we build an embassy BIGGER THAN THE VATICAN and then say we are planning to leave. yeah, right. we build FOURTEEN PERMENANT BASES in iraq and then say we are going to leave. yeah, right.
acording to a report two days ago, pat tillman was shot in the head with two bullets from an M16 from a distance of about ten feet away. the bullet holes were just inches apart. totally different than anything we have been told before and it did not get hardly any play at all in the major newspapers and tv "news" channels. if he was indeed shot twice in the head from ten feet away it completely blows away even the story of "friendly fire" that we have been fed. first it was the taliban who killed him and then the story was that he was so far in front of his troops that they didn't realize he was one of theirs and consequently got killed because the troops thought they were firing at taliban fighters. yeah right. any soldier with combat experience will tell you that a captain does not get hundreds of yards alone out in front of his troops. that is just bullshit. it is looking more and more like pat tillman was killed by "unfriendly fire" but from his own troops. why? i have no idea. maybe he was so gung ho that they felt he was going to get them all killed. that happened quite a lot in viet nam. regardless of the reasons or the circumstances mr. tillmans family and the nation itself deserve a truthful account of what happened that day. the family because it is their due and the nation because bush and company made such a big ado about his "heroic death" when it happened we are entitled to know if bush knew that what he was saying was false and yet went on using this young mans death as a rallying point for his own personal bloodlust and propoganda for his own personal wars.
i don't know how many of you joined me in writing to the atlanta falcons and the nfl but enough people did that we got some results.
i would like to see the republicans do a YOUTUBE debate. bet they won't. republicans are afraid of questions that have not been screened. they are not the party of the people. and they really don't want "the people" asking them all those silly-assed questions like "how are you going to get us out of iraq?" they only want questions from rich people and corporations like "how can we get bigger tax cuts?" republicans love that question. say the words "corporate tax cuts" and republicans will whip their little bitty teeny weeny dicks and start masterbating. (well, maybe not, but it is a funny picture, some old fat millionaires jacking off to the wall street journal editorial page....especially now that murdoch owns it.)
speaking of YOU TUBE DEBATES, i thought hillary clinton acquited herself quite well as did barack obama. joesph biden had good ideas but he is starting to sound a little shrill. richardson is fading but will probably be offered the vice presidency on the clinton ticket. i can't wait for the presidental debates of next year. so far, the republicans only have rudy, who has some major baggage, and fred, who is not even in the race yet. romney is a warmonger and johnny mac is not only way too old but his flip flops have become a joke.
why do the republicans hate hillary clinton so much? could it be she is a better man than they? whenever you ask one why they hate her you get incoherent answers that make no sense whatsoever. it all boils down to that she is a woman. period. she is a strong woman. weak men are afraid of strong women. period. me, i like strong women. and strong women like me. but then again, i am not a republican.
dodgers are playing like shit since the all star break and injuries are taking their toll. the west is going to be a division of attrition.
just me at night
ranting and raving
with all my might
against the wars and the mongers thereof.