Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

merry christmas

merry christmas to all. (and the wise men were not at the manger)

my thanks go out to all of you who have come to my shows or visited my website. you are why i do what i do.

ron and rhonda


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Ron!
Best Wishes for the New Year!
And by the way, you are right on about Obama. Once again we must choose the person who is most electable not nessiarily who is most qualified. But if I have my 'ruthers I think that he becomes the best who can get the office. Warmonger? Really? I just don't see that happening. I don't think the American public will tolerate another one of those for the next four years.

5:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to the Center for Responsive Politics (CRP), the 2008 Obama presidetial campaign has received nearly $5 million from securities and investment firms and $866,000 from commercial banks through Oct 2007. Obama's top contributor is Goldman Sachs.

Of his top twenty election investors, fully eight are securities and investment firms: Golman Sachs (#1), Lehman Bros (#2), JP Morgan Chase (#4), Citadel Investment Group (#7), UBS AG, UBS America, Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse.

According tp CRP, Obama's presidential run is aided by more than $2 million from the health care sector and $400,000 from the insurance industry through Oct 2007.

If Obama is "progressive", as he repeatedly describes himself in his remarkably conservative 2006 capaign book "The Audacity Of Hope", he is one of a particularly corporate- friendly and power-worshipping type.

Political analysts are hard at work to give an adequate name to the political disease that is the Obama phenomenon. I call him a narcissistic and reactionary pain in the ass.

In many ways he is worse than Bush; he has repeatedly said that the reason he didn't vote for the Iraq war is that he thought we should bomb Pakistan.

10:09 AM  
Blogger tiptone said...

Christmas wishes and New Year's greetings from deep in the heart of Texas to you and Rhonda.

6:32 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...


since you are obviously not in the obama camp, just who are you supporting in the upcoming election?

you say the obama was (is?) for bombing pakistan, was (is) it because that is where obl is hiding and was he talking about bombing the hideouts that we think obl may be in? i find it hard to believe that he advocates the bombing of pakistan for absolutely no reason.

you said in previous post that obama "campaigned" for lieberman. i found no record of this. i did find one quote where he recommended lieberman to stay in office. not quite "campaigning". you also went into great lengths about his ties to the "hedge funds". upon googling this, i found one article in the chicago tribune, a very conservative paper, about that. i found nothing damning in it.

as for him accepting contributions from the people you named above, i find nothing damning in it either. i am a little peeved by his campaign acting as though all his money came from private parties and that does give me some pause.

since you are so vehemently against obama and are now calling him names,i really do want to know who you are for and why. so jump back in to this discussion

8:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude, pan metron gave you good info. Financial institutions are pouring millions into Obama's coffers and you find no connection to hedge funds. Really.
Goldman sachs and the other boys expect a return on their investment and you find nothing damning.
I googled Obama campaigning for Lieberman and instantly found Obama making a speech at a Liberman fundraiser on 31 March 2006 in Hartford, Connecticut as reported by the New Yotk Times. Really.
It is no secret that Obama has been Lieberman's protege in the Senate from day one.
dude, like pan metron said, do your home work.

6:55 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...


i found the article and i stand corrected. i ask you, as i asked pan, since it is obvious you are not in the obama camp then who do you support and why?

financial institutions are pouring millions into all of the camps. do they expect something in return? of course they do. will they get it? that is to be seen. money has so insulated itself into our political process that all canidates who look to have any chance of being elected have to and do accept monies that they may, in their heart of hearts, not really want but in their wallets they need. i cannot damn a man or woman from taking money from the big players on the national scene be they the oil companies, the financial institutions, the health care cartel, the insurance companies etc. they are the ones with the deep pockets.

since you are obviously not in the obama camp, i ask you the same thing that i asked pan but got no reply: whom are you supporting and why?

both of you have given me pause in my support for obama, however, unless you (or anyone) can give me a better choice then, still, as far as i can see, obama is the best of the lot. i would accept either hillary or edwards or even dodd as the democratic nominee. i will, of course, support whomever the democrats nominate because we can't afford the republicans any more. they just cost too fucking much in oh so many ways.

10:10 PM  

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