after saying nice words about nancy pelosi i must now say that she is showing signs of vindictiveness and petty politics with the future of the country at stake. to lead the House Intelligence Committee she chose the rather obscure congressman, silvestre reyes of texas, (pandering to the latino vote?) over a very knowledgeable Jane Harmon (cat-fight?). the illustrious mr. reyes did not know that al-Qaida was Sunni and thought they were Shiite (actually he GUESSED they were Shiite-he just flat didn't know.) he also did not know who and what Hezbollah was. AND HE IS THE HEAD OF HOUSE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE!!!!. seems you ought to put someone in that position who is either a. intelligent b. informed or preferably c. both. the middle east is a cauldron of tribal and religious squabbles some of which are centuries old and we need people who are making policy to understand just what the ingredients are in these little mini-wars.
She does seem to be a having an inauspicious start to being "in the chair".
yeah, she hasn't started well. hopefully she will grow into the position. i wrote her today and scolded her for the reyes appointment. (not that it will do any good but to let her know someone is watching)
good idea will do the same. like to see levan on his comte. live up to expectations
sorry levin
Crafting of new farm bill ought to be a whole new level of disappointment. Thoughts?
all any politician is , is a form of weasel that crawls up enough peoples asses to get money to run and then try to justify their existence through interfering in the life of everybody else with their "policies" what makes these weasels think they have the answers? And why do we believe them. Obama, Clinton, McCain, Bush doesn't matter if they choose to be a politician they are doing nothing more than living on somebody Else's dime. None of them have ever actually done anything except direct others with their "policies". The only policy we need is to let the market place run without interference that includes meddling known as policy and meddling known as subsidies and tariffs and any other answers any politician comes up with.The market forces will be there long after these weasels are gone. Market forces were there before any politician decided they could do it better than the natural force of the market. Weasels that's all politicians are. None of them deserve any respect, if they had qualities that would command respect they would not be politicians.
on the farm bill question...i don't know enough to comment but will educate myself and get back to you. on the weasel comment. on my dark days i agree with you. on my more rational days, i don't. it is not politics it is politicians that can cause ruin and chaos. a national policy that in multiple ways benefits the general populace is a necessity for an unified country. civilizations are not to judged by their military might nor from the riches of a few but how well the "average man on street" fares. think social security, public education, health care etc. i do agree that in todays world most if not all pols are corrupt due to them selling their souls for the money that it takes to run for office.
It's gonna be good. Nancy P. is planning some real celebrations as she becomes the first woman to be speaker. She should celebrate, plans are maybe a little over the top for my taste but so what. Intention is apparently to give a "new face" to the Democratic party, that's fine but here's where the good part comes. Isn't there Howard Dean wandering around, not to mention a clutch of folks thinking about 2008 and the White House, not to mention the ever popular powerful Senate cmte. chairperson, seems like it could become a real multi-faceted face, or as some would say confusing.
Republikins are the enemy, does it make much sense trying to take their thoughts into consideration on legislation, a nice concept, when they will use any opportunity to derail the agenda Democrats were elected to pass. Were the Democrats elected to play nice with the enemy or get progressive thinking into the main stream of American consciousness? Do not let republikins off the mat, use this as a time to investigate and legislate push the republikins off the map.
the thing of it is that the republicans are self-destructing what with bush wanting a "surge" in troops in iraq. the more the republicans talk the worse they sound. i think we have an opportunity to see the end of the neo-con wing of the gop. but as far as playing nice, the demos have the votes to push their agenda through whether the repubs like it or not.
Cindy Sheehan certainly was a big help today (not)
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