Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Friday, February 29, 2008

more rants on obama

i have this theory of why some people dislike or don't trust senator obama and that is he speaks so well and we have become accustumed to politicians who cannot speak at all. george w. bush managles the language, mis-uses words, makes up words and makes no sense while he is doing it. go to c-span and listen to our elected officials as they drone on and on with all the fire of a sloth. ronnie r. won the presidency because he could speak well, remember "morning in america"?

obama says he will bring people from both sides of the aisle together to work together to solve our common problems and he is then accused of being a charlatan. a man who was raised by a mother on food stamps who goes on to be the head of the harvard law review, works as a community organizor on the mean streets of chicago, gets elected to state representative and then gets elected to the united states senate. the american dream jack and he gets dissed for it. what is wrong with people? this guy is the real deal and because he is so good there are people who just can't believe it. oh well, he is going to be our next president and he is going to be a great one so you might as well get used to it.

one of my readers (see first comment post on previous) says that he was a democrat but is going to vote for mc cain instead of "preacher boy." mc cain, who is willing to keep us in iraq for 100 years! who will continue the failed economic policies of george w. bush! mc cain, who has flipped flopped on so many things that it is amazing that people still believe ANYTHING he says. why, well because obama speaks so well. there you go. vote for mc cain and bring the country down even more. but mc cain is not going to win. when he goes head to head with senator obama he will look like the dottering old fool that he is. not to belittle what senator mc cain has accomplished in his life but his time has come and gone and he has sacrificed his own principles in order to be the republican nominee. the north vietamnese tortured him and he would not back down but to get the nomination he has keetowed to the extreme right and changed his positions that he told us he would never change. that is your man? really?

i have said this before but it bears repeating; this is the most important election since world war two. we are losing our position in the world, our economy is on the brink of recession or worse, we are hated and feared world-wide, we have more people locked up than any other country in the world and that includes china, our populace is divided and ill will towards each other is almost the norm, the american dollar no longer is the all powerful force that it once was, we are moving into a world of 5 dollars per gal. for gas and a widening of the gap between rich and poor, our industries are leaving for greener pastures, our armed forces are stretched way beyond the danger point, we are involved in two wars that have no mission so there can be no victory, we are being overrun by illegals from the south, our educational system is in shambles, our kids can't read and they can't do math,they don't know history, real wages are stagnant or going down, we are in the midst of a housing and credit crunch that is going to bring some major banks in bankruptcy, osama bin laden is still out there, etc etc etc. we need a new direction, we need new leaders, we need new ideas, we need someone to bring us together. we don't need more of the fucking same. if you can't see that, you are not seeing the same america i am seeing. we have the ability to bring ourselves out of this but we must unite to do it. we cannot remain divided. we cannot continue on the path that we are on. stick together or hang seperately.

in the past our economy has been our lifeline, we have the largest consumer economy in the world but soon china will overtake us as will russia and the european union. if russia and europe were to join forces economically and change the benchmark currency to either the ruble or the euro or a combination of the two we are fucked. we need new ideas and only obama brings them or the chance of them.

but not to worry, george w. bush, great economist that he is, told us yesterday there will be no recession, that this is just a slow down.

oh well, time will tell. rhonda and i will be alright and like i said before, i am old and will probably die before the shit hits the revolving blades but i still worry for my children and grandchildren, i don't want them to live in a second tier country.

vote democratic in november.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are four levels of political truth in Obama, in analogy to my four poker levels:

Level 1: I have no real ideas, but maybe I can con you into voting for me if I can snow you sufficiently with sounds bites and empty rhetoric.

Level 2: I have some good ideas, but most Americans are too dumb to appreciate them, so I’ll give you some sound bites and empty rhetoric in the meantime...

Level 3: I actually do have some good ideas and solid plans, but I know that if I articulate them now my opponents will misconstrue them and twist what I say, so I just want to ask you for now to believe in me and my ideas.

Level 4: Since our entire educational system has been a fucking failure, just about the only thing you’ll understand is these lame sound bites which, although I know they don’t constitute worth a crap, nevertheless provide the only means of swaying the massive dunderheaded mentality of our present society to vote Democratic and think they are voting for change. And as the cartoon says, “That’s all, folks!”

4:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(A note of appreciation from Barack Obama):

My fellow Identity-Americans:

As your future President I want to thank my supporters, for their ... well, support.

Your mindless support of me, despite my complete lack of any legislative achievement, my pastor's relations with Louis Farrakhan and Libyan dictator Moamar Quadafi, or my blatantly leftist voting record while I present myself as some sort of bi-partisan agent of change.

I also like how my supporters claim my youthful drug use and criminal behavior somehow qualifies me for the Presidency after 8 years of claiming Bush's youthful drinking disqualifies him. Your hypocrisy is a beacon of hope shining over a sea of political posing.

I would also like to thank the Kennedy's for coming out in support of me. There's a lot of glamour behind the Kennedy name, even though one started the Vietnam War, his brother illegally wiretapped Martin Luther King, Jr. and another caused the death of a female employee he was having an extra marital affair.
And I'd like to thank Oprah Winfrey for her support. Her love of meaningless empty platitudes will be the force that propels me to the White House.

Americans should vote for me, not because of my lack of experience or achievement, but because I make people feel good. Voting for me causes some white folk to feel relieved of their imagined, racist guilt.

I say things that sound meaningful, but don't really mean anything because Americans are tired of things having meaning. If things have meaning, then that means you have to think about them.

Americans are tired of thinking.

It's time to shut down the brain, and open up the heart.

So when you go to vote in the primaries, remember don't think, just do.

And do it for me.

Thank You.

5:52 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

well, there is great need for "change" in washington d.c. i do believe that is a given. we are a warmongering nation that constantly meddles in others affairs under the name of national security. we make laws and pass legislation that behooves corporations over citizens. (the recently passed bankruptcy law is a good example). we are in bed with some of the real "bad guys" on the international scene. we are, as a country, spending more than we are bringing in. all of this needs to change. we have absolutely no chance of changing the dynamics of washington by putting in another old pol. yes, they have experience, but it is experience in the things we would like to change. senator obama is the only one who could possibly bring about something meaningful in washington. why? he is the only one who is not fully entrenched in the present system. both clinton and mc cain are creatures of our present political climate and thinking. obama is not. and there you go. both of you could be right, he is all talk and no action. that could be true. we shall see. if what i believe happens then a great good has come unto our country. either it is same old same, as you predict, or it is something better as i predict. which one would you rather it be?

2:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like Hillary just kicked the butt of your favorite corporate lackey, Obama, in the most recent Tuesday primaries, winning both Texas and Ohio. All I can say is, Nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah! And that is a direct quote from one of your own previous postings as you were waxing euphorically over Obama. Just suck it up.

5:12 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

you two deserve each other. oddly, i can't even spell "nyah" so i don't know how you quoted me. but, factual has never been your strong suit.

never once have i gloated over an obama victory nor have i heaped scorn on, what now appears to be, your candidate of choice, senator clinton. but you really don't say she is your choice, do you? no, both of you are only "against" not "for" anyone or anything. basically, what you seem to be against is me. oh well.

so, i guess i will "suck it up" and go on supporting whom i think is best. that you do not is of no consequence.

both of you write well, always a pleasure to hear your words of wisdom and wit.

10:30 AM  

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