Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Friday, February 29, 2008

fun, fun, FUN!

i told rhonda the other night that i had been mulling over a thought and that was: i have a very limited time left on this earth at best case scenario. twenty years, and that's not long, and i would be 85. fuck, i don't know if i even want to live to be 85. 85 is old. real old. painfully old. i hurt now, jack, give it another 20 years to work on my joints and muscles (what is left of them) and just no telling how exciting waking up is going to be. i'll know when i am awake, i will recognize the pain.

i digress.

point being that having a limit amount of time left; a day or a decade or two, it is a limited amount. it is rare and rarity empacts price. the rarer it is, for the most part, the more costly it is. more precious you might say. i don't want to waste any of my precious time doing something that was not fun. i've got to remember that all of the time. fun is good. fun is fun. fun is funny. funny is fun. i did remember it today doing the shock and dunbar show. we had fun! consequently, we did great radio today.

by mutual agreement between kathleen, myself and our boss, we decided that last week's effort did not count because we weren't sure of just what we were supposed to be doing and then what we did do was not all that good. so today was the very first official show of shock and dunbar. not only that, we got paid for it. we are, officially, doing a radio show. signed, sealed and in this case, delivered. it was fun. did i mention that?

besides, i am ready for another adventure; just because i am old does not limit adventure, it just changes venues. so to speak. for instance, i will no longer ride motorcycles as i did for years. up until 2000, in fact i owned a couple of motorcycles. no longer. i am afraid i would ride afraid. you can't do that. i wouldn't want to lay a bike down again. when you are older, it takes a lot goddamn longer to heal. that's no fun. my reflexes are not what they were and if you are riding a bike in traffic you had better have some good reflexes; on bikes, what would be to a car a fender bender, is or can be fatal. i am going to get a mini cooper s ragtop. that will be fun to drive. a radio career could be another adventure in a life full of them.

how many of you have smuggled hash from africa into spain? thought so. it was an adventure. would not want to do it again but it did get the old adrenilin (sp?) flowing. (i was much younger then) and that is just one of many adventures i have had in my life. watch that bio thing. it is for real. i have done a lot more than i mentioned in that tape. all around the world.... hell, once i was let off a cruise ship in ivory coast, africa in the middle of a fucking revolution! it was an adventure. and fun. i never thought we were in physical danger even though danger did abound. i was with a group of entertainers from the cruise. we were spainish, american, chinese and canadian. we were the piano player so to speak, don't shoot us. and they didn't. not that i haven't been shot. and stabbed. and beaten to a pulp. they were not fun. they were parts of adventures. some were good. some were bad. none were dull. car chases and private airplanes. the south pacific and south louisiana. all in all, i have had a blast! plan on continuing.

today, in my later years, i no longer wish to break any laws (prison or jail is just no fun) nor do i wish to risk life and limb. other than those, i am ready for some new to come my way. strange life, same as strange pussy, is usually pretty good. (i don't do that either anymore. i will admit to having had more than what should have been my share of that good old all american strange pussy.) besides if rhonda ever caught me with another woman she would....(i don't even want to think about it...) it wouldn't be pretty. worse than laying down a motorcycle....

it took me a long time to settle down for one woman at a time. i only have time left for one woman and that is rhonda. she is fun. it is fun living with her. oh, not all times, she can have her moments but, brothers and sisters, so can i. know what i mean? (if you say no, you are a fucking liar)

i am ready for new adventure. i am ready for new fun. i am ready to go rock and roll.

hope you all have fun too. whoever and wherever you are. don't hurt anybody. have some fun.

more rants on obama

i have this theory of why some people dislike or don't trust senator obama and that is he speaks so well and we have become accustumed to politicians who cannot speak at all. george w. bush managles the language, mis-uses words, makes up words and makes no sense while he is doing it. go to c-span and listen to our elected officials as they drone on and on with all the fire of a sloth. ronnie r. won the presidency because he could speak well, remember "morning in america"?

obama says he will bring people from both sides of the aisle together to work together to solve our common problems and he is then accused of being a charlatan. a man who was raised by a mother on food stamps who goes on to be the head of the harvard law review, works as a community organizor on the mean streets of chicago, gets elected to state representative and then gets elected to the united states senate. the american dream jack and he gets dissed for it. what is wrong with people? this guy is the real deal and because he is so good there are people who just can't believe it. oh well, he is going to be our next president and he is going to be a great one so you might as well get used to it.

