Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Sunday, February 10, 2008

slave labor

did you know that the white house was built with slave labor? just imagine how striking a symbol it would be for barack obama to walk into the w.h. for the very first time as president? that act alone would erase much of the shame of slavery from the history of our country. it would prove, beyond a doubt, not only to ourselves but to the rest of the world that we have moved beyond race in the united states. oh, not that racism would suddenly disappear from us collectively or individually but the perception that race determines possibility of success would be put to rest. the effect it will also have on young black americans will be immense and will take away an argument that is formented on them, that by being black they are forever delegated to an inferior position in life, business and politics. it would give much credence to that saying that we have all heard, "anyone can become president of the united states." it would be the ultimate statement of our egalitarianism. moving us beyond just saying it to proving it. just a thought.

on the other hand, now that the spotlight is on barack obama we are going to learn about more of his "mistakes" and equivications , mis-statements, shifts in positions etc than we have in the past. that is one area where senator clinton has an advantage, the republicans have been trying for 16 years to find something on her and they have failed. in whitewater, they spent, what 10-20 million dollars and could find NOTHING! look, give me ten million dollars and i could dig up some dirt on mother theresa. if you farted in church when you were eleven years old and laughed about it, the republican attack and smear machine will find it and yet they could find nothing on hillary clinton. they will find things on barack obama, you can count on it. hopefully, he is counting on it too and preparing for the onslaught that is surely coming. karl rove lives.

it is a beautiful day here in las vegas so rhonda and i are off for a drive.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama and Clinton are virtually tied in delegates as of today, however she has 213 Super Delegates to his 139 and she is leading in the popular vote. Obama won numerous small states he was expected to win and Clinton is expected to win most of the upcoming primaries in March and April. Obama will not win all these states in the General Election when he's running against a Republican, rather than a fellow Democrat.
You have correctly pointed out that the Republicans have exhausted their ammunition against Clinton and haven't begun attacking Obama. When the gloves come off it won't be pretty and rest assured the word Muslim will come into it.
Facing 8 more years of a Republican White House is unacceptable to me which is why I'm working for Clinton. Having traveled widely throughout most of our states with an African-American companion I know firsthand that racism is too deeply ingrained for Obama to stand a real chance. Nice idea but a female president will also be a first.

Great Houston shows!

7:17 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

well remember something, the racists in our society vote, if they vote, republican. i have had this same, for lack of better word, argument with myself; will america elect a black man as president? part of says no they won't but the other part says yes they will, there are enough of us to elect him. by the same token, hillary clinton would/will make a great president and will get my vote is she is the nominee and i and, i am sure, barack obama will endorse her unconditionally. and hey, a female president would be super as well. as a democrat i am facing a win/win situation. cool.

9:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait until the big primaries in Ohio and Texas. Here Hillary is still seen as having the advantage of organized labor in Ohio and the Hispanic vote in Texas. By and large union members are for Hillary, as John Edwards sadly discovered. Bizarre though it may seem, given Hillary's record as corporate lawyer, there's a class divide between her and Obama. Hillary has the support of the white working class. She has also had a commanding edge in winning the votes of white women and people over sixty. These are very formidable assets.

12:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few months ago I wrote to the Obama campaign urging him not to go negative and "take down Hillary"; it would divide the party and hurt as all in November.
If he wins on positive points, it's a wonderful thing and I'm on board. If he stays positive and doesn't win this year, he's young and there's future campaigns. We need this election.
Obama didn't listen and now it's getting more bitter by the day.
The anti-Hillary zeal, the vilification hurled by Obama supporters on the Internet has started to have some blowback; in spite of Obama's naive claims about all Hillary supporters flocking to him in November, there are many now starting to speak up and say: you're wrong, Barack. We will not support you, and you can't take us for granted like that and pretend smugly that we're in your pocket. You have not treated our candidate fairly, you have exaggerated her faults, and we may stay home or we may even opt to vote for a moderately conservative war hero with whom we disagree in November rather than vote for a Democrat who has demolished our best candidate and our party for his own vain and premature ambition.
And we tried not to take that tone, but after the 10,000th Obama supporter pontificating on the Net about how they'd never vote for Hillary - with Barack's blessings, obviously - it's our turn.
Barack, you're on your own. We're not voting for you.

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please don't claim any more that you never insult your critics or call them names, since you now refer to me as "ibeanidiot" and tell me to jack off to George Carlin. What you say and what you say you say are two very different things.

8:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scotty Robertson is a state representative from my home state. I’m not going to tell you which state, since you seem to have an annoying tendency to try to track down the identity of your anonymous posters. Also, I didn’t like your insinuations about my racial beliefs and the color of my brain.

You seem to think that anyone who doesn’t share your enamored views of Obama must therefore be a racist. Oh come now.

The only prejudice I have is towards people who are obviously as phony as they are insulting.

5:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Condoleeza Rice is African-American. And your point is?

11:53 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

actually, i didn't name you, ibeanidiot, you named yourself with your seemingly unending supply of idiotic statements including the one where YOU SAID TO STAY HOME AN LISTEN TO GC AND JACK OFF! and as i have said before anyone who can read my writings and say i am right wing is, have you guessed?, an IDIOT. to say things like "empty suit", "con man" and use them as intellectual arguments is being, are you ready, idiotic. so, if the name fits, wear it.

as for sandy, learn to read. not only my first comments to you but the follow ups. (this pertains to your racism them. or better yet, get someone to read them to you)

and gee, sandy, who wants to stay hidden, is it me who is phony? me with my real name. my real address available to any nut who would want it? see, sandy, i am not afraid. are you? if so, of what? someone finding out your name? goodness. could it be....rumpelstiltskin (sp?)? lol

condoleeza rice is another matter; truth being, i am not sure quite what to make of her. her background says she is intellectually competent but some of the things she has done do indeed make me wonder. she also has an oil tanker named after her so i am putting her in with the "oil people" such as bush, cheney and rumsfeld who have helped sell our collective soul to the oil companies (and to the chinese for that fact) so, is ms rice really smart or is she just devious? or was she duped? will she go to work for halliburton? hell, will she go to jail for war crimes?

6:08 PM  

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