Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

this is something i wrote about how the workers are being fucked and someone wrote back and said that it was a perversion of capitalism and i answer:

well, actually it is capitalism taken to its logical conclusion. since i am one of the 16 americans (or so it seems) who read marx, who was a, for lack of better term, a financial philosopher, and he forsaw just what is happening here and in europe verily as we speak and that is that capitalism will eventually eat itself as the big get bigger and the small are swallowed up in the feeding frenzy. where profits take precendent over everything else which includes, of course, worker safety, worker wages, worker working enviroment and worker safety net such as pensions, retirement, health care etc. for years, unions stood in the way of capitalism running amok but since ronnie, i can't recall, reagan was in office there has been a concerted effort to break the unions and, for the most, that effort has succeeded and we all are paying the price. marx said that communism will only come to being in an industrialized country (which is why it didn't work in russia) because capitalism is necessary for the establishment of factories, roads, shipping, warehouses, etc etc etc etc but once that was accomplished, which it has been, then the inherent weakness of capitalism will become evident to all with the exception of the ultra rich. the computer age and robotic factories are hurrying the process along. see, the rich have a real problem and that is what are they going to do with all of us who are no longer necessary? communism is only a threat to the ultra rich and that is why for almost 100 years capitalistic countries have said what a horrible thing communism is. the very idea of equality is foriegn to a capitalist, the very idea of living wages and upward mobility is frowned upon by the rich. you may think otherwise but history is going to show that i am right. there will come a revolution of the people here and in europe and out of that revolution will come chaos and out of the chaos will come a new form of government which will be either a dictatorship or communism. i probably won't be alive to see the end result but many of you reading this will be. a strong leader here could push back the arrival time of said revolution but it is inevitable, we are seeing a forerunner of sorts all across the middle east where the common denominator in egypt, lybia, tunisia, syria, yeman, et al is the lack of work and the income disparity. hmmmm. all of the dictators of those countries and their cohorts stole billions from the people and now the people want an accounting. our wealth has been stolen as well but we had a middle class which acted as a buffer between the modern robber barons and the rest of us but that middle class is being battered on all sides and so now, who speaks for you and me? NO ONE.
about an hour ago ยท Like


it is early in the morning, rhonda still asleep and i find myself worrying more and more about the state of the union as i read the morning paper. in the last couple of days there have been articles about ceo's increasing their pay while at the same time cutting benefits for the workers. all of this while health care costs go up 48% as the insurance companies are trying to get every last dime they possibly can before a national health care system comes into play. (of course, the nhc that obama passed is so complex, so convoluted and still slanted towards the insurance companies as to be better than nothing but not by much.) unless something is done by the national government we are going to slide farther and farther down the ladder to depression. on the other hand, however, the national government is so tied up in partisan quibbling that we ought to give each and ever person in congress and obama himself a violin to play while america burns.

no one in washington seems to grasp the obvious...we need jobs. the republicans say that the government cannot create jobs only the private sector can do that but the fact of the matter is that american corporations are sitting on record amounts of cash while at the same time they are making the workers put in longer hours and do more tasks instead of hiring.

in the depths of the great depression fdr tried two things...first the cpa which put money into the hands of private contractors and they were supposed to create the jobs. what happened, of course, is that the contractors made off with the money and very few jobs were created and the situation got worse. finally harry hopkins convinced fdr to put people to work directly through the government and the cwp was created. FOUR MILLION JOBS WERE CREATED IN THE FIRST FOUR MONTHS. and depression was avoided. will we do the same here in 2011? not a fucking chance.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

the president's speech...

ah jesus, even though i knew basically what obama was going to say actually hearing it made me feel ill to my stomach. what bullshit! what gall! what warmongering jingoistic bombast! i am amazed he was not booed by the camera people. so, as i said on face book here is the great peacemaker at work...he increases troop levels in the "surge" by 30,000 and now he is "withdrawing" 33,000 leaving "only" 67,000 (or thereabouts) which, oh fellow liberals, about twice the number of troops there when he took office. smoke and mirrors. and next year, he will consult with his "generals" to get their view on what to do then. (here is a prediction...generals are going to be in favor of war....what cha think?) and during the speech not nary a word about what to do about the troops in iraq.

now, not to be outdone in warmongering, rep. boehner was quick to beat the drums of war and death immediately after obama's litany of lies and pussyfooting by saying that we had to stay until the taliban is defeated...which, of course, would be like...oh let's say...never.

