Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

did you miss me?

back from south carolina where it was really too cool to play golf except for one day. we did, however, find an almost ideal location for a comedy club. my two friends, john and mike, are seriously considering moving there and opening a club. i know john and how he made a club on a resort island work for years and if anyone can do it, he can. i worry that the recession is going to be much worse than people are prepared for and that this may not be the best of times to take that kind of risk. john has a good job here in vegas with one of the major casino groups and mike has just come into a rather large amount of money. i told them all of the above and also told them that i could never, in good faith, advise against following your dream regardless of the situation. oh well, none of you are interested in this.

i think the democratic race will be over on the 4th of march because obama is going to either take both states or it will be so close that the delegate count will be evenly divided and his overall lead will be, for all practical purposes, insurmountable and that hillary will throw in the towel. her lead is shrinking almost hourly it seems and by next week it will be gone in both states.

saw in the paper today that a los angeles times poll found senator mc cain winning over either senator clinton or senator obama. polls this far out before any debates between the two party candidates are just farting in the wind. let the people see and hear both sides at the same time and i truly believe we are in for a democratic landslide come november. mc cain and his hundred year war and his embrace of the bush economic policies will doom him; neither are defensible.

the radio show is now back to sex and politics with some religion and some stories inserted. the higher ups at the network cannot seem to make up their minds about just what they want kathleen and i to do. our show last week was subpar and neither of us was happy with it nor was the program director for that fact. we tape again on friday and here is hoping that we will have our shit more together than we did. an hour long show that is unscripted but without call ins is rather hard to do. scripting it would be even harder. this week i will be working from an outline and each of us will have questions for the other. we shall see.

i am still suffering from the flu i got while in reno but am feeling much better and hope to be on top of my game by next monday because i am working at the trop here in vegas and want to rock the room.

may i recommend john le carre's ABSOLUTE FRIENDS for a great read! an amazing book. THE MISSION SONG is quite good too but a.f. is a masterpiece.

gotta go, lots of work to do around the house. rhonda has the flu as well and with her job and hours during this time of the year it is really tough on her so i need to be of more help here at the old homestead.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey buddy-

it's gonna be a landslide in November for McCain. My family and me and all my friends have been Democrats all our lives and we're none of us voting for Obama. I can live with McCain for 4 years but Ill be damned if I want to listen to preacher boy's homilies. America isnt going to vote for a mulatto with a Muslim name and no plan. Obama is going to end the war in Iraq and I have a bridge in Brooklyn to show you. Sorry but I just don't believe him.

12:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marvelous. Another J.T.
Nothing like more confusion to make your day.
Just for the record, this J.T. (me)is the one in Texas that changed your mind about the 2nd amendment.
I'll add a (tx)to it to avoid confusion. It's not like I have a claim on two letters. J.T. just happens to be my real name. My wife calls me that. My mother also calls me that. Unless she's really ticked off and then I get first, middle and last name all at a rather high volume. She's 80 now though and doesn't tend to scold me near as often as she one did.
But I digress.

Then again, maybe someone completely disagrees with me and is trying to impersonate me. Or they could just be jealous of my sheer brilliance on political matters and want to weasel in on the action.
I seriously doubt that theory.

2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look, my initials are T.J. and this whole thing is just getting way too confusing. Already there are those who confuse me with both the original J.T. and the one from Texas. Please, I'm T.J.!

7:13 AM  

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