Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


it is early in the morning, rhonda still asleep and i find myself worrying more and more about the state of the union as i read the morning paper. in the last couple of days there have been articles about ceo's increasing their pay while at the same time cutting benefits for the workers. all of this while health care costs go up 48% as the insurance companies are trying to get every last dime they possibly can before a national health care system comes into play. (of course, the nhc that obama passed is so complex, so convoluted and still slanted towards the insurance companies as to be better than nothing but not by much.) unless something is done by the national government we are going to slide farther and farther down the ladder to depression. on the other hand, however, the national government is so tied up in partisan quibbling that we ought to give each and ever person in congress and obama himself a violin to play while america burns.

no one in washington seems to grasp the obvious...we need jobs. the republicans say that the government cannot create jobs only the private sector can do that but the fact of the matter is that american corporations are sitting on record amounts of cash while at the same time they are making the workers put in longer hours and do more tasks instead of hiring.

in the depths of the great depression fdr tried two things...first the cpa which put money into the hands of private contractors and they were supposed to create the jobs. what happened, of course, is that the contractors made off with the money and very few jobs were created and the situation got worse. finally harry hopkins convinced fdr to put people to work directly through the government and the cwp was created. FOUR MILLION JOBS WERE CREATED IN THE FIRST FOUR MONTHS. and depression was avoided. will we do the same here in 2011? not a fucking chance.


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