Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


to state the obvious, it looks as if it is johnny mac on the republican side, which is, in it's way good and bad, good in that if by some miracle he got elected i wouldn't vomit in my soup and leave the country as i would if willard (that is his first name) romney or mike (i believe in god but not evolution or reason) huckabee. bad because willard or mike would be easier to beat.

my persistant critic on the posts has pointed out that if i really believe in 'unity' then why do i bash the republicans? i must admit she has a good point because i don't differentiate enough between "republicans" and "conservative, neo-con republicans". the former can be worked with but the latter are a disaster for our country and, for that fact, their own political party. the republican party has been hijacked by a cartel of warmongers, thieves of the national treasury, liars, corporate cock-suckers, hypocrites and neo-nationals who would, if left unchecked, like to see an american military empire around the world. they cater to the worst in people, they are not so "closest" racists are they are out and out racists. they preach christianity but practice barbarianism. they can be indentified by their preaching of "pro-life" while supporting war and capital punishment. as chris bliss said, "let 'em be born so we can execute them later." they are against stem cell research but for mass bombings of civilians in iraq. the quote the cliche, "family values" and suck cocks in restrooms and chase hookers in washington. they hate gays, blacks, browns, liberals, the aclu and for the most part, california. they bow their heads in prayer while they are picking the pockets of the working class. those are the ones i don't like. and they are the ones who i will continue to bash. so there, lw.

oh well, have a flat tire, going to get it fixed and then off to vavoom radio where i am meeting with the head guy to get this thing finalized one way or another.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree with Obanomous. The last thing this country needs is another charismatic bullshit artist!

4:44 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

so sandy, in your opinion, who should we elect? do you have a candidate in mind? or are you like ibeanidiot, just critizing?

9:30 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

so sandy, just what makes obama, in your mind, "charismatic"? and what makes him a "bullshit artist?" you saying so? is that the final test? you and lw (if you are not the same) saying it makes it true? you are just more of the same; name calling without backing it up with facts. could it be, sandy, that you are just a racist? that the idea of a black man running the country goes against your lilly white mind? could that be the case? a black man that speaks eloquently must be a bullshit artist. heaven knows he couldn't be just what he claims to be, a concerned citizen of this country who is bright, well educated, committed to doing something for the people in general and believing in his heart that he could make a difference and because of this he is running for president. why can't he be that?

11:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently I have to tell you once again to stop trying to guess the identity of your anonymous posters. Either you guess wrong and look foolish, or you guess right and thereby disrespect the anonymous poster's wish to remain anonymous. Stick to the issues and stop trying to embarass or insult your critics.

7:21 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

issues? you bring up no issues? you make blanket statements some of which have compared me to put words in my mouth. you critize obama, not with facts but mis-statements such as he is "far more to the right than any of the other democrats" which is totally wrong meaning that you are either a. a liar or b. so misinformed to be dangerous.

you have called me bitter and right wing. and now you want me to lay off you? surely you jest.

i have not published your name nor will i. rest easy, i won't blow your cover. you can attack me and hide behind various names. cool. bring it on. but try to stick to facts and issues if you don't mind. saying someone is an "empty suit" is not a logical nor factual argument. that is your opinion. state it as such and quit stating it as a fact. not that anyone takes you seriously but then again you never know, someone might. calling me names won't endear you to any of my fans and they are the ones who read these.

you have never stated why you are for someone, just the one person you are against. once you said that "we have told you, ron paul" but you didn't quite, with that statement, endorse him. but i then posted WHY i didn't want ron paul. things from his own web site is what i used. you might try that with obama. pick an issue that you feel he is on the wrong side of and tell us why he is wrong. name calling is not how you do this.

have a good day. try again.

10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We know nothing about Mr. Obama, except that he intends to govern by not doing anything to offend anyone. As far as I can tell, Mr. Obama intends to stand very still and holler for help until his time is up.
What does he advocate? "Change" and "Improvement" seem to be his suggestions, although no genuine changes or improvements have been mentioned that even approach the scale of the problems before us as a nation.
As far as I can tell, Mr. Obama does not intend to overhaul the healthcare system by excluding insurance companies nor does he intend to cut the military budget, but in fact is proposing to increase it.
Mr. Obama's campaign has instructed his volunteers not to discuss policy over the phone perhaps because it's very unclear what his policy is exactly other than repeating "Change" and "Unity" like a New Age mantra.
I would refer everyone to George Carlin's magnificent "I Don't Vote" routine on Youtube.
This blogger is against name calling but in the same breath resorts to calling Obama critics racist. That's not the way to achieve credibility.

11:08 AM  
Blogger Atomic Punk said...

So the answer to everything you folks face in the good old USA is, and I quote:
"I would refer everyone to George Carlin's magnificent "I Don't Vote" routine on Youtube."

