Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Friday, October 10, 2008

and the winner is......

the stock market is crashing, jobs are being shed by the thousands, millions are out of work, millions more are about to lose their homes and john mc cain wants to talk about william ayers. of course he does because he has no ideas, no plans, no policies other than extend tax breaks to millionaires and going to war against iran.

did it ever accord to anyone that the real winner in all of this is osama bin laden? when he attacked us back in 2001 his plan was that we would over react and attack muslim countries. bush played right into his hands and committed, not only our military, but our treasury to his ego driven iraqi war. he even kept the costs of the war "off the books" so the financial drain was hidden from view. think about what our country would look like if we had not spent all that money on iraq and instead had used it to do necessary work here in the good old u. s. of a. our roads are horrible, our bridges need vital repairs (remember Minneapolis), schools need to be built, etc etc etc. with those billions spent here in america would we be in the crisis that is crippling our country? (i guess bush was right: iraq is part of our national has made it much worse.)

one of my fans wrote on the hrshock address and asked why we are not legalizing marijuana since that alone would raise billions in tax dollars. good question. the answer, of course, is that the alcohol industry spends millions of dollars to be sure that marijuana never is considered for legalization because it would cut their profits immensely. marijuana is so much a better drug than alcohol and every thinking person, whether they smoke it or not, knows that to be true. it is non addictive, never has killed anyone, does not lead users to "harder" drugs, does not cause anti-social behavior in it's users and could be grown by average citizens. we could issue a "growers tax stamp" for growers and then they could go into business and report their income on section C of their tax returns.

ah hell, we don't need the money. have a drink. get sloshed. wreck your car. kill someone. start a fight. abuse your wife and kids. good ol' alcohol.

on the economy: write your representatives in congress and tell them we need job creation. if, we the people, pull our collective heads out of our collective asses and start pressuring congress to do something concrete for the american worker, they, being the whores that they are, will finally respond.

i will go into the false accusations against ACORN tomorrow. i know joe will be pleased.

go dodgers.

peace to us all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

BINGO! I've been saying that for years!
End the drug war entirely and you save so many billions of SPENDING it would make your head spin.

You'll love this page.
You can actually watch the money go down the drain on the Drug War Clock. It also keeps count of arrests. That is getting close to 2 million people a year. We have more people in jail than Russia does for crying out loud. Do the math on that at an average of 27,000 bucks a head every year. You quote John Adams a lot. I bet ol' John would shit a brick if he knew we jailed people for merely possessing a plant. It's insane. And it's unconstitutional to boot.

All you have to do is sell pot like cigarettes at your local 7-11 and tax the shit out of them. People would pay 15 to 20 bucks a pack easy. That's probably less than they pay now but I'm not sure what the going price is nowdays.

If congress grew a collective brain and implemented the Fair Tax at the same time, we'd be in high cotton in 6 months time.

Hell, if Obama said he would do those two things I might even vote for him. Socialism couldn't get a firm foothold anymore in America with the Fair Tax in place.

3:59 PM  
Blogger R2KABA said...

Sure Ron. False accusations. That's it. Under investigation in 12 states, and now massive voter fraud in Florida too. 30,000 felons registered. A high percentage, democrats.

This is exactly why your side will refuse to require ID to vote. Those dead people, felon, and illegal immigrants have a hard time producing ID. That is of course, unless they have to cash the welfare checks.

Oh wait, an accusation against ACORN must be false. Just like how Ayers was someone who only 'crossed paths' with Obama. Crossed paths for 7 years I guess.

Amazing. This should be good.

1:44 PM  

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