Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

the president's speech...

ah jesus, even though i knew basically what obama was going to say actually hearing it made me feel ill to my stomach. what bullshit! what gall! what warmongering jingoistic bombast! i am amazed he was not booed by the camera people. so, as i said on face book here is the great peacemaker at work...he increases troop levels in the "surge" by 30,000 and now he is "withdrawing" 33,000 leaving "only" 67,000 (or thereabouts) which, oh fellow liberals, about twice the number of troops there when he took office. smoke and mirrors. and next year, he will consult with his "generals" to get their view on what to do then. (here is a prediction...generals are going to be in favor of war....what cha think?) and during the speech not nary a word about what to do about the troops in iraq.

now, not to be outdone in warmongering, rep. boehner was quick to beat the drums of war and death immediately after obama's litany of lies and pussyfooting by saying that we had to stay until the taliban is defeated...which, of course, would be like...oh let's say...never.

the only good thing i heard on tv today was on msnbc where rachael m. said that polls showed that 72% of the american people wanted us out of afghanistan ASAP. of course, the american people want jobs too but hey, fuck 'em, what do they know? i think that they may know that the large amounts of money we are spending (giving to the military industrial complex that is) in iraq and afghanistan would be put to better use and betterment of the american people if that same amount of money was spent here on say building bridges or repairing roads or even paying down the debt. but no, that ain't gonna happen. the war party has spoken and we will be in the middle east until we piss enough of them off to actually explode a nuclear weapon here. and they will get that weapon from pakistan. that is the end result if we don't get out. the people in afghanistan, pakistan, iraq, iran, yeman, saudi arabia et al see us as imperialistic invaders, which, of course, we are. and they will resort to the most desperate of means to get us out. and that is what is going to happen unless we, the people, demand that we stop these stupid, foolish, expensive, murderous wars that are being fought in our name.

in the meantime, republican candidate for president , john huntsman, has been running a commercial on tv that shows him riding a motorcycle through rough country. (set to music of course but no dialogue, just his name...huntsman for president.) ahhhh, but it is not huntsman on the bike. lol. unfuckingbelievable.

to quote the late great bill hicks WAKE UP AMERICA


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