Don't vote, that’s it? I'm a big Carlin fan, but let’s get real here. If you don't vote, you can't bitch, that’s the school yard rules.
If Ron votes for Obama and he gets in, Ron gets to bitch if Obama fucks up. You can't say "I told you so", you have to have vote for another candidate first.
Hell I'm Canadian and I have picked someone to support, not that it will make a difference. I have been watching a lot of the late night shows the politicians have been on the last few months, and I still say Clinton is the woman for the job. I’ll admit I don’t have a long list of reasons why I have chosen her, but I will say she does not set my bullshit meter off, not like Mike Huckabee did, that guy deals out some grade “A” bullshit. I was in sales for a good long time and I know bullshit when I see it, and yes I know how to dish it out. Hey a man has to make a living right?
As for Obama, no bullshit there either, and if he were to get elected I’d be fine with that as well.
I’d also like to point out that I grew up on a border town (still live here) and I have spent lots of time on the US, and I have family in the US as well, so I have some connections to your country. I feel the United States has the potential to be the shining beacon it once was, I love Canada, but the mighty land of opportunity is the best hope we have for the World to see how mankind can make a difference. Imagine how different things would be if the rest of the world looked up to America as a country to model theirs after.

So as Ron has asked, repeatedly, who do you think is the right person for the job, and why?

3:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where do you come off calling me a racist? I would gladly vote for a black man who had good ideas and was genuine. All we get from Obama are phony slogans like “I represent change”.

In my district we have a black representative, Scotty Robertson, who I admire and have supported for the past six years. Unlike your Obama, he is the real deal. Instead of repeating empty catch phrases and trying to get people to believe in him, Scotty has come up with lots of good ideas that have actually helped our community. He could care less about being “charismatic”, and he is anything but a con artist.

You ask who I am supporting, and my answer is John McCain. He is a veteran who has paid his dues to his country and is a true leader. He also has a sense of humor and doesn’t just go around bashing his critics.

Oh, and regarding your comment about my “lily white brain”, I should tell you that my father is white and my mother is black. So let me know when you get that foot out of your mouth.

5:41 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

gee sandy, you must have attended the same school of logic that ibeanidiot went to. i didn't call you a racist (maybe you could get people to read it to you), i asked if you were one, since you gave no reasons for not supporting senator obama. now you say you not only are not racist but are of mixed race background. okay.

as for your support of senator mc cain; so, you are in favor of leaving our troops in iraq? he is. you are in favor of keeping the bush tax cuts? he is. if you are for those two things then your real reason for not liking obama is that you are a republican. why didn't you say that in the first place. i repeat, the invasion of iraq was an illegal and immoral act of naked aggression on the part of the united states. to be in favor of that and then critize senator obama who wants to get our of iraq and was against from git go because he is for "change" and you think that is just an empty word, well, sandy, vote for mc cain and get more of the same shit we have lived through these last 8 years, the economy is in the pits and it is the republican money policy that put it there. mc cain would continue it so, by all means, vote for johnny mc cain who has changed his story so often it has become laughable.

9:17 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

and for the other "anonymous", saying that "blogger" (that's me) resorted to calling critics "racists." you know, brothers and sisters, it is really hard to argue with people in print when apparently they lack reading comprehension (sp?). at no time and in no place did i call anyone a racist. what i asked was; are you a racist? are you against this man only because he is black? since they had given no reasons for their dislike i thought that was a reasonable question. incidently, the anon post up above is, once again, our old friend, ibeanidiot, the reference to the george carlin routine can be found in one of her earlier posts. and since i worked for the obama campaign here, we were instructed to go over policy matters in great detail. once again, she is putting words in other people's mouths that they did not say. this reminds me of how republicans work, make something up and then start repeating it as fact. sandy, as it turns out, is a republican and is going to vote for senator mccain, who voted with bush 90% of the time on everything from the war to the economy. the only shining star in senator mccain's resume as far as bush doctrine goes is his stand against torture and he has my admiration for that. other than that and a more reasonable policy towards undocumented workers, he is just another bush pushing for war and tax breaks for the rich and the oil companies.

10:24 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

more on sandy. he/she makes reference to his/her representative, scotty robertson. oddly enough there is no scott or scotty robertson listed as a member of the united states house of representatives. now, maybe mr. robertson is a state representative, but the impression i got was sandy was talking about someone on the same level as senator obama, being somehow in national government. so sandy, tell me where i can find more about the "real deal" scotty robertson who does not care about being "charismatic" so i can look him up. i have always wanted to find a pol that does not care if he is

11:05 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

more: the reason you don't know what obama stands for is that you are either too lazy to look it up or too full of your own self importance to question your own conclusions but if you really wanted to be an INFORMED citizen and not just a gadfly with no real agenda other than personal attacks, then i suggest you go to senator obama's official website and then go to ISSUES and then click on which one you want and lo and behold there will be his positions on that issue. really pretty simple to inform yourself before running your mouth, or fingers as in the case of the net. but then again, it is so much easier to just spout off with no facts to back you up, thinking not required that way. self examination also not required and heaven knows, you don't need that since you are always right.

now, if you wish to take a particular issue and discuss it, fire away. and for the record, i am not happy at all with his health care plan and have said so not only here in my blog but at meetings with his people.

he is going to make a great president. and, for that fact, so would senator clinton.

if you don't think so, vote for someone else. support someone, not just critize, give money, give time, help get your man or woman elected. or be like ibeanidiot, and don't vote, sit at home and watch george carlin and jack off.

11:21 AM  

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