Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
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Location: Las Vegas

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Saturday, December 08, 2007

boxing, bill, and republican bullshit

i have bought the pay per view fight tonight between mayweather and hatten, should be interesting. mayweather wants to be considered one of the all-time bests and he has some credentials to that claim but i hesitate to put him up with ali, sugar ray robinson, sugar ray lenoard, willie pep, jack dempsey or several others that i consider to be the ALL TIME greats. i think, based on what i have read, that hatten is going to give him a good fight tonight. floyd is a brilliant defensive fighter and i really admire that but i question his power. he does have the "art of self defense" down to a T however and that gives him the edge tonight. we shall see.

a friend of mine sent me a email listing all the old charges against bill clinton. all the "suspicious" deaths of people around him with the underlying assumption that bill and by osmosis, hillary, must have had something to do with them. the only problem is that all of these accusations are false. as i pointed out in my reply to my friend, none of these has ever been proven and when bill was president we had a republican majority in both houses and they spent untold millions investigating him and could come up with nothing but a blow job. not one of these old charges and innuendos have ever been brought to a grand jury, no charges have ever been filed. don'tyou think that if there was the slightest iota of truth to any of them that after spending all that money they would have been able to find something to take to a prosecutor other than a little cum swallowing and cigar positioning? give me 20 million dollars and i can find some dirt on mother theresa. the people behind these attacks are the same ones who told us that max cleland was unpatriotic (he lost both legs in vietnam), murtha was a traitor (he won medals for valor in vietnam) and that there were weapons of mass destruction in iraq. how many lies does it take before we recognize a liar?

the republican attack machine is gearing up against hillary because they fear her so. the r.a.m. takes their cues from joey goebbels who said that if you tell a lie, regardless of how obviously false it may be, over and over and over and over again, the people will eventually take it as truth. you can count on many stories about bill when and if hillary becomes the nominee.

there is a report today in the paper that the total cost of the war in iraq and afghanastan is 3.5 TRILLION DOLLARS. this includes the long term costs of treating the wounded and disabled, interest and costs associated with borrowing to finance the war, the money needed to repair and replace military equipment, the increased costs of military recruitment and retention and the costs of lost productivity.

we don't have a national health care system because it costs too much?

our public schools are a disgrace because we can't afford to pay teachers more?

our roads and bridges are in disrepair because we can't afford to fix them?

our public transportation is a joke. we don't have a national rail service (how much gas would that save?). our kids can't read and apparently don't want to. we spend more on health care than any other nation and yet we have millions who have no insurance. we talk about security and yet we don't even examine the cargo coming into our ports and our borders have more holes than swiss cheese. you can't walk down the street in any city without incountering hordes of homeless people (this in the richest country on the face of the earth). our social services are underfunded and undermaned. a sheet metal worker makes more than a teacher. our cops are outgunned by the bad guys. we have over two million people in prison and about half of them are in on drug charges while other countries look at drug use as a disease and treatment is given we lock them up.

how stupid are we?

where are our national priorities? where is our common sense? have we lost our collective mind? what makes a nation great? is it our military strength or the quality of life for our citizens? granted we have a great military and the men and women in our armed forces are motivated by patriotism but we are behind almost every other industrialized country in all other forms of "quality of life" standards.

we have been at war in iraq longer than we were at war against germany, italy and japan in WWII and still there is no end in sight. we used to be loved and admired and now we are feared and hated.

and the republicans will tell you it is all bill's fault.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This all just illustrates the truly perverted nature of extreme ordered thinking in our society...

12:18 PM  

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