into the chicago night
in houston, one of the radio announcers used to say, whenever a houston pitcher walked a lead off man, "oh, dem bases on balls." well, the cubs should learn that expression, ryan dempster, who normally is a good control pitcher, walked the bases loaded with two outs and then gave up a grand slam...oh dem bases on balls. dodgers win! now the cubbies have to win 3 out of the next 4 and that won't be easy. can the dodgers lose? absolutely. will they? probably not. go dodgers.
tomorrow night, that shining light of republican thought, sarah palin, will debate joe biden. gun toting, moose killing, serially pregnant, tax raising, pork (the financial kind) eating, book banning, bridge to nowhere promoting, nonbeliever in evolution, pitbull with lipstick, joe six pack pandering, bright eyed, bushy tailed sarah, who has trouble answering even the simplest of questions, is going to be in a debate with a united states senator. for real! rome burns and sarah could be vice president. lordy lordy.
market goes down
market goes up
market holds steady
(still down but holding)
what gives?
now the senate has added some more billions to the bill they have passed another version and now we all wait for the representatives to come back from jewish holiday and give us their verdict.
for those of you who don't read the comments, one of them told me that this is all the democrat's fault.
you gotta love republicans; they are always good for a laugh. and a deficit. and an illegal war or two. and always an excuse, a blame, a name to call.
we have secret prisons. it is the democrats who run them, you know.
we torture people. damn those democrats.
there were no wmd's in iraq....the democrats must have hidden them.
and brownie did a great was the liberal press that did him under
we haven't caught the one person who was responsible for 9-11, osama bin laden...the democrats are hiding him out.
the markets crashed, wall street in shambles and it is all the democrat's fault.
and george is just unlucky
and sarah palin is a genius who keeps getting asked "gotcha questions" such as "what newspapers do you read?" damn that liberal press. trying to make her look bad.
do you know if you make a 5 dollar contribution to planned parenthood in sarah palin's name they will send her a thank you note. (here is her address) sarah palin c/o, mc cain for president/sarah palin , 1235 s. clark street, 1st floor, arlington, va. 22202
website for planned parenthood donations is
send this to your women friends so they can make a contribution to pp and get a good laugh out of it as well.
p.s. sarah believes that humans and dinosars walked the earth at the same time. she could be the vice president of the united states. and there are millions of people who are going to vote for mc cain/palin in november.
"you can fool some of the people all of the time." yep.
and one other thing while i am rambling here....those people who post comments hardly ever stick to the subject of my blog, they just go off on some tangent. they don't make arguments against or for my points, just some twisting of facts and evasions of the obvious. always against democrats or obama or me but NEVER for mc cain or his policies. Never FOR palin, just against the ones who are aghast at her. but remember, they are not racists. they just can't think of why they are for mc cain, but they have lots of reasons, most of which don't make any sense, of why they are against senator obama. but they aren't racists. one of them said that a big part of the housing problems is that we let minorities buy houses. but he is not a racist. "obama is an empty suit". is that brilliant reasoning or what? the editor of the harvard law review, the professor of constitutional law, the united states senator is an empty suit. and a nigger, of course.
none of them have ever addressed my point about bush starting an illegal and immoral war in iraq, a country that had no weapons of mass destruction, that did not have ties to al qaida, that had never done anything to us. they do not address the deaths of over 4,000 american boys and girls and the deaths of tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of iraqis. no, they don't want to talk about that. fascist motherfuckers. opps did i say that? they don't want to talk about torture and secret prisons. fascist motherfuckers. opps, there i go again. they don't want to talk about bush, you know the one they voted for and would vote for again if they could, who signed habeous corpus away, who said that the constitution and the geneva conventions did not apply whenever national security was involved. fascist motherfuckers. they want to talk about how the democrats ruined the economy. if they weren't so dangerous to life and liberty they would be comical.
no, of course you're not racists.
no, of course you're not facists.
you're just republicans.
tomorrow night, that shining light of republican thought, sarah palin, will debate joe biden. gun toting, moose killing, serially pregnant, tax raising, pork (the financial kind) eating, book banning, bridge to nowhere promoting, nonbeliever in evolution, pitbull with lipstick, joe six pack pandering, bright eyed, bushy tailed sarah, who has trouble answering even the simplest of questions, is going to be in a debate with a united states senator. for real! rome burns and sarah could be vice president. lordy lordy.