the only good thing i heard on tv today was on msnbc where rachael m. said that polls showed that 72% of the american people wanted us out of afghanistan ASAP. of course, the american people want jobs too but hey, fuck 'em, what do they know? i think that they may know that the large amounts of money we are spending (giving to the military industrial complex that is) in iraq and afghanistan would be put to better use and betterment of the american people if that same amount of money was spent here on say building bridges or repairing roads or even paying down the debt. but no, that ain't gonna happen. the war party has spoken and we will be in the middle east until we piss enough of them off to actually explode a nuclear weapon here. and they will get that weapon from pakistan. that is the end result if we don't get out. the people in afghanistan, pakistan, iraq, iran, yeman, saudi arabia et al see us as imperialistic invaders, which, of course, we are. and they will resort to the most desperate of means to get us out. and that is what is going to happen unless we, the people, demand that we stop these stupid, foolish, expensive, murderous wars that are being fought in our name.

in the meantime, republican candidate for president , john huntsman, has been running a commercial on tv that shows him riding a motorcycle through rough country. (set to music of course but no dialogue, just his name...huntsman for president.) ahhhh, but it is not huntsman on the bike. lol. unfuckingbelievable.

to quote the late great bill hicks WAKE UP AMERICA

back to blogging

for the last year or so, most of the 'blogs' i have posted have been on face book but rhonda wants me to start here again so that later she can edit some of these and put them in a book. matter of fact, now that i think about it, since i have been toying with the idea to do what hundreds, if not thousands, of you have asked me to do which is to write a book about my life and times, i may just write many of these with that exact thought in mind. the problem with facebook is that the comments and posts disappear and finding them again is a real time consuming process. anyway....

the republican field for president is filled with a. nuts,b. religious fanatics and c. people who just make shit up when they have nothing to say. in class a. we have michelle bachman and the undeclared favorite of the tea party, sarah (read my lips since i don't read anything) palin....just google up their statements on you tube, the examples of nuttiness are rampant. leading the pack for b. is gov. rick perry of texas who is having a big "prayer meeting" where only christians and right wing fundamentalist christians at that are welcome (apparently muslims, jews, hindus, unitarians, methodists, native americans, animists, buddhists et al are neither americans nor do they pray) plus it is co-sponsered by the american family association which is an anti-gay right wing group so gays don't count either in rick's america. my favorite little fact (and not little at that) is his belief that abstinance works to cut down on teenage pregnacies. with this belief firmly in mind, rick perry cut sex education in texas schools and guess what? teenage pregnancies in texas are now the largest in america. when this was pointed out to him, the good guv said, and i quote, "abstinace works." he also cut funding for schools across texas hoping, i guess, to grab that #50 spot in studnet achievements...presently the grand state of texas (republican to the core) is 48th in reading and 49th in science. of course, all of the republicans claim to be staunch christians and all will tell you that america was founded by christians but they neglect to say that a good number of our founding fathers were unitarians...including thomas jefferson. ah well, never let facts get in the way of a good campaign speech; which brings us to

b. tom pawlenty another favorite of the republican right. being a member of the war party, tommy boy said this past week that "iraq is a shining example for the entire middle east." man oh man. the week before the cia said that THE LARGEST CONCENTRATION OF AL QUAIDA FIGHTERS IS IN IRAQ!.. and in today's new york times 96-22-11) are these examples of that shining example. 1. suicide bombers detonated two car bombs on tues outside the governor's compound in baghdad killing at least 27 people, many of them police officers. 2. roadside bombs were detonated near american convoys in the cities of hilla, tikrit and samarra. 3.militants fired rockets into a u.s. military base in baghdad, where five soldiers were killed in a rocket attact two weeks earlier and a sixth soldier has died since then of wounds from that same attack. 4. a military convoy in basra was attacked on tuesday but no one died. and 5. "although villence in iraq has decreased significantly in recent YEARS, there is still a STEADY stream of attacks, particularly against government officials and security forces. last week, suicide bombers attacked a provincial council office in baquba, killing seven. (maybe tommy boy was referring to the movie..the shining...since the horror continues daily) and now for ...

c. the erstwhile, newt ginrich, (you know, the family values guy who left his dying wife for a helmet-headed bimbo) has been tauting himself as a professor. which he is not. but why quibble? and why question a man who has a million dollar line of credit at tiffany's? to buy baubles for his baby....

on the democratic side of the war party (the only party we have), though obama is highly unpopular, not a single democrat has said that they will oppose him. i guess they are just super happy with how things are going.

in final comment for today, we are building bridges and roads and providing job training not here in america where we so desperately need it but in afghanistan and iraq. can you say...."we are so fucked"?