after saying nice words about nancy pelosi i must now say that she is showing signs of vindictiveness and petty politics with the future of the country at stake. to lead the House Intelligence Committee she chose the rather obscure congressman, silvestre reyes of texas, (pandering to the latino vote?) over a very knowledgeable Jane Harmon (cat-fight?). the illustrious mr. reyes did not know that al-Qaida was Sunni and thought they were Shiite (actually he GUESSED they were Shiite-he just flat didn't know.) he also did not know who and what Hezbollah was. AND HE IS THE
HEAD OF HOUSE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE!!!!. seems you ought to put someone in that position who is either a. intelligent b. informed or preferably c. both. the middle east is a cauldron of tribal and religious squabbles some of which are centuries old and we need people who are making policy to understand just what the ingredients are in these little mini-wars.