one of my readers (see first comment post on previous) says that he was a democrat but is going to vote for mc cain instead of "preacher boy." mc cain, who is willing to keep us in iraq for 100 years! who will continue the failed economic policies of george w. bush! mc cain, who has flipped flopped on so many things that it is amazing that people still believe ANYTHING he says. why, well because obama speaks so well. there you go. vote for mc cain and bring the country down even more. but mc cain is not going to win. when he goes head to head with senator obama he will look like the dottering old fool that he is. not to belittle what senator mc cain has accomplished in his life but his time has come and gone and he has sacrificed his own principles in order to be the republican nominee. the north vietamnese tortured him and he would not back down but to get the nomination he has keetowed to the extreme right and changed his positions that he told us he would never change. that is your man? really?

i have said this before but it bears repeating; this is the most important election since world war two. we are losing our position in the world, our economy is on the brink of recession or worse, we are hated and feared world-wide, we have more people locked up than any other country in the world and that includes china, our populace is divided and ill will towards each other is almost the norm, the american dollar no longer is the all powerful force that it once was, we are moving into a world of 5 dollars per gal. for gas and a widening of the gap between rich and poor, our industries are leaving for greener pastures, our armed forces are stretched way beyond the danger point, we are involved in two wars that have no mission so there can be no victory, we are being overrun by illegals from the south, our educational system is in shambles, our kids can't read and they can't do math,they don't know history, real wages are stagnant or going down, we are in the midst of a housing and credit crunch that is going to bring some major banks in bankruptcy, osama bin laden is still out there, etc etc etc. we need a new direction, we need new leaders, we need new ideas, we need someone to bring us together. we don't need more of the fucking same. if you can't see that, you are not seeing the same america i am seeing. we have the ability to bring ourselves out of this but we must unite to do it. we cannot remain divided. we cannot continue on the path that we are on. stick together or hang seperately.

in the past our economy has been our lifeline, we have the largest consumer economy in the world but soon china will overtake us as will russia and the european union. if russia and europe were to join forces economically and change the benchmark currency to either the ruble or the euro or a combination of the two we are fucked. we need new ideas and only obama brings them or the chance of them.

but not to worry, george w. bush, great economist that he is, told us yesterday there will be no recession, that this is just a slow down.

oh well, time will tell. rhonda and i will be alright and like i said before, i am old and will probably die before the shit hits the revolving blades but i still worry for my children and grandchildren, i don't want them to live in a second tier country.

vote democratic in november.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

did you miss me?

back from south carolina where it was really too cool to play golf except for one day. we did, however, find an almost ideal location for a comedy club. my two friends, john and mike, are seriously considering moving there and opening a club. i know john and how he made a club on a resort island work for years and if anyone can do it, he can. i worry that the recession is going to be much worse than people are prepared for and that this may not be the best of times to take that kind of risk. john has a good job here in vegas with one of the major casino groups and mike has just come into a rather large amount of money. i told them all of the above and also told them that i could never, in good faith, advise against following your dream regardless of the situation. oh well, none of you are interested in this.

i think the democratic race will be over on the 4th of march because obama is going to either take both states or it will be so close that the delegate count will be evenly divided and his overall lead will be, for all practical purposes, insurmountable and that hillary will throw in the towel. her lead is shrinking almost hourly it seems and by next week it will be gone in both states.

saw in the paper today that a los angeles times poll found senator mc cain winning over either senator clinton or senator obama. polls this far out before any debates between the two party candidates are just farting in the wind. let the people see and hear both sides at the same time and i truly believe we are in for a democratic landslide come november. mc cain and his hundred year war and his embrace of the bush economic policies will doom him; neither are defensible.

the radio show is now back to sex and politics with some religion and some stories inserted. the higher ups at the network cannot seem to make up their minds about just what they want kathleen and i to do. our show last week was subpar and neither of us was happy with it nor was the program director for that fact. we tape again on friday and here is hoping that we will have our shit more together than we did. an hour long show that is unscripted but without call ins is rather hard to do. scripting it would be even harder. this week i will be working from an outline and each of us will have questions for the other. we shall see.

