george will on mike huckabee
i do not have the style, vocabulary nor experience of george will so let me quote a paragraph from a editorial of his in the las vegas paper today:
"huckabee fancies himself persecuted by the republican 'establishment.' a creature already negliglible by 1964, when it failed to stop barry goldwater's nomination. the establishment's voice, the new york herald tribune, expired in 1966. huckabee says "only one explanation" fits his iowas success "and it's not a human one. it's the same power that helped a little boy with two fish and five loaves feed a crowd of 5,000 people." god so loves huckabee's politics that he worked a midwest miracle on his behalf? SHOULD SOMEONE SO DELUSIONAL CONTROL NUCLEAR WEAPONS?" (caps mine)
(and i am not sure that Jesus the Christ was a "little boy" at the time of the sermon on the mount.)
george will then goes on to disect john edwards as well lumping both of these men under the label of populists.
there have been quite a few comments on these political posts of mine and i would suggest you read them if you, like me, are political in nature. for those of you who are not political, become so; it is our country here we are talking about and, brothers and sisters, we are at one of those crossroads of history where futures are determined and disasters are either avoided or experienced.
"huckabee fancies himself persecuted by the republican 'establishment.' a creature already negliglible by 1964, when it failed to stop barry goldwater's nomination. the establishment's voice, the new york herald tribune, expired in 1966. huckabee says "only one explanation" fits his iowas success "and it's not a human one. it's the same power that helped a little boy with two fish and five loaves feed a crowd of 5,000 people." god so loves huckabee's politics that he worked a midwest miracle on his behalf? SHOULD SOMEONE SO DELUSIONAL CONTROL NUCLEAR WEAPONS?" (caps mine)
(and i am not sure that Jesus the Christ was a "little boy" at the time of the sermon on the mount.)
george will then goes on to disect john edwards as well lumping both of these men under the label of populists.
there have been quite a few comments on these political posts of mine and i would suggest you read them if you, like me, are political in nature. for those of you who are not political, become so; it is our country here we are talking about and, brothers and sisters, we are at one of those crossroads of history where futures are determined and disasters are either avoided or experienced.
Loaves and Fishes are all well and good, but I'm waiting for Huckabee to go to New Hampshire wedding have some chowder turned to wine.
I've loved your comedy for a long time and just now discovered your blog. I agree with much of what you state, either in show or here on your site. Just to clarify the loaves and fishes point, Jesus Christ wasn't the little boy. He used the little boy's lunch of two fish and five loaves to feed the 5000 gathered to listen to Him speak. I don't think that religion should be used as a political platform, however, and Huckabee is a sad, little man.
Just wanted to toss in one other bizarre fact about the Huckster...
He is one of those of the religious persuasion that evolution is nothing more than heresy and the world is only 6000 years old. He actually BELIEVES that the world is 6000 years old.
With that I'll repeat Ron's line:
Don't get me started on Romney.
It is just another election. Politicians have always been "going to Washington to straighten out those rascals" The funny part is the population still gets sucked in with "the most important election ever " crap, and it is time for a "new way of doing things" and a "new vision".
The system does not need changing, the population needs educating so they can get the most out of the system.
Read recently that a survey found that even a bad economics student knew more about how the economy really functions(not bar or barbershop concepts) and not politicians loading the lips of the minions that follow them. I mean an understanding of the laws of economics and how they function so they can be used to reward personal greed.
Special interests. News flash everybody is in a "special interest" group even not joining or identifying with a group puts a person into a group. Do you want to get an education and receive a large paycheck from a corporation or be told what to do by a union goon? That is the question.
If ever there were to be "change" and I do not concede that to be good the voters will have to learn to cast aside emotion and independently research which candidate has a logical doable plan that will enhance THEIR LIFE. Research does not mean paying attention to any member of the media, they are just politicians without the balls to file papers looking to load the lips of any body too stupid to determine the reality of a candidate. If everybody rationally took care of themselves the world would be just fine. But that is not going to happen so I do not even pretend to care. I just make sure I do the best for myself no mater whose bull shit was the best in an election year. It is still bull shit.
Democracy fuck democracy let the market place decide. Free and unfettered markets produce results far superior than the actions of a bunch of fucks called politicians that are magically going to make everybody happy. The more a politician comes on with populist bull shit the more of a con they are.
i must disagree, this is an important election and there are times when the right man or woman in office has brought about great change or avoided great disaster. washington, lincoln, fdr all come to mind. independence, unity and emancipation and the stopping of hitlers brand of facism were worth while goals and benefited most of mankind. i could add in churchill, ghandi, king etc etc.
when you have unfettered capitalism you do not have anywhere close to a level playing field and the ultra rich have such a big stack, to use a poker analogy, that they will bully the table.
as far as union "goons" go, the unions have done so much more for the american people than corporations have that i am amazed that you have fallen for the right wing anti-union propoganda that is waged daily on right wing radio. you claim to think for yourself and encourage others to "research" in order to form intelligent decisions. i would suggest that you do the same when it comes to unions. and as for drawing a "large paycheck" from a big corporation, i drew those large paychecks but i found i was selling my soul by doing so. i would rather get my "paycheck" from being independent from any boss other than myself and my sense of right and wrong.
one of my best friends was an economics prof at a major university and his contention was that if you go to one school and take economics you will learn something different that if you had attended another school and in the long run economics is governed more by chaos than policy.
unfettered capitalism is being practiced today only in certain countries of africa and asia would you like to move there and see how you do? the countries that have the highest standards of living for their citizens are countries that have some kind of socialism built into their systems. facts are facts, jack. look it up. research. quit listening to rush.
Don't do television, radio, or lunatic fringe blogs. Statements are based on my own observations. Question if unions are such a terrific thing why do they need to have legislation to force people to join them? I support right to work legislation. If unions are defenders of democracy, why do they want to do away with secret ballot elections to determine if a union takes over a work place?
Capitalism hardly runs free in America. With reference to developing nations further investigation will make clear that the problems experienced in mainly African nations are not caused by capitalism, but rather incompetent governments, government meddling, and tribal war fare. Capitalism seems to be doing just fine at raising the living standards of millions in Asian nations.
By the way do enjoy the open tone of this blog.
Talking about facts jack look to India what holds the country back compared to China and other Asian nations? The large left wing bloc in parliament that stands in the way of reform.
it is always easier to argue with what you wished i had said than it is to argue with WHAT I SAID. i never said unions were "defenders of democracy" or if i did i sure can't find it.
also i didn't say the capitalism runs free in america.
thank you for letter, try again.
as for the "left wing" block keeping india back; you're kidding right? they are the second fastest growing economy in the world of major countries. and are you speaking of, perchance, COMMUNIST CHINA? if so, your argument makes no sense.
thank you for your letter, please feel free to try again.
and for the person who liked the open forum. so do i. it is an exchange of ideas .... and sometimes insults. we can do that here in this country, ain't it great?
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