowed up in the feeding frenzy. where profits take precendent over everything else which includes, of course, worker safety, worker wages, worker working enviroment and worker safety net such as pensions, retirement, health care etc. for years, unions stood in the way of capitalism running amok but since ronnie, i can't recall, reagan was in office there has been a concerted effort to break the unions and, for the most, that effort has succeeded and we all are paying the price. marx said that communism will only come to being in an industrialized country (which is why it didn't work in russia) because capitalism is necessary for the establishment of factories, roads, shipping, warehouses, etc etc etc etc but once that was accomplished, which it has been, then the inherent weakness of capitalism will become evident to all with the exception of the ultra rich. the computer age and robotic factories are hurrying the process along. see, the rich have a real problem and that is what are they going to do with all of us who are no longer necessary? communism is only a threat to the ultra rich and that is why for almost 100 years capitalistic countries have said what a horrible thing communism is. the very idea of equality is foriegn to a capitalist, the very idea of living wages and upward mobility is frowned upon by the rich. you may think otherwise but history is going to show that i am right. there will come a revolution of the people here and in europe and out of that revolution will come chaos and out of the chaos will come a new form of government which will be either a dictatorship or communism. i probably won't be alive to see the end result but many of you reading this will be. a strong leader here could push back the arrival time of said revolution but it is inevitable, we are seeing a forerunner of sorts all across the middle east where the common denominator in egypt, lybia, tunisia, syria, yeman, et al is the lack of work and the income disparity. hmmmm. all of the dictators of those countries and their cohorts stole billions from the people and now the people want an accounting. our wealth has been stolen as well but we had a middle class which acted as a buffer between the modern robber barons and the rest of us but that middle class is being battered on all sides and so now, who speaks for you and me? NO ONE.
about an hour ago ยท Like


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