i am still suffering from the flu i got while in reno but am feeling much better and hope to be on top of my game by next monday because i am working at the trop here in vegas and want to rock the room.

may i recommend john le carre's ABSOLUTE FRIENDS for a great read! an amazing book. THE MISSION SONG is quite good too but a.f. is a masterpiece.

gotta go, lots of work to do around the house. rhonda has the flu as well and with her job and hours during this time of the year it is really tough on her so i need to be of more help here at the old homestead.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

odd posts and just words

i got sick with the flu when i was in reno and am just now starting to feel somewhat human which is good because today is the first official taping of the SHOCK AND DUNBAR SHOW. hip hip hooray! kathleen and i are meeting for lunch to determine what we are going to talk about on the show. the network has given us a green light to talk about anything and everything; at first, if you remember, it was to be about "sex and politics" which is what we did the demo show on but since that one went so well we have been given the green light to go wherever we want. i am going to see if we can put a streaming audio on this website but have to clear it with the radio big wigs. i have also thought of taking a video camera into the studios and filming and then putting that on the website. we shall see, first things first, we gotta go blow 'em away again.

some of the comments i get on these posts are very odd; sometimes they have nothing to do with what i wrote, just a rant of whatever their pet peeve or political outlook may be. on the previous post i got comments about the evils of unions and the sanctiy of capitalists. you will be happy to know that if are a "worker" you are a DRONE. the writer, of course, did not post their name. oh well, always nice to hear from the folks.

on the obama flap about "just words" where he has been accused of plagarism but not by the person who he supposedly plagarized, let me point out that particular, for lack of better word or phrase, 'rant' has been used over and over throughout my lifetime and i have used it myself and have heard many others use it when talking about words and their meanings and motivations. it is an obvious point that can be made:

just words? is that what they are? just words? "we hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal" those are just words?

"that government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the face of the earth." those are just words?

see, you could go on and on using great quotes and then asking, 'are these just words?' or do they somehow express a meaning even greater than the words themselves? many an orator has used this technique to make a point.

granted, con men can speak well. but speaking well does not a con make make. (and i might point out, those who are overly wary of the well-spoken among us usually do not speak well themselves....could it be jealousy?)

and for the 'lack of experience' argument against obama let me refer you to an editorial by george will in today's paper where he pointed out that the man who had probably the best resume ever to be president (10 years in house of representatives, minister to russia, secretary of state during a war that enlarged the nation by 33 percent and then minister to britian) james buchanan, went on to serve one term as president and is regarded by historians are maybe the all time worst president in our history. he was followed by an inexperienced fellow named abe lincoln. when you go to washington d.c. try and find the buchanan memorial.

here is some more "just words" for you........

"god will not have his work be made manifest by cowards."

r.w. emerson

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


boy oh boy, pick a candidate on your blog and you get all kinds of nasty comments. i am not sure just what the milieu is for a blog; apparently some people think that they and not i should determine what i write about. since anyone with access to the internet can set up their own blog i wonder why they should be upset about what i write in mine. wanting me to write what they want to hear is a form of greed. my blog is more for myself than anyone else, a form of mental masturbation if you will, a chance to let the words and thoughts go where they will and how they will. i very seldom edit (other than looking for obvious spelling and sometimes grammer errors) and this makes some of the postings somewhat sloppy and in rereading them i realize i did not make my point clear. but hey, i knew what i meant. lol

sometimes in my stage show i get off on some other subject than the one at hand and my oratory can soar as though on the wings of angels. back when i was a motivational speaker/trainer i was considered as one of the very best and was paid as such. i left that and it's money and it's perks to get into comedy where i could say what i wanted to say and not what others wanted me to. i didn't want to work on maggies farm no more. the few times i have let loose on the comedy stage and gone beyond comedy, beyond commentary, beyond the pale so to speak and let my heart control my tongue, my soul to provide the words and my spirit to give the power i have brought people not only to their feet but to tears and laughter simultaneously. i wish i had that ability in the written arts. but since i don't, you will have to either bear with me as i prattle on or don't visit this blog, i care neither way.

may i share some upton sinclair:

