Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Thursday, July 26, 2007

chit and chat, this and that, paddle wheelers in tahoe

back home in vegas reflecting on the past week or so.

reno went well with several great shows. my middle was kathleen dunbar who did a great job all week long. my lesbian fan club came out and were, as always, just wonderful. they treated me to some superior motivational herb for which i thank them.

ended up 609 dollars ahead for the week there at no limit hold-em by playing very conservative and waiting for the right hand to show up. incidently, i was able to get a guy in a set over set situation similiar to the one in which i lost to the aces full except this time i had the bigger set and he went all in (just i like

in tahoe, performed on a very small paddle-wheeled boat for a dinner-comedy cruise around the lake. horrible. why bookers try things like that is just beyond me. they never look at it from the side of the performer; the way it was set up there was no possible opportunity for the comic to have a really good show. no stage, no stool, no mic stand. we did our sets on the floor right in front of the audience, which consisted of, oh, maybe 25 people with the waitresses walking right in front of us to clear the tables, people were still eating, the bar is right behind us and they get their drinks by getting up, walking in front of us (dodging the waitress), ordering, walking back in front of us (running into the waitress),sme of the people didn't speak english, etc etc etc all spelling h-o-r-r-i-b-l-e. the next night we were in a big concert hall in a casino and the show went great. why? well, because it was set up properly, was a venue designed for live performance and was properly seated and policed. duh. both gigs paid the same. give half as much money and let me do just the good one. the booker was a good guy, just inexperienced and, as with so many, let the money get in the way of any good sense he may have had.

saw a story in paper today about what a good guy michael vick and how he helped people from this housing project. can you say "spin"?

harriet miers was nominated by gwb to be a supreme court justice. she is now being supenoened (sp?) by congress for lying (read perjury) and contempt of congress. not surprising since the bush administration has shown nothing but contempt for congress and the american people for going on 7 years now and lying seems to be the order of the day in the administration.

now housing prices are falling and foreclosures are rising and nobody knows why. may i refer you to "last fool in line post."

american car makers are sinking into the sunset and blaming the unions for their woes. i didn't know the unions designed those pieces of shit gas guzzlers that the so-called "big three" tried to pawn off on the american public while the japanese were making quality cars that got good gas milage and lasted 200 to 500 thousand miles. damn those unions. didn't know union members got those golden parachutes that FAILED excutives got. didn't know the union members were drawing salaries of tens of millions of dollars while the companies went almost belly up. damn those union men and women.

poker advice: don't play ace jack off suit in early position in an aggressive game. throw away ace queen off suit to any raise in an aggressive game; both those hands are very vunerable. they look pretty but they just don't put out.

glad to be back home. better enjoy it while i can because for the next two months i am rocking and rolling from coast to coast.


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