"we are going to find him (bin laden) and get him; dead or alive." george w. bush, 2001.
"we have al-qaida on the run, we have seriously damaged them." george w. bush, 2007
"u.s. intelligence analysts have concluded that al-qaida has rebuilt its operating capability to a level not seen since just before the september 11th, 2001 terrorists attacks" associated press, yesterday!
"al-qaida is considerably operationally stronger than a year ago and has regrouped to an extent not seen since 2001." united states intelligence paper released 7-12-07
"the iraqi army is getting bigger and better and will soon be able to take over combat operations now being done by u.s. troops." george w. bush 2007
"the number of battle ready iraqi battalions able to fight independently has dropped from 1o to 6 in recent months despite an increase in u.s. training efforts."
july 13th, 2007
"the iraqi police are a well trained force and work side by side with their american counterparts." george w. bush 2007
"u.s. troops kill six in firefight with iraqi police." newspaper headline, sept 14th 2001
(the article goes on to say how the iraqi police have been heavily infiltrated by shiite death squads)
while urging colleagues to devote more federal funding to programs urging sexual abstinence, SEN. DAVID VITTER, REP. LA., wrote, "the best way to avert teen pregancy is by teaching teenagers that saving sex until marriage and remaining faithful afterwards is the best choice for health and happiness."
in a speech on the senate floor last year supporting a constitutional ammendment against gay marriage, VITTER said it was "well overdue that we in the senate focus on nurturing, upholding, perserving and protecting such a fundamental social instititution as traditional marriage."
(he did not say what those sins were but i am leaning towards extreme hypocrisy)
as i have said before, i have the time to read the newspaper(s) each and every day and i know that a lot of people don't. i, for the most part, avoid television "news" and also, the odds of you seeing the first two stories about what the administration says on one hand and what really happens on the other on television are quite small. oh, you might get what he says, when he says it, but when the opposite comes through the networks do NOT link the two together. i didn't watch the news over the past few days but if you have, let me ask you a question, did you see the story about the number of iraqi battalions and was it given any kind of prominance? if so, post here and tell me what network you saw it on.
the news reports things as if they, the things, exist in a vacuum and have no relationship to the past. this gives a distorted view of reality.
a story this past week was that the iraqi government had, for all practical purposes, NOT FILLED ONE SINGLE "BENCHMARK" THAT THEY SAID THEY WOULD. not one. nada. zip. there were a few meaningless little things they did but those had nothing to do with effective government; on the major ones. fuck all.
what was missing from all these stories was how the iraqi government has continuously done this. from 2003 to this very day, we tell them that they have to do something and they say they will do it and it doesn't get fucking done. over and over and over and over and over and over again. it is not JUST THIS SINGLE FUCKING TIME. the whole society over there is dysfunctional to a degree that is beyond our comprehension. and the iraqi government reflects that dysfunctional attitude. THEY, IN THE GOVERNMENT, CAN'T GET ALONG. and we are lead to believe that a dysfunctional government can lead a dysfunctional society comprised of TRIBES whom have never gotten along with each other for the last SIX CENTURIES to all of a sudden, get along and share dose good old oil revenues EQUALLY and everyone will live happily ever after. all we have to do is give them some more time and some more benchmarks and, by golly, peace will descend on iraq on the wings of a snow white dove.
by not tying it all together, by just seeing todays news as pertaining only to today the point is missed and, in fact, the news is not reported as much as perverted and distorted. (or converted, so to speak, so to follow the party line)
i wrote a blog about what i liked about america and americans but there are things that i don't like about us and one of them is that we, as a whole, don't pay enough attention. you gotta watch these fucks, guys! if we don't start paying closer attention those fucks are going to fuck us even more than they are fucking us now. for those of you who do pay attention, let me ask you a favor, try to get someone who doesn't pay attention to start doing so. you can convert one person to the idea of paying attention. they don't have to become a liberal or a conservative, they just have to become a citizen. if we are to be a government of the people, by the people, for the people then we, the people, must be part of that government and you do that by paying fucking attention to how the government is being run IN YOUR NAME.