"i find that all the fair and noble impulses of humanity, the dreams of poets and the agonies of martyrs, are shackled and bound in the service of organized and predatory Greed! and therefore i cannot rest, i cannot be silent; therefore i cast aside comfort and happiness, health and good repute---and go out into the world and cry out the pain of my spirit! therefore i am not to silenced by poverty and sickness, not by hatred and obloquy, by threats and ridicule---not by prison and persecution, if they should come---not by any power that is upon the earth or above the earth, that was, or is, or ever can be created.""

that is from THE JUNGLE. (i guess, "as welcome to" but i don't know if axel ever read upton)

so, my friends, i will continue writing what i want but will try to expand my subject matter and have been thinking of putting in some stories of my checkered past that have not been brought up on the stage. some of my burglary stories are quite hair-raising full of close encounters of the armed kind and it was the other guy who was armed, i never carried a weapon and relied on my wits to get me through. oh, they shot at me but they missed.

people seem to be fascinated by a life of crime especially if the crimes were not violent and the only victims were rich. i made it a point of honor never to steal from anyone other than the rich. i may have said this before but it bears repeating: whenever one of my burglaries made the paper, the so-called "victim" claimed that i stole much more than i actually did. this way, the victim could pull off a bigger heist than mine by stealing from the insurance company. (now, i know that in the long run, i and the "victim" did end up stealing from everyone because the insurance company then raised the rates on everyone so my claim to never stealing from anyone other than the rich was and is not accurate.) ((that was a very clumsy sentence but you got what i meant))

"all your cops are criminals
and all your sinners are saints."

i am now telling on stage the story of my trial, escape from los angeles county jail and subsequent sentencing to a maximum security prison in my stage show. (at least some of the time, but you will also find that on LIVE AT 65 which is the latest bootleg video release of mine) several years ago i found an old newspaper story on one of my youthful escapades where the headline was: BOY BANDITS CRASH, FLEE ON PENISULA. that was a hellava of a night. we wrecked a car at a little over 100 miles per hour while being persued by highway patrol (this is not the car chase story of louisiana) and not only walked away from the crash but eluded a fairly massive man hunt and got away clean. one of the reasons we were able to do so is that the car we were in was so badly damaged and both myself and my buddy had sustained cuts on our heads which, as you know, bleed a lot so there was a large amount of blood in the car. the police seeing the car and finding all the blood spent way too much time looking for our bodies instead of throwing up parimeters so, by the time, they actually started actively looking for us we had put some distance between us and them. ah, but some other time will i fill in all these details and maybe scan the newspaper article and post it as well.

in the long run though, you will have to read many more postings about the upcoming election. i care about this country and i care about its future and those two carings cause me to care about this election. we are mired in war and heading into a major recession, we are divided and that division makes us weak and unable to come together to solve our problems. i will make out okay regardless of the outcome and am old enough that i will probably die before the whole country goes down the tubes but, on the other hand, i have children and grandchildren who are going to be around. i owe it to them at least to do what i can to see that they have a better world and a better country. i would want my grandchildren to be able to live in a country that is at peace with itself and with the rest of the world. i would want them to have every possible opportunity to grow into the fullest person they could be. i don't want them working on maggies farm. if i can write one word or one sentence that will cause one person to forsake war where before they embraced it then all my words were worthwhile. i preach peace and brotherhood. (and that surely does piss some people off) my attacks, be they as such, on neo-con, conservatives are on the ideas they express and not on the people. (limbaugh and coulter and bush and, let us not forget, cheney are excepted...these people i really don't like) most of the neo-con conservative are just wrong not evil. being wrong does not make one a bad person it just makes them wrong. but hell, we all have been wrong sometime or another in our lives. as an example, i voted for reagan in 80. i was wrong. he turned out to be a horrible fucking president!

oh well, have a good day. am off to store to buy supplies since i am cooking a pork roast for tonights dinner.