market goes down
market goes up
market holds steady
(still down but holding)
what gives?
now the senate has added some more billions to the bill they have passed another version and now we all wait for the representatives to come back from jewish holiday and give us their verdict.
for those of you who don't read the comments, one of them told me that this is all the democrat's fault.
you gotta love republicans; they are always good for a laugh. and a deficit. and an illegal war or two. and always an excuse, a blame, a name to call.
we have secret prisons. it is the democrats who run them, you know.
we torture people. damn those democrats.
there were no wmd's in iraq....the democrats must have hidden them.
and brownie did a great was the liberal press that did him under
we haven't caught the one person who was responsible for 9-11, osama bin laden...the democrats are hiding him out.
the markets crashed, wall street in shambles and it is all the democrat's fault.
and george is just unlucky
and sarah palin is a genius who keeps getting asked "gotcha questions" such as "what newspapers do you read?" damn that liberal press. trying to make her look bad.
do you know if you make a 5 dollar contribution to planned parenthood in sarah palin's name they will send her a thank you note. (here is her address) sarah palin c/o, mc cain for president/sarah palin , 1235 s. clark street, 1st floor, arlington, va. 22202
website for planned parenthood donations is
send this to your women friends so they can make a contribution to pp and get a good laugh out of it as well.
p.s. sarah believes that humans and dinosars walked the earth at the same time. she could be the vice president of the united states. and there are millions of people who are going to vote for mc cain/palin in november.
"you can fool some of the people all of the time." yep.
and one other thing while i am rambling here....those people who post comments hardly ever stick to the subject of my blog, they just go off on some tangent. they don't make arguments against or for my points, just some twisting of facts and evasions of the obvious. always against democrats or obama or me but NEVER for mc cain or his policies. Never FOR palin, just against the ones who are aghast at her. but remember, they are not racists. they just can't think of why they are for mc cain, but they have lots of reasons, most of which don't make any sense, of why they are against senator obama. but they aren't racists. one of them said that a big part of the housing problems is that we let minorities buy houses. but he is not a racist. "obama is an empty suit". is that brilliant reasoning or what? the editor of the harvard law review, the professor of constitutional law, the united states senator is an empty suit. and a nigger, of course.
none of them have ever addressed my point about bush starting an illegal and immoral war in iraq, a country that had no weapons of mass destruction, that did not have ties to al qaida, that had never done anything to us. they do not address the deaths of over 4,000 american boys and girls and the deaths of tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of iraqis. no, they don't want to talk about that. fascist motherfuckers. opps did i say that? they don't want to talk about torture and secret prisons. fascist motherfuckers. opps, there i go again. they don't want to talk about bush, you know the one they voted for and would vote for again if they could, who signed habeous corpus away, who said that the constitution and the geneva conventions did not apply whenever national security was involved. fascist motherfuckers. they want to talk about how the democrats ruined the economy. if they weren't so dangerous to life and liberty they would be comical.
no, of course you're not racists.
no, of course you're not facists.
you're just republicans.
I'm not exactly sure who you are addressing here but if it's me, then I'd like to clear a few things up for you. Pardon me if I sound a bit harsh but I find it rather insulting that Obama supporters have to cry racism at the drop of a hat any time you criticize the man. It is the left that constantly refers to him as "the first African American candidate" completely forgetting the fact that he is genetically half white, was raised by a white mother, an Indonesian man and a white grandmother. If race just has to be an issue, it is the left that constantly brings up race when confronted with any opposition concerning Senator Obama. The fact of the matter is that Obama has surrounded himself with known Marxist radicals his entire adult life. THAT is the problem I have with Obama. He's a Socialist. I'm a Libertarian. Period. I don't give a shit if he's green or purple.
And another thing... I have NEVER brought up race as an issue, claimed to be a Republican, or used the word "nigger". I have never even seen the word "nigger" used here EVER until YOU used it.