i get an average of 800 visits to my website every day. some of them read my blog. surely not all of them agree with me on my politics and that is fair enough but if i can get just one more person to start paying attention then all this ranting and raving is worthwhile. while preaching to the choir is easier i really want to bring someone new into the fold.
there is a great idea out there called MYBILLOFRIGHTS.ORG. check it out. they put up monuments that list the BILL OF RIGHTS where ever they have put up THE TEN COMMANDMENTS on public property. we are a secular nation. we are not a theocracy. they take small donations, give one if you can.
anyway, come out to the shows, tell people about me, have them buy c.d.'s. rock and roll.
saturday afternoon in vegas, 108 outside, dodgers on the tube.
"we have al-qaida on the run, we have seriously damaged them." george w. bush, 2007
"u.s. intelligence analysts have concluded that al-qaida has rebuilt its operating capability to a level not seen since just before the september 11th, 2001 terrorists attacks" associated press, yesterday!
"al-qaida is considerably operationally stronger than a year ago and has regrouped to an extent not seen since 2001." united states intelligence paper released 7-12-07
"the iraqi army is getting bigger and better and will soon be able to take over combat operations now being done by u.s. troops." george w. bush 2007
"the number of battle ready iraqi battalions able to fight independently has dropped from 1o to 6 in recent months despite an increase in u.s. training efforts."
july 13th, 2007
"the iraqi police are a well trained force and work side by side with their american counterparts." george w. bush 2007
"u.s. troops kill six in firefight with iraqi police." newspaper headline, sept 14th 2001
(the article goes on to say how the iraqi police have been heavily infiltrated by shiite death squads)
while urging colleagues to devote more federal funding to programs urging sexual abstinence, SEN. DAVID VITTER, REP. LA., wrote, "the best way to avert teen pregancy is by teaching teenagers that saving sex until marriage and remaining faithful afterwards is the best choice for health and happiness."
in a speech on the senate floor last year supporting a constitutional ammendment against gay marriage, VITTER said it was "well overdue that we in the senate focus on nurturing, upholding, perserving and protecting such a fundamental social instititution as traditional marriage."
(he did not say what those sins were but i am leaning towards extreme hypocrisy)
as i have said before, i have the time to read the newspaper(s) each and every day and i know that a lot of people don't. i, for the most part, avoid television "news" and also, the odds of you seeing the first two stories about what the administration says on one hand and what really happens on the other on television are quite small. oh, you might get what he says, when he says it, but when the opposite comes through the networks do NOT link the two together. i didn't watch the news over the past few days but if you have, let me ask you a question, did you see the story about the number of iraqi battalions and was it given any kind of prominance? if so, post here and tell me what network you saw it on.
the news reports things as if they, the things, exist in a vacuum and have no relationship to the past. this gives a distorted view of reality.
a story this past week was that the iraqi government had, for all practical purposes, NOT FILLED ONE SINGLE "BENCHMARK" THAT THEY SAID THEY WOULD. not one. nada. zip. there were a few meaningless little things they did but those had nothing to do with effective government; on the major ones. fuck all.
what was missing from all these stories was how the iraqi government has continuously done this. from 2003 to this very day, we tell them that they have to do something and they say they will do it and it doesn't get fucking done. over and over and over and over and over and over again. it is not JUST THIS SINGLE FUCKING TIME. the whole society over there is dysfunctional to a degree that is beyond our comprehension. and the iraqi government reflects that dysfunctional attitude. THEY, IN THE GOVERNMENT, CAN'T GET ALONG. and we are lead to believe that a dysfunctional government can lead a dysfunctional society comprised of TRIBES whom have never gotten along with each other for the last SIX CENTURIES to all of a sudden, get along and share dose good old oil revenues EQUALLY and everyone will live happily ever after. all we have to do is give them some more time and some more benchmarks and, by golly, peace will descend on iraq on the wings of a snow white dove.