Monday, February 18, 2008

back home with a working computer. reno shows were incredible! should have taken many more c.d.'s than i did since i sold out by first show friday. cool. ended up making only 100 dollars at poker tables for the whole week but i only played about ten hours because i caught the flu and was sick most of the week. i am a little better now but still could use some chicken soup and bed rest so i will be up for the golfing next week.

as a comment on the above: i have spoken to other comics about this and most agree; it is possible to "perform yourself well" or at least, well for the time of the show or shows. i can be sick as a dog, running a fever, coughing up my lungs, on the verge of throwing up and lo and behold go on stage and rock and roll and feel great while i am doing it and for a couple of hours afterwards and then the sickness is back.

my writings about obama have sure stirred some folks up. there is a comment on the last post where some republican has sent in his ideas (not really his, he copied them off the net, but hey, who would think that neo-consactually think for themselves anyway) about what democrats believe. it is anne coulter and rush limbaugh regurgitated. you know, mental vomit. i answered some of his little opinions but got tired of playing....

one of the things that people say about obama is that he is not specific in his ideas. you know where they got that from? hearing other people say that. if you look on his web site he goes into detail on any issue you care to look up. (i had my petty tyrant, obamous, say that she went there and then, as usual, took everything out of context ..there is just no reasoning with some people lol.) the attacks will become more bitter and farfetched as november draws nearer. we already know that the republican neo-con attack machine will hit hillary with everything ifshe is nominated and they are now starting on senator obama as it looks more and more as if he is going to be the one running. they are afraid of obama because he will just slaughter mc cain on every front, from the war to the economy, the republicans are on the wrong side and people are beginning to see that clearly. (it took a while for america to come out of its stupor after the iraqi invasion but they are beginning to see the is an illegal and immoral war against a country which did nothing to us. they can talk about surges and benchmarks and all that other bullshit but it was an illegal and immoral war against a country which did nothing to us and try as they may to obscure that fact, the american people are beginning to see that duck as a duck.)

the right wing will trot out their little boogyboos, "the democrats are going to take away our guns!" is one of their favorites. boy, they sure love those guns don't they? you know what i like best about gun nuts? their wives. i have fucked many a woman whose husband/boyfriend was out with his buddies stoking their guns and telling themselves that gun made them a man. for real. i am not making this up. close to a dozen women whose mates were real gun nuts did, over the years, just fuck me silly and tell me horror stories about their husbands and their inability to either get it up or get it on. i am older now and happily married so it is not me fucking the gun nuts wives.....but someone is.

and psst. i own guns. rifles and handguns. a russian sks from wwII, a walther pp (not the ppk but the pp which was made at the end of wwII for the german army) that my dad took off a german officer, a smith and wesson .357 magnum and a ruger 9mm carbine. and none have been fired in over ten years. the two wwII's are collectors items and the other two were bought when ellen and i had that farm out in the middle of nowhere. everyone who lives on a farm in the middle of nowhere has a gun.

if some right wingers had their way, homosexuality would be a crime. they are way too homophobic for there not to be some hidden desires in the there. see, the right wingers want everyone to be as they tell them they should be. (usually straight, white and republican) they have a problem, it seems, with anyone who is not those three. democrats, liberals and progressives would rather have people what they are. as long as you don't hurt other people, do your own thing is our motto. by the way, almost all of the sex scandals involve republicans. family values. whores and cocks in restrooms. sound like family values to me. see it is not the whores or the cocks in the restrooms it is the hypocrisy that concerns me. i have nothing against prostitution and think, in fact, it should be made legal and i have nothing against sucking cocks (but surely you can find a better place than a public restroom in a busy airport) it is the preaching against it and then doing it that bothers me. i wonder if i could get the right wingers to go for a law against hypocrisy. nah, probably not.

if some right wingers had their way, abortion would be outlawed. (but the vast majority of those who think this way are MEN, who, as we know, don't have babies. matter of fact, as gloria steinem said, if men had babies abortion would be government funded.)

some right wingers claim to be christian but are in favor of war and capital punishment (you ask well, mr. knowitall, if you are soooo christian, why do you support abortion rights? hmmmm? because life doesn't begin at conception, you fool. i don't think jacking off is murder either.) christ said, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. he said turn the other cheek. pray for those who hate you. love those who hate you. (now i ask you, are those the principles that the right wing of the republican party represents?)

some right wingers would have a constitutional ammendment outlawing flag burning. if that a huge problem where you come from? does that in any way threaten your freedom? would not flag burning be the ultimate in protest speech? all the other ammendments limit what the government can do to you. right wingers want it ammended to make a certain kind of speech not free. hmmm. may i quote? "i disagree with what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it."

