Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Sunday, October 05, 2008

o.j., dodgers, marx, mc cain and ike.

when asked how long the jury had deliberated before convicting o.j. one said, "13 years."

to the day of his acquittal 13 years ago, o.j. goes down. maybe now he can concentrate on finding the "real killers" in the nevada pen since he couldn't find them on the florida golf courses.

dodgers looked really good and (sorry scotty) the cubs looked demoralized. the curse goes on.

marx said that capitalism would fail due to its own greed and decadence. he also said that they would hang the last capitalist with the rope they bought from the next to last capitalist. but, hey not to worry, john mc cain told us two weeks ago that the "fundamentals of the economy were strong." besides no one knows how to tie a hangman's noose any more.

before all of you start screaming out there let me point out that NONE of you are capitalists. a capitalist is someone who lives off his or her money (capital) while the rest of us work for a living. in one of the great scams of language, capitalists have convinced workers that they, the workers, are capitalists when in reality most of us would be what would be accurately called, "free enterprisers" incidentally, the COMMUNIST government of china allows free enterprise to a degree but do not allow (to my knowledge) capitalists. but we all know, because our politicians have told us, that communism does not and cannot work. but our same politicians go to china, hat in hand, and borrow money from them to pay for our wars, our deficit spending, our fiscal irresponsibility and now, our bail out of the capitalist system of wall street. irony escapes most Americans.

while the economy sinks into the good old red, white and blue sunset, john, i am on top of it, mc cain will, from here on out, viciously attack obama on anything and everything. he will be portrayed as a terrorist, a muslim, a crook, etc etc etc but john mc cain will not want to talk about the economy. he will not want to talk about his own support of george w. bush's economic policies. matter of fact, if you listen to mc cain you would think that bush has been dead for quite a while since his name is never mentioned in republican circles anymore. (in one of the states, don't remember which one, republicans have requested that the R in front of their names be replaced with GOP on the ballots; hoping, of course, that americans will be stupid enough not to realize that they are one and the same. "oh no, we are not republicans...we are gopers. LOL)

going back to that statement, "the fundalmentals of the economy are strong" does anyone really believe that he meant the american workers. that fundalmentals and workers are one and the same? ??? joe? jt? come on now, the man is an economic idiot and it is time for all to admit it. we can't afford him nor palin anywhere close to the white house. now is not the time to be fucking around. times are tough and they are going to get much worse. mc cain's love of war and of deregulation disqualifies him from the post of president. palin is....well, you know and i know and the world knows what sarah is.... come on now, she doesn't believe in evolution. how much proof do you need?

the army today announced that from here on out they would concentrate their efforts on "nation building" instead of fighting conventional wars. which means they plan on invading other countries. fucking great. ADAMS HATED THE IDEA OF A STANDING ARMY because he felt that it became a politicial enity unto itself and, as such, would have too large of a say in national direction and policy. (but what did he know) ike warned of the growing influence of the military-industrial complex but what did he know? 1984 anyone? the department of peace. lol.

when they write the history of the united states in, say, 500 years from now they will write this chapter as a very dark comedy. of how we, as a nation, fiddled around while our rome burned.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The number 13 was very prominent in the OJ Simpson trial. The robbery took place on September 13th, the trial took 13 days, the jury deliberated for 13 hours and he was found guilty 13 years after the murder of his wife.

In esoteric circles the number 13 is not regarded as being unlucky; in fact the 13th principle is known as the Christ principle. How appropriate that the number 13 is so dominant in this situation. Even so, I sure hope his sentence is longer than 13 years.

2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to refresh your memory...

7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is a New York Times article about wealthy capitalists in communist China.

5:28 PM  

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