Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

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Monday, December 03, 2007

political forum

thinking about politics this cold sunny day in las vegas and would like to get feedback from you guys out there.....

on the republican side, the only two that i feel that i could live with as president if i had to would be johnny mac and huckabee even though both of them are seriously flawed in my mind. rudy, mitt or fred would be another bush-like disaster for our country in my opinion.

on the democratic side, i could live with any of them but right now, this undecided democratic voter, my preferences would be, in order, clinton, obama, dodd, biden, edwards. i have left out richardson, whom i don't really want or dennis k., who would be my favorite if i thought he had any chance at all of being elected.

i am not buying into the idea that senator clinton cannot win, i think she would win in a landslide, not because of her but because of the nation's disgust with the republicans.

none of the democrats, with the exception of dennis, have come out with a plan for universal, single payer, health care. money still controls both parties and i am afraid we will still be the only industrialized country without nhc for the rest of my life and this is because of the enormous influence the insurance companies and the big health care companies have over both parties.

those are my thoughts. care to share yours? fire away. i don't think you could ever convince me to vote republican but you can try anyway. not that i think many republicans read my blog or are big fans of me in general but i know that i do, indeed, have some republican fans and at least 3 republican friends. 4 if you count my brother in law but he has been a military man for all of his adult life and that shades your view. he is now out of the service and may eventually come around....he is a good man and we have had some great email arguments. we agree not to discuss politics in person, mainly to keep him from just beating the shit out of me. nah, that's a joke, he wouldn't do that, i am good to his sister and for that i have his loyalty and he has mine.


Blogger Sevesteen said...

Ohio has open primaries, so I'm more than likely going to vote for Ron Paul. He doesn't match me perfectly, but he's closer than most. I also think he's slightly nuts, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

My choice of Paul is in a sense protesting against the current choices. Both sides seem to have minimized the virtues of their traditional platforms, while emphasizing the parts I disagree with.

I don't know who I'll vote for in the main event--Depends on both who is running and whether Ohio is going to be a swing state. If it is close, and one candidate is significantly worse than the other I'll pick lesser of evils. Otherwise I'll more than likely vote independent or third party.

3:33 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

you make good points here, i, too, am rather disgusted with both parties but i don't want to vote 3rd party because i think this election is too important. ron paul has my respect because as i have said before, he is the only one who has told the truth about 9-11, that we, the usa, brought that upon ourselves by our constant meddling in the middle east and our heavy handed treatment of all things arab and muslim with the exception of the saudias, our cohorts in crime and one of the most repressive regimes in the area.

5:20 PM  
Blogger Atomic Punk said...

Well, even though I live in Canada, and don't really follow politics much, I do have one thing that stood out for me as of late.

With the writers on strike Letterman has been running re-runs, and last week the most recent show that Bill Clinton was on ran again.

I have to say I was impressed (if you look for "Bill Clinton on Letterman" on youtube, you can find it.) Now I realize a vote for Hilary, is not a vote for Bill, but I also feel he was genuine, and really feels his wife can do a great job. And I don't get the feeling that he is blowing smoke up your ass(Not much anyway).

And, let's face it, if Hilary becomes the first woman President, who better than Bill to be the "First Man?"; "First Gentleman?"; "First Dude?" or whatever you want to call him.

But as I said, I don't follow politics much. I do tend to pay more attention during an election and I make a point to get my vote in, it gives me the right to bitch :)

I'll be watching things from right here for the upcoming US election, that way I get an education, and some entertainment.

5:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lesser of two evils...I am starting to hate that phase. Being a liberal in a decidedly conservative state(NC) and family, sometimes its hard to justify my beliefs with the candidates that are presented. I think Clinton could be great, I think her intentions are good, but she is caught up in the normal "politics as usual". I think that Obama is an intellegent man, great speaker, but in a country that is so anti-muslum that does not bode well for him. I thought it was funny that my parents don't trust him because he is Muslum and in the Koran it states that followers may lie to further thier religion...of course Bush has been lieing for 7 years in a religion that it is on the top 10 things not to do.

8:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Years ago I had a friend who defected from Poland when it was not easy to leave the country. He was a black market trader. He told me a story about entertaining the apparatchiks that he “kept on the payroll”. When I said in horror “they’re communists” he looked at me, laughed and said “capitalist communist is all the same at the top” the most accurate political assessment I have ever heard. The characters are interchangeable with some differences in the chrome.
It’s the minions in all political movements that are the party zealots, politicians push the buttons and the drones have a cause that gives meaning to their lives for a few months.
Personally I like the idea of an economic system based on private activity rather than government proclamation. The folks making squillions bless them they give me heart that by making good decisions I can be in fat city also. Myself I would really like to be a billionaire rather than a government drone.
For all those that say the worker is getting screwed look at the reality. Before there is a place to work there has to be an investment. Investment comes from saving from somebody saying no the Bentley and another person saying no to the chrome wheels on the pick up. They did not consume they saved and then took a risk with those savings looking for a return. Workers turn up and do what they are paid to do sometimes(ask a UAW member about the job bank). Then they get upset because the world discovers that a robot can make the weld better and quicker and won’t fuck with you by telling you how to run the business that is there because of your thrift and investment capabilities.
Communism, socialism, capitalism there will always be fuckers and fuckees. At least under capitalism I have a shot at being a fucker.
The system keeps going. I could talk about the sacredness of an economy as a natural phenomena that no matter what interventions politicians interject into those forces, still not believing with centuries of evidence, that medaling is just the sowing of the seeds of a less desirable situation down the road. Politicians and promoters you tell me the difference.

6:14 PM  

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