it is true that not all republicans are right-wingers and neo-cons. it is also true that all right wingers and neo-cons are republicans. (with maybe the exception of joe lieberman)

intellectual republicans can make a very good argument for smaller government and less taxes and more freedom for companies. i don't agree with all their points but will agree that they have good ones that are based on reason and logic and understanding of history. i can offer just as good an argument rebutting each of them and those arguments will be based on reason and logic and understanding of history. these kinds of debates could make us a better republic but they are not the debates that are held. too many times elections are based on "talking points" and slandering the other guy. we will continue our slide downward as a country if that continues.

i will admit to "slandering" the right wing of the republican party. i feel that it is a threat to our nation and to our freedoms. i believe the right wing is wrong on every count. totally wrong. dangerously wrong. horribly wrong. i think they have perverted the republican party and what it stood for and made it into a neo-fascist party where war and profits are the only gods that they worship.

oh well, gotta go say hello to my dogs and take a look at my pool which rhonda tells me is sorta fucked in as that the cover tore and all the accumulated shit went int the pool. fuck.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

up in reno

am in reno working at catch a rising star performing for tourists and playing poker against the locals. both are going well. hopefully, my gay posse will show up as they do almost every time i am up here.

someone send me a very interesting post about how obama supporters are saying they would not support senator clinton if she does, indeed, get the nomination. that is the height of stupidity, we cannot afford another 4 years of bush economics and bush wars and that is senator mc cain intends to give us. it would seem to me that clinton supporters should vote for senator obama if he is nominated and obama supporters should go happily to polls to vote for senator clinton if that is how it comes out. the obama supporters, of which i am one, cannot take the position that it is he or no one. hillary clinton is an excellent candidate and will make an excellent president.

next week i am going to hilton head s.c. with a couple of friends to play some golf and look at locations for a comedy club that they are considering opening. i told them that i don't know if this is a good time to start a new business what with the economy such as it is right now but john biddle is the best resort area comedy club promoter in the country and if anyone can pull it off it would be he. if they do it i will have another club to play multiple times per year and get in some good gold while i am at it.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

slave labor

did you know that the white house was built with slave labor? just imagine how striking a symbol it would be for barack obama to walk into the w.h. for the very first time as president? that act alone would erase much of the shame of slavery from the history of our country. it would prove, beyond a doubt, not only to ourselves but to the rest of the world that we have moved beyond race in the united states. oh, not that racism would suddenly disappear from us collectively or individually but the perception that race determines possibility of success would be put to rest. the effect it will also have on young black americans will be immense and will take away an argument that is formented on them, that by being black they are forever delegated to an inferior position in life, business and politics. it would give much credence to that saying that we have all heard, "anyone can become president of the united states." it would be the ultimate statement of our egalitarianism. moving us beyond just saying it to proving it. just a thought.

on the other hand, now that the spotlight is on barack obama we are going to learn about more of his "mistakes" and equivications , mis-statements, shifts in positions etc than we have in the past. that is one area where senator clinton has an advantage, the republicans have been trying for 16 years to find something on her and they have failed. in whitewater, they spent, what 10-20 million dollars and could find NOTHING! look, give me ten million dollars and i could dig up some dirt on mother theresa. if you farted in church when you were eleven years old and laughed about it, the republican attack and smear machine will find it and yet they could find nothing on hillary clinton. they will find things on barack obama, you can count on it. hopefully, he is counting on it too and preparing for the onslaught that is surely coming. karl rove lives.

it is a beautiful day here in las vegas so rhonda and i are off for a drive.


senator obama gains strength every day. his sweep of this weekend's primaries and caucuses gives him great momentum going into virginia and texas. there is already talk in democratic circles of a "deal" between the two candidates, which i presume at this point to be, clinton as president and obama as vice president. however if that is what the poopahs in the dnc think would be best, they better talk obama into it now because by convention time the demand by the voters for him to be at the top of the ticket may be too strong for the dnc to deny. he would be unbeatable in the general election in november. with him at the top of the ticket, the democratic party would be so excited and galvanized into actions that we well could take a huge majority of both the house and the senate. already the numbers of democrats voting in the primaries is double and sometimes triple the number of republicans. the republicans are demoralized right now and are not happy with mccain at the top of the ticket. without the christian right vote and the neo con vote the republicans will barely show up on the radar screen come this fall.