I tried to explain to you what caused the housing bubble to burst and you scream racism. Typical. Then you bring up the tired left-wing mantra of "Bush lied - Iraq war - no WMD" crap like that has anything to do with it. Here's a newsflash for you: The President can't start a war EVER. Congress does that. Read the fucking Constitution while we still have one. The Iraq War Resolution was passed in the House by a vote of 296-133 and passed the Senate by a vote of 77-23. More than two thirds in both houses otherwise known as "veto proof" legislation. The President cannot use the Armed Forces of the United States in any way whatsoever without the direct approval of Congress. Period. Senators Clinton, Edwards and Kerry all voted for it. EVERYBODY fucked up concerning Iraq so that's enough of that shit.
As far as the housing bubble goes, this is the most party-neutral explanation I can find for you.
Here's an excerpt:
Housing prices soared. The bubble now has burst. With mortgage foreclosures mounting and big banks and thrifts going bust, like the record-breaking Washington Mutual last week, the finger pointing begins as to who let it happen.
The answer: Just about everybody who could have put the brakes on failed to do it, often with the best of intentions.
In 1999, for example, Fannie Mae Corp., the nation's biggest underwriter of home mortgages, announced it was easing the credit requirements on loans that it would purchase from banks and other lenders. The purpose was to help increase home ownership among minorities and others whose incomes, credit ratings and savings were too low for them to qualify for conventional loans.
Their alternative was "subprime" loans, which could charge three or four percentage points higher than conventional rates. Faced with those whopper rates, many prospective buyers figured they might as well keep renting.
Fannie Mae's pilot program, announced by its chairman, Franklin D. Raines, allowed qualified buyers to pay as little as one additional percentage point for a conventional 30-year fixed rate mortgage. After two years, that extra point would be dropped if the borrower had kept up his or her monthly payments.
Of course, Fannie Mae was taking on more risk. But Fannie Mae also was being pressured by the Clinton administration to help working-class home buyers, by its stockholders to grow more profits, and by banks, thrifts and mortgage companies who wanted to make more subprime loans possible. Soon the entire lending industry was being pressured to ease up on considerations of income, credit history, down payment and closing costs in determining the creditworthiness of customers.
You can read the entire article here:
I'm terribly sorry that the author, Clarence Page, uses the word "minority" in his article here since it seems to offend you so. Maybe it will help you to know that Mr. Page is also black. Or "African American" or whatever term you feel you have to stick on him regarding his race. You can even call him a "nigger" if you want to but let's make it real clear that I NEVER used that word.
Just my two cents. Your turn.
I am pleased to announce that I am now offering my services as a speechwriter for the Obama campaign:
My fellow Americans: To insure America’s future, we need to consider broader principles. Not just ordinary principles, but those that inspired the Constitution and the very foundations of our great society. These are the principles that resound in the hearts of every citizen, that make us better people, that inspire us all to do better. I’m referring here to very broad principles, those that, uh, transcend ordinary principles and promise the usher in the great accomplishments that are yet to come.
In order to make these principles work, we need change. Not just ordinary change, but substantial change. I’m not talking about pocket change. I mean real change for the future. Every American now feels the need for change, and the capacity for change is entirely within ourselves. We can as a society achieve great things as long as we are willing to change. We therefore must be ready to transform ourselves, for you cannot have change without some kind of transformation taking place.
I, Barack Obama, your candidate for President, represent principles, change, and transformation. Trust in me. Wear a blue shirt tonight.
I have to go now, to get back to working on my acceptance speech and redesigning the Presidential Seal.
"none of them have ever addressed my point about bush starting an illegal and immoral war in iraq, a country that had no weapons of mass destruction"
OK. I'll address it. But you aren't going to like it.
I'm going to quote the most liberal news website I can think of on this one, MSNBC. Ready?
Secret U.S. mission hauls uranium from Iraq
The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein's nuclear program — a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium — reached a Canadian port Saturday to complete a secret U.S. operation that included a two-week airlift from Baghdad and a ship voyage crossing two oceans.
The removal of 550 metric tons of "yellowcake" — the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment — was a significant step toward closing the books on Saddam's nuclear legacy. It also brought relief to U.S. and Iraqi authorities who had worried the cache would reach insurgents or smugglers crossing to Iran to aid its nuclear ambitions.
