Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Monday, July 09, 2007

looks like the BBC interview about bill hicks is a go. should hear this evening whether or not we got the npr station here to let us do the interview in their studio. if it is a go, broadcast will be on august 12th on bbc but no states broadcast scheduled. (bill, as i, could not sell out a phone booth here, he, however, played to giant crowds in the british isles) you will probably be able to pick it up on the internet and i will post their website when everything is finalized. stay tuned.

played poker today and even though i won 200 dollars am slightly upset (not quite the right word but it will have to do) because i could have won a thousand dollars. two times i got all my money in with the best hand and both times the miracle card came for my opponent. those two hands cost me almost 400 dollars and if i had won both i would have that 4 plus 4 that i would have won plus the 200 i did win and that = thousand dollar win. both times my opponents made mistakes and got bailed out. they made the play that i wanted them to make.... and, you see, i want them to make that play/call every time in the same situation and i am going to win the vast majority of the time. one time my opponent had 9 outs, there were 46 unknown cards so 37 hurt him and 9 made him so he was a 4-1 underdog. he was getting 2 and half to one by calling my bet. he makes that call 100 times, i am going to win 80 times. i just didn't win them today.

i attribute my win to a friend of mine who is an excellent no limit player. she got on me about letting my emotions get the best of me. i was letting bad beats get to me since it seemed, in my mind at least, as though it was happening EVERY GOD DAMN TIME, of course it wasn't but i found myself in the red for the month and a fair amount at that and i was letting it get me off my game and so the beats just got worse. she said if you are going to pout and stomp your feet this is not the game for you. she said that i had to adjust to that aspect of no limit; that you can lose a large amount just BOOM, like that and if it rattles you, this game is going to eat you up. and she wasn't nice about the way she told it to me. got right in my face, haven't been chewed out like that since a drill instructer in the army. i took her lesson to heart and, today, bad beats didn't faze me at all and even though i was in the hole big time right off the bat thanks to one of the bad beats, it still didn't bother me, i just stayed with my game. it was/is a very valuable lesson for poker and for life. remember: shit happens. don't let it get you down. play your best game every time and let bygones be bygones. by playing correctly the law of numbers will pay you off. luck has nothing to do with it over the long run; the BEST players win.

rhonda, my wife, is a real good coach as well. she has unlimited faith in my poker abilities since she has spent many an hour watching me play and never fails to say that. she recognizes my strengths and accentuates those to me, she is, truly, my biggest fan. listen, to have someone who is really on your side is to have such an overall advantage in everything words don't come close to explaining it's value. when i was going through this past bad streak rhonda always told me to get back on that horse and she did it during a time when we needed the money and she didn't let the losses both her at all. (too many spouses would have said, "you lost how much!? don't you know blah, blah blah, etc, etc.)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that you have received no comments on this blog and I, having just read it, could not resist the temptation of adding mine.

I'm a truck driver, have seen more of this country and it's people in the last year than most people see in their life time. You have hit, head on, a lot of what's best about this country. I love my country. I disagree with the government and the talking heads, but if you set them all aside, it's a great land with fantastic and breath taking beauty. From the deserts in Arizona, to the dark lush forest of Oregon and Washington, from the swamps of Louisiana to the craggy mountains of Montana. This is a great country and I have to say 'Thank You' for stepping up and saying so. Not many people do today.

7:43 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...


thanks for replying. as i have said, i have some gripes with our political class but i feel very blessed to having been born here. this is a great land and, for the most part, we are a great people. there is an old saying, "my country right or wrong." i'd change it to "my country--when it's right, i'll say 'way to go!' but when it's wrong, i'll try to make it right." because, and i know it sounds corny, i love america. glad you do too.

11:50 PM  

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