hopefully, senator clinton will, when her lead disappears totally, not fight it all the way and let the voice of the majority of the democrats be heard and followed. i have always like hillary clinton and think she would be a good president but senator barack obama would be a much better one and he also is sooooooooo much more electable than she.

barack obama inspires me to want to be a better citizen. he seems to inspire millions and millions of americans to feel the same way. he can get people enthused about america and he can get them enthused about solving the problems that we, as a country and as a people, face.
(the word "enthuse" comes from the greek, en theos, or "god within". the ancient greeks, realizing that when someone was feeling what we now call enthusiasm, that person got more done and done better so they said it was like a god within that person who gave them the feeling and the power) a leader, be they politican or preacher or writer or speaker, who can arouse enthusiasm in the populace can get that populace to come together and get vast projects done. (the space program comes to mind, jfk inspired the people and it got done.) we have lived for 8 years now in a country whose national dialogue was around fear, worry and war. we were and are told threats are everywhere and we should be very afraid and give up our freedoms to those who would protect us from all those un-named and unknown enemies. be afraid, be very, very afraid has been the mantra of the bush-cheney cartel for 8 years. in those eight years we have gone backwards by any form of measurement you care to use. we are less free and less secure and very much less-liked than we were when the decider came into office. in his term we created 5.5 million jobs in 8 years. under bill clinton in 8 years we created 22.7 million jobs. hmmm. barack obama brings a positive energy to the political table. let's get him elected.

Friday, February 08, 2008

williard, we hardly knew you.

so williard bites the dust. and in leaving here is his comment. "we are a nation at war and barack and hillary have made their intentions clear: they would retreat and declare defeat." and with that, he retreated and declared defeat.

with that one statement williard (mitt) romney, out of work multi-millionaire, showed all that is wrong with the neo-cons' arguments and policies. first of all, williard, it is SENATOR OBAMA and SENATOR CLINTON not barack and hillary. second of all, we are not at war; we have invaded a country that didn't do anything to us and another country whose only crime was that osama bin laden hid out there. we did not go get the CRIMINALS WHO ATTACKED US. WE HAVE NOT GONE INTO WHERE WE SAY THEY ARE HIDING. senators clinton and obama would have us get out of iraq, where we do not belong and where the people of the united states do not want us to stay. senator obama has said that if he has proof that osama bin laden is in a certain part of pakistan that he, as president, would bomb that area and send in special forces to get that s.o.b. and you know what, williard, the country and the world would applaude him for doing so.

his use of first names shows his disrespect not only for senators clinton and obama but disrespect for the offices they hold.

now williard can go back to taking over companies and laying off the employees to cut expenses so that he can sell the companies and make a big profit. so what if little guys lose their job. williard doesn't know any little guys. besides he needs that money for his next election campaign where he is going to run for dog catcher.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


to state the obvious, it looks as if it is johnny mac on the republican side, which is, in it's way good and bad, good in that if by some miracle he got elected i wouldn't vomit in my soup and leave the country as i would if willard (that is his first name) romney or mike (i believe in god but not evolution or reason) huckabee. bad because willard or mike would be easier to beat.

my persistant critic on the posts has pointed out that if i really believe in 'unity' then why do i bash the republicans? i must admit she has a good point because i don't differentiate enough between "republicans" and "conservative, neo-con republicans". the former can be worked with but the latter are a disaster for our country and, for that fact, their own political party. the republican party has been hijacked by a cartel of warmongers, thieves of the national treasury, liars, corporate cock-suckers, hypocrites and neo-nationals who would, if left unchecked, like to see an american military empire around the world. they cater to the worst in people, they are not so "closest" racists are they are out and out racists. they preach christianity but practice barbarianism. they can be indentified by their preaching of "pro-life" while supporting war and capital punishment. as chris bliss said, "let 'em be born so we can execute them later." they are against stem cell research but for mass bombings of civilians in iraq. the quote the cliche, "family values" and suck cocks in restrooms and chase hookers in washington. they hate gays, blacks, browns, liberals, the aclu and for the most part, california. they bow their heads in prayer while they are picking the pockets of the working class. those are the ones i don't like. and they are the ones who i will continue to bash. so there, lw.