by not tying it all together, by just seeing todays news as pertaining only to today the point is missed and, in fact, the news is not reported as much as perverted and distorted. (or converted, so to speak, so to follow the party line)
i wrote a blog about what i liked about america and americans but there are things that i don't like about us and one of them is that we, as a whole, don't pay enough attention. you gotta watch these fucks, guys! if we don't start paying closer attention those fucks are going to fuck us even more than they are fucking us now. for those of you who do pay attention, let me ask you a favor, try to get someone who doesn't pay attention to start doing so. you can convert one person to the idea of paying attention. they don't have to become a liberal or a conservative, they just have to become a citizen. if we are to be a government of the people, by the people, for the people then we, the people, must be part of that government and you do that by paying fucking attention to how the government is being run IN YOUR NAME.
i get an average of 800 visits to my website every day. some of them read my blog. surely not all of them agree with me on my politics and that is fair enough but if i can get just one more person to start paying attention then all this ranting and raving is worthwhile. while preaching to the choir is easier i really want to bring someone new into the fold.
there is a great idea out there called MYBILLOFRIGHTS.ORG. check it out. they put up monuments that list the BILL OF RIGHTS where ever they have put up THE TEN COMMANDMENTS on public property. we are a secular nation. we are not a theocracy. they take small donations, give one if you can.
anyway, come out to the shows, tell people about me, have them buy c.d.'s. rock and roll.
saturday afternoon in vegas, 108 outside, dodgers on the tube.
Saw all those reports. The one about how Al Qaeda rebuilt itself in Pakistan and Afghanistan and somehow that has anything at all to do with Iraq -- which has been implied by Bush, Snow and everyone else since the story (which is a made up scare tactic based on nothing) came out -- is particularly baffling.
Why get all upset, George isn't going any place until Jan. 2009,and while he is in the White House every morning he has somebody bring him what ever he wants for breakfast and we pay for it. He is not missing a meal nor probably losing much sleep thinking about how pissed off people are with him. When I thought about this I thought how dumb I was for getting upset, it means nothing it certainly doesn't bother him. I do not think this is a great arrangement. But it is what it is.
josh, did you see them on tv or did you read them; knowing your occupation, i am guessing the latter.
mr. bush would love to tell the whole truth about the war from start till now but the vp told him to shut-up.is he really stupid enough to make this many mistakes?
Unfortunately, I read them. The worst part is, I didn't even read them from GOOD, hard-hitting journalists. I just saw them all randomly on news wires.
Everything on TV seems like it's happening in a vacuum, independent of everything else that ever has happened or will happen.
Case in point, right now, 10:15 a.m. on Sunday, and CNN is showing highlights of the paper rock scissors contest.
You won't see TV news get out of this rut in the absence of a disaster until the Iraq death toll tops 4,000. And for three days when that happens, we'll be inundated with these catchy little ditties about Cindy Sheehan or Arlington Cemetery, and after that we'll be right back to skiing squirrels and Paris Hilton.
Do you have any idea just how hard it is to ski when you're a squirrel? Your tail is constantly getting in the way, snow flies up and hits you in the nuts (and I don't mean the ones you store for the winter), and those sled dogs keep trying to bite you as you go by them. So yes, I think I deserve a little air time after having a successful run or two. At least, I'm certainly more deserving than Paris Hilton!
Excellent point. I digress in full.
Cable puts up what attracts most number of eye balls. They are doing what they should. Viewers are the low life idiots that tune into what is being shown. Unfortunately these are the same idiots that the current crop of politicians seem to be pandering to with their populist bent.
"doing what they should" only refers to their real goal which is not the reporting of "news" but the making of money. while i understand that, it does upset me because i, this particular viewer, watch hoping to get "coverage" of events that actually have some pertinence to my life. and this attitude of "attracting eye balls" is what makes me read two to three newspapers per day.
the current crop of politicans are not populists in the true sense of the word but panderers only. in my opinion, a populist is what we need and not another sell-out to corporate interests.
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