boy oh boy, pick a candidate on your blog and you get all kinds of nasty comments. i am not sure just what the milieu is for a blog; apparently some people think that they and not i should determine what i write about. since anyone with access to the internet can set up their own blog i wonder why they should be upset about what i write in mine. wanting me to write what they want to hear is a form of greed. my blog is more for myself than anyone else, a form of mental masturbation if you will, a chance to let the words and thoughts go where they will and how they will. i very seldom edit (other than looking for obvious spelling and sometimes grammer errors) and this makes some of the postings somewhat sloppy and in rereading them i realize i did not make my point clear. but hey, i knew what i meant. lol
sometimes in my stage show i get off on some other subject than the one at hand and my oratory can soar as though on the wings of angels. back when i was a motivational speaker/trainer i was considered as one of the very best and was paid as such. i left that and it's money and it's perks to get into comedy where i could say what i wanted to say and not what others wanted me to. i didn't want to work on maggies farm no more. the few times i have let loose on the comedy stage and gone beyond comedy, beyond commentary, beyond the pale so to speak and let my heart control my tongue, my soul to provide the words and my spirit to give the power i have brought people not only to their feet but to tears and laughter simultaneously. i wish i had that ability in the written arts. but since i don't, you will have to either bear with me as i prattle on or don't visit this blog, i care neither way.
may i share some upton sinclair:
"i find that all the fair and noble impulses of humanity, the dreams of poets and the agonies of martyrs, are shackled and bound in the service of organized and predatory Greed! and therefore i cannot rest, i cannot be silent; therefore i cast aside comfort and happiness, health and good repute---and go out into the world and cry out the pain of my spirit! therefore i am not to silenced by poverty and sickness, not by hatred and obloquy, by threats and ridicule---not by prison and persecution, if they should come---not by any power that is upon the earth or above the earth, that was, or is, or ever can be created.""
that is from THE JUNGLE. (i guess, "as welcome to" but i don't know if axel ever read upton)
so, my friends, i will continue writing what i want but will try to expand my subject matter and have been thinking of putting in some stories of my checkered past that have not been brought up on the stage. some of my burglary stories are quite hair-raising full of close encounters of the armed kind and it was the other guy who was armed, i never carried a weapon and relied on my wits to get me through. oh, they shot at me but they missed.
people seem to be fascinated by a life of crime especially if the crimes were not violent and the only victims were rich. i made it a point of honor never to steal from anyone other than the rich. i may have said this before but it bears repeating: whenever one of my burglaries made the paper, the so-called "victim" claimed that i stole much more than i actually did. this way, the victim could pull off a bigger heist than mine by stealing from the insurance company. (now, i know that in the long run, i and the "victim" did end up stealing from everyone because the insurance company then raised the rates on everyone so my claim to never stealing from anyone other than the rich was and is not accurate.) ((that was a very clumsy sentence but you got what i meant))
"all your cops are criminals
and all your sinners are saints."
i am now telling on stage the story of my trial, escape from los angeles county jail and subsequent sentencing to a maximum security prison in my stage show. (at least some of the time, but you will also find that on LIVE AT 65 which is the latest bootleg video release of mine) several years ago i found an old newspaper story on one of my youthful escapades where the headline was: BOY BANDITS CRASH, FLEE ON PENISULA. that was a hellava of a night. we wrecked a car at a little over 100 miles per hour while being persued by highway patrol (this is not the car chase story of louisiana) and not only walked away from the crash but eluded a fairly massive man hunt and got away clean. one of the reasons we were able to do so is that the car we were in was so badly damaged and both myself and my buddy had sustained cuts on our heads which, as you know, bleed a lot so there was a large amount of blood in the car. the police seeing the car and finding all the blood spent way too much time looking for our bodies instead of throwing up parimeters so, by the time, they actually started actively looking for us we had put some distance between us and them. ah, but some other time will i fill in all these details and maybe scan the newspaper article and post it as well.