oh well, have a flat tire, going to get it fixed and then off to vavoom radio where i am meeting with the head guy to get this thing finalized one way or another.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

"I'm ready for my close-up Mr. Dog-mille"

Maverick cheesin' it up for the camera

Monday, February 04, 2008

Maverick and Daddy Dog

Here is Ron and Maverick...checking the perimeter at the Shock compound.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

super bowl sunday

sunday night and still in houston; was supposed to go home today but it has been a cluster-fuck with southwest airlines, canceled flights and bad weather in vegas so ended up staying with brookie and edward and watching the superbowl. what a game! best super bowl i have seen, though i have not seen all that many. did go to one though. that was sometime in the early 70's in los angeles for the raiders and vikings. raiders beat them handlily if i remember correctly. that i remember anything from then is sort of a miracle since we had partied all night long then night before and staggered out of an after-hours club around noon to go to the game.....

for michaelet, sorry i didn't get to do the escape story on the last show saturday night. that was the third show that evening and i just couldn't get myself in the proper state of mind to do that particular story. i thought the late show went well anyway, just not a storytelling show. the mid show saturday was our drunk and talkative show of the week....hope none of you were at that one.

and for those who have followed my little battle in the comment section, no, the alleged writer who was going to see me in houston and who said they thought obamanymous made some"good points" did not take me up on my offer to see me face to face and reason together. it was just the same writer writing in under another name to praise themselves. lol.

super tuesday should be very interesting; i think the republican side will be sown up by mc clain but the demos could go all the way to the convention. hillary, if she is going to win it, needs to win it now; obama gains on her seems like every day and if given enough time will eventually catch and pass her. if obama is the democratic nominee, he will win in a landslide over any republican. i think the republicans would much rather hillary was our candidate but she would win as well but it would be closer.

back to the shows here: i did the escape story twice which makes it four times on a stage. one, the first show of the week, was really good but the other time i felt it was rather flat. if you were at one of those shows write me and give your take on it.

here in houston i do a "traffic" routine which just absolutely kills in houston. the drivers here are so bad that they know they are bad and they are proud of it. i wrote that routine very early in my career and to this day will have people peeing on themselves in houston when they hear it. it is only simple rock and roll but i like it.

so, back to vegas to do radio show and play poker then in couple of weeks off to reno. in may, rhonda and i are going to new orleans for the jazz and heritage festival which should be fantastic. we are seeing stevie wonder, the neville brothers and billy joel and then right before we leave there we have tickets for jimmy buffet, whom rhonda has never seen but i have. she will have a great time. i used to go to this festival way back before the tourists discovered it and i am waiting to see how it has evolved.

oh well, all for now. play well.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

$77,213 per minute!

for the third year in a row, exxon-mobile set new records for annual and quarterly profits ever earned by an american company. quarterly profit of 11.6 billion dollars. yearly profit of 40.6 billion dollars. (that is $77,213 PER MINUTE)

remember two things: when gwb was elected gasoline was 1.46 per gal. gwb gave huge tax breaks to the oil companies.

vote democratic in 2008.

the usa lost 17,000 jobs in january. the percentage of working age men and women who have been looking for a job SIX MONTHS OR LONGER is 18.3% ALMOST ONE IN EVERY FIVE.

vote democratic in 2008.

our compassionate president will release his new budget on monday:

deficit will top 400 billion WITHOUT THE COST OF THE IRAQ WAR COUNTED.

pentagon will get an additional 35 billion bringing them up to 515 billion WITHOUT COUNTING THE COSTS OF THE WARS!!!!!

homeland security budget will increase 11%
border security will increase 19%

medicare and medicaid will be CUT 200 BILLION

health and human services will be CUT 2 BILLION

education will be FROZEN with no increase for inflation.

does this tell you anything?

more money for war. more money for prisons. more money for weapons. more money for so called "security".

less money for the people.

vote democratic in 2008.

the new democratic president and congress will have their hands full digging us out of the mess that the republicans have gotten us into THIS TIME. they do it every time. they spend us to death and get us involved in petty wars. they give tax breaks to the rich and the corporations and to the rest of us they give the finger.

how many times do we have to get raped and robbed before we quit walking down republican avenue?