What's now left is the final and complicated push to clean up the remaining radioactive debris at the former Tuwaitha nuclear complex about 12 miles south of Baghdad — using teams that include Iraqi experts recently trained in the Chernobyl fallout zone in Ukraine.
You can read it for yourself right here:
I seriously doubt ol' Saddam was shooting for a nuclear power plant.
I'm not a Bush fan either but hanging this albatross around his neck personally is just plain wrong. Look at what was said by everyone involved.
"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line." --President Bill Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998
"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program." --President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998
"We urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs."
Letter to President Clinton, signed by Democratic Senators Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, Oct. 9, 1998
"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."
-Rep. Nancy Pelosi , Dec. 16, 1998
"We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country."
-- Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002
"Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power."
-- Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002
"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction."
-- Sen. Ted Kennedy Sept. 27, 2002
"I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force, if necessary, to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security."
-- Sen. John F. Kerry Oct. 9, 2002
"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
-- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002
Everyone in Congress wanted Saddam taken out at the time. And it was Congress that voted to do it. They could have said no and Bush couldn't have done jack shit about it.
All that being said, I have no idea why in the hell we still have anyone in the armed forces still over there. Saddam has been dead for almost 2 years and his sons were killed early on.
I was all for them taking his ass out to start with but this has indeed been handled poorly by nearly everyone involved. I'll give you that. But it sure as hell wasn't all just Bonehead Bush's idea.
Ronno, Ronno, Ronno....
Go Dodgers?
You're breaking my heart.
I still love you, pally....
in CHICAGO, Ill.
..and as far as "nigger" goes. That word should be front and center. The most clueless of the McCain supporters that I have met (and I have met more than a few) make their top reason for voting for the old man "I ain't votin' for no nigger" This is why the race is close. Make no mistake about it. If Adolf Hitler was running against Obama, it would probably still be neck and neck. Intelligent, informed people would be behind Barack--just as they are now, and the rest of the red states would be goose-stepping behind Schickelgruber just because he wasn't a "nigger"
j.t. you will soon learn that using facts and logic here is pointless. They won't have it.
It is a constant never-ending blame America, blame Bush scenario. It is typically liberal. It's how they think.
Your points are irrefutable but it just doesn't matter. They won't listen. All they here is the rhetoric of Obama. His speeches.
I've asked more times than I can count to name one thing - just one thing that Obama has accomplished as a Senator. I know it's a trick question since he has accomplished nothing but I'd still love to hear their answer.
And as for the debate - in typical liberal fashion they have stacked the deck with another left wing liberal Obama sycophant. You have to love the left. Blame everyone else and stack the deck to give softball questions to liberals so they never have to give their position on anything.
Oh wait - change. That's right. Change. Whatever that is.
Ron, you are truly a hypocrite. You say we never say why we are against B. Hussein. I've list it many times - he is a socialist, he associates himself with racist hate mongers, felons, and known terrorists. His wife is a racist. He has never held a job in the private sector, he has no experience. He has never done anything except talk an write. He is anti-gun, pro partial birth abortion. He insults middle American telling them they 'cling to guns and religion'. Should I go on? Don't you read.
Why do I like Palin? She is genuine. She is everything the liberals hate - self-made, self-sufficient, loves her family, has experience as a mayor and governor. But you don't like her because she kills a moose? And you all me a racist? Yet you know you'd never vote for Condi Rice ever. Answer - are you a racist.
For you to argue that B. Hussein is anything but an empty suit shows your ignorance.
To misrepresent what I said, implying I said that the housing crisis because we let minorities by houses in a flat out lie and you know it. But that is how you operate. What I said was, that the problem was that we allowed people who couldn't afford to repay loans to buy homes they couldn't afford under the giese of Affirmitive Action and helping minorities. I said that NO ONE who can't afford it should be given a load they can't repay.
You have shown your true colors. You are a liar and a socialist. You are consumed and blinded by hatred. And, by your own definition, you are a racist.
Oh yeah - have you managed to come up with the ONE THING that B. Hussein has accomplished yet?.... I didn't think so.
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