in the long run though, you will have to read many more postings about the upcoming election. i care about this country and i care about its future and those two carings cause me to care about this election. we are mired in war and heading into a major recession, we are divided and that division makes us weak and unable to come together to solve our problems. i will make out okay regardless of the outcome and am old enough that i will probably die before the whole country goes down the tubes but, on the other hand, i have children and grandchildren who are going to be around. i owe it to them at least to do what i can to see that they have a better world and a better country. i would want my grandchildren to be able to live in a country that is at peace with itself and with the rest of the world. i would want them to have every possible opportunity to grow into the fullest person they could be. i don't want them working on maggies farm. if i can write one word or one sentence that will cause one person to forsake war where before they embraced it then all my words were worthwhile. i preach peace and brotherhood. (and that surely does piss some people off) my attacks, be they as such, on neo-con, conservatives are on the ideas they express and not on the people. (limbaugh and coulter and bush and, let us not forget, cheney are excepted...these people i really don't like) most of the neo-con conservative are just wrong not evil. being wrong does not make one a bad person it just makes them wrong. but hell, we all have been wrong sometime or another in our lives. as an example, i voted for reagan in 80. i was wrong. he turned out to be a horrible fucking president!
oh well, have a good day. am off to store to buy supplies since i am cooking a pork roast for tonights dinner.
sometimes in my stage show i get off on some other subject than the one at hand and my oratory can soar as though on the wings of angels. back when i was a motivational speaker/trainer i was considered as one of the very best and was paid as such. i left that and it's money and it's perks to get into comedy where i could say what i wanted to say and not what others wanted me to. i didn't want to work on maggies farm no more. the few times i have let loose on the comedy stage and gone beyond comedy, beyond commentary, beyond the pale so to speak and let my heart control my tongue, my soul to provide the words and my spirit to give the power i have brought people not only to their feet but to tears and laughter simultaneously. i wish i had that ability in the written arts. but since i don't, you will have to either bear with me as i prattle on or don't visit this blog, i care neither way.
may i share some upton sinclair:
"i find that all the fair and noble impulses of humanity, the dreams of poets and the agonies of martyrs, are shackled and bound in the service of organized and predatory Greed! and therefore i cannot rest, i cannot be silent; therefore i cast aside comfort and happiness, health and good repute---and go out into the world and cry out the pain of my spirit! therefore i am not to silenced by poverty and sickness, not by hatred and obloquy, by threats and ridicule---not by prison and persecution, if they should come---not by any power that is upon the earth or above the earth, that was, or is, or ever can be created.""
that is from THE JUNGLE. (i guess, "as welcome to" but i don't know if axel ever read upton)
so, my friends, i will continue writing what i want but will try to expand my subject matter and have been thinking of putting in some stories of my checkered past that have not been brought up on the stage. some of my burglary stories are quite hair-raising full of close encounters of the armed kind and it was the other guy who was armed, i never carried a weapon and relied on my wits to get me through. oh, they shot at me but they missed.
people seem to be fascinated by a life of crime especially if the crimes were not violent and the only victims were rich. i made it a point of honor never to steal from anyone other than the rich. i may have said this before but it bears repeating: whenever one of my burglaries made the paper, the so-called "victim" claimed that i stole much more than i actually did. this way, the victim could pull off a bigger heist than mine by stealing from the insurance company. (now, i know that in the long run, i and the "victim" did end up stealing from everyone because the insurance company then raised the rates on everyone so my claim to never stealing from anyone other than the rich was and is not accurate.) ((that was a very clumsy sentence but you got what i meant))
"all your cops are criminals
and all your sinners are saints."
i am now telling on stage the story of my trial, escape from los angeles county jail and subsequent sentencing to a maximum security prison in my stage show. (at least some of the time, but you will also find that on LIVE AT 65 which is the latest bootleg video release of mine) several years ago i found an old newspaper story on one of my youthful escapades where the headline was: BOY BANDITS CRASH, FLEE ON PENISULA. that was a hellava of a night. we wrecked a car at a little over 100 miles per hour while being persued by highway patrol (this is not the car chase story of louisiana) and not only walked away from the crash but eluded a fairly massive man hunt and got away clean. one of the reasons we were able to do so is that the car we were in was so badly damaged and both myself and my buddy had sustained cuts on our heads which, as you know, bleed a lot so there was a large amount of blood in the car. the police seeing the car and finding all the blood spent way too much time looking for our bodies instead of throwing up parimeters so, by the time, they actually started actively looking for us we had put some distance between us and them. ah, but some other time will i fill in all these details and maybe scan the newspaper article and post it as well.
in the long run though, you will have to read many more postings about the upcoming election. i care about this country and i care about its future and those two carings cause me to care about this election. we are mired in war and heading into a major recession, we are divided and that division makes us weak and unable to come together to solve our problems. i will make out okay regardless of the outcome and am old enough that i will probably die before the whole country goes down the tubes but, on the other hand, i have children and grandchildren who are going to be around. i owe it to them at least to do what i can to see that they have a better world and a better country. i would want my grandchildren to be able to live in a country that is at peace with itself and with the rest of the world. i would want them to have every possible opportunity to grow into the fullest person they could be. i don't want them working on maggies farm. if i can write one word or one sentence that will cause one person to forsake war where before they embraced it then all my words were worthwhile. i preach peace and brotherhood. (and that surely does piss some people off) my attacks, be they as such, on neo-con, conservatives are on the ideas they express and not on the people. (limbaugh and coulter and bush and, let us not forget, cheney are excepted...these people i really don't like) most of the neo-con conservative are just wrong not evil. being wrong does not make one a bad person it just makes them wrong. but hell, we all have been wrong sometime or another in our lives. as an example, i voted for reagan in 80. i was wrong. he turned out to be a horrible fucking president!
oh well, have a good day. am off to store to buy supplies since i am cooking a pork roast for tonights dinner.
Demanding that your blog be about comedy is like demanding that my blog help you fix your computer network. If I want your comedy, I should buy an album or go to a club.
I enjoy your passion for our country and that you don't sugar coat. I think we have the same goals, just fairly drastic differences on the best path to get there.
that's the thing: we both have the same goals and reasonable people can disagree and out of the disagreements can come consensus and out of that can come a common path leading to the common goal. and that, my friend, is a short description of democracy.
You can now add plagiarism to Obama's other wonderful qualities.
Aww c'mon, Ron. Reagan wasn't that bad. He did end the cold war after all. That "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall" was a great speech. And they did tear it down eventually. I seriously doubt Carter could have pulled off half of what Reagan did. Some of Reagan's speeches rank right up there with Kennedy's "ask not" speech.
Too bad GW can barely speak without stepping on his dick. (pun intended)
to anon: and grasping at straws to yours.
to j.t. as a speaker, rr was super but then again he was an actor. he traded weapons to our enemies for hostages, he ran secret wars in central america, he ran up a record national debt, he overthrew democratic governments and he used fearmongering to justify his central and south american crimes. other than that, he was great.
carter was out of his league but has since then turned into a great american and a role model for the ages.
Liberals and the politics of envy. Do you not realize that unless somebody called a capitalist makes an investment drones are not needed to do menial tasks and be over paid for doing those menial tasks. The income differences in a market based economy are usually due to brain power and the application of that power. Kennedy family is an exception they just loaf off of what the old man did and want to stop others from creating the same situation for their families. An economy does not improve if it is choked by protectionist barriers and if it is forced to pay too much in wages with no improvement in productivity as socialist unions demand. On the subject of productivity what does a unionist do to increase their value to an employer other than walk a picket line? Productivity in the country has increased because of the application of capital so benefits should flow to the suppliers of that capital not the drone that pushes the button on the machine, If people don't like the working conditions they can quit the job they dislike so much and start their own business. Much of the terrific growth that has occurred in the past few years is the result of people with brains and balls to take the risk and open their own small business, not from any contribution of the union goons.
I guess it is the socialist bent of those that studied where to put a comma called journalists that causes them to become rabid when a politician has an association with business that creates jobs and is the source of wealth but these socialists think that a politician that is in the pocket of unions with their Nazi ways is okay.
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