Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

who should be president and WHY.

i finally made up my mind as to whom to support in the '08 election. i have examined all the candidates and have read their material, watched their commercials, gone over their platforms and looked closely at their backgrounds. i have watched them in the debates and listened intently to their ideas and how they expressed them.

quite a few things i took into consideration... and how we got to here bears reference as to what we need to do to remedy our ills. i was around for a lot of the "getting here."

i was around for the 60's. i was around for the civil rights movement and the demonstrations against the war in vietnam. i changed from a rock-ribbed republican and an oklahoma/texas brand of conservative to a pacifistic liberal over a period of a decade. growing up in amarillo and oklahoma city and being the son of a WWII veteran, i was taught that our government does not lie to us. i believed that...until i saw the government lie to us. i thought that we lived in the land of the free...until i saw the chicago cops beat unarmed, non-threatening peace protesters who were exercising their constitutional right to assembly. i cried when dr. martin luther king gave his "i have a dream" speech and wept uncontrollably when he died.

i saw the riots burn the cities of our country and the fire of racial discord sweep our nation. i have watched as we have demonized people for the color of their skin or for their sexual preference. i have watched as the "powers that be" tried their mortal best to pit us, one against the other, by dividing us into camps; left/right, liberal/conservative, white/black etc. etc. what this does is make us look at our neighbor as our potential enemy instead of as our fellow citizen.

i saw ronald reagan get us involved in little wars up and down central america, partially creating the flood of central american immigrants across our borders. i saw him break the faa union and cut spending for mental health treatment creating most of the homeless problem of today.

i saw clinton campaign against nafta and then, as soon as he was in office, signed nafta into law. i watched him look us in the eye and say, "i did not have sex with that woman."

we have all seen what george w. bush has done to our country, to our rights, to our constitution, our international reputation and to our real security. only the oil companies and the military contractors have benefited from his terms in office while the rest of us live with higher bills in shaky job security and are paying twice as much for gasoline and home heating oil than when that walking disaster came in office, smirking and grinning and lying through his fucking teeth. we have seen new york city attacked, new orleans destroyed, our military stretched to the breaking point and we have seen ourselves involved in not one, but two wars that we will never win if winning means leaving behind a peaceful organized country. we have created more terrorists than osama bin laden could have ever recruited. we are less safe than we have ever been and our country is broke. the american dollar, once the mighty benchmark of the international community, is now worth less than the euro, the ruble and the canadian dollar. we owe our financial souls to the chinese.

i said all of that to give credence to this: we, the people, must elect someone who will step out of the mold to which we have become so accustomed. the mold of same-old, same-old. the mold of more business as usual. the mold of more government of the corporations and less government of the people.

to do this we have to elect someone who wants to be the representative of the people first and foremost.

barrack obama is that someone. here is what swayed me:

when he graduates from columbia u., he goes to chicago to work as a community organizer in chicago. realizing that he could do much more for the community if he was a lawyer, he applies to and is accepted by harvard. not only does he graduate with honors, he was the editor of the harvard law review and the only black ever to be so. that would guarantee a $500,000 dollar salary on wall street to start. what does obama do? he goes back to chicago to do PUBLIC service. he has walked the walk. he has shown, by his actions, that he cares about the people. he turned down a fortune to work for the people.

he has taken no money from special interests nor from lobbyists. none.

i believe we must have a president in '08 that the country can unite around. someone who can bring us all together as americans and not as some sub-groups of americans. i believe we must have a president that other countries can look at and see someone who can be reasoned with and whose goals are international peace and co-operation and not war and confrontation. he said he would talk to our enemies, drawing much ire from the other canidates. look, if you don't talk to your enemies, they will always remain your enemy. duh...

we need a president who is beholding to us, the people, and even more importantly, wants to be beholden to us. i believe that barrack obama wants to help the people of this country. you and me. i think most of the rest of them just want to be president. with them, the presidentcy is the goal, with obama, the doing of good is the goal. that is a real big difference. i think that when given the "bully pulpit" of the oval office, his sincere desire to help all americans live in peace and prosperity will come through and we can all set about to forging a "more perfect union." i think he is the only one of either party that can possibly bridge that gap between us and bring us together.

my friends, this coming election may be the most important election this country has had since lincoln. we are at a real crossroads in our history and the path we take will determine our future. we need visionaries much more so than we need politicians and barrack obama is the only visionary amongst them.

i think this guy could be really good for the country. i am going to do what i can to help get him elected.


"...just like yesterday
i'll get on my knees and pray...
we don't get fooled again."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

His campaign slogan for saving America ought to be, "Get Barack to Where We Once Belonged"...

7:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nearly every person elected as president of the U.S. since 1952, and nearly every opponent, has belonged to a secretive, globalism-oriented organization known as the Council on Foreign Relations.
Some Presidents and their challengers have belonged to additional clubs of internationalists, the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission. Running mates, too, more often than not have had ties to the groups.
That the groups exert enormous influence is indisputable. What is disputed whether such groups are, as adherents and members argue, just discussion forums for movers and shakers, or, as critics have long alleged, secret societies shaping a new world order from behind the scenes. On that last point at least, no one can challenge the critics: All these groups operate in considerable secrecy, away from the scrutiny of the American public.
Regardless of one how characterizes them, the fact that virtually all presidents belong to the same secret clubs, prompts one to wonder if the 2008 election will also be a contest between globalist insiders.
According to a variety of sources, the following presidential candidates are either members of one of the groups or have strong ties: Clinton, Giuliani, Romney, OBAMA, McCain, Edwards, Thompson, Biden, Dodd and Richardson.
Huckabee, though not a member, spoke to the CFR in September. Since then, his political star has risen to the point that he has become a top-tier candidate.
Whatever your impressions of Obama, make no mistake, he's an insider who will uphold the status quo.

5:19 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

my goodness, next you will be telling me about the trilateral committee. maybe the masons and the illumantae. the illumantae are secret too, if you ask one if he is a member, he will always say "no." so, always beware of people who claim not be one of the illumantae.

the john birch society first started coming after the cfr in the 50's, pat robertson chimed in later on and books were published, namely "none dare call it conspiracy" and others. they all had one thing in common, hysterical fear of "secret societies" who were promoting a "new world order", apparently threatening all good christian americans.

now, you will say that since i don't believe in this particular secret society i must be naive. okay dokey then i am naive and still working for barrack obama.

9:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Before you said in one of your blogs that you wouldn't support Ron Paul because although you liked his ideas you didn't think he could get elected. What makes you think that a black man with a Muslim name has any real chance, either? Aren't you being a little inconsistent here?

6:56 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

either i said it wrong or you took it wrong, ron paul will not be nominated by the republican party. he has no chance, the republicans would crush him, he tells way too many truths for that side of the aisle.

i don't think the american people will hold obama's "name" against him nor will they, with the exception of the hard core racists, hold his color against him. those that would do either are not going to vote democratic anyway. the republicans can count on the vote of the kkk and the "let's kill all the muslims" group anyway.

barrack obama has a better chance of winning the general election than hillary does and i think john edwards is a bit too angry to make a good president.

i am not putting out my ideas as gospel. they are my takes. for what they are worth. it is what makes democracy great and chaotic at the same time. it can get messy and we sure don't end with the best guy every time or even most of the time. but it is what we have and until something better comes along.....

10:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Bilderberg Group is not a secret society, it's an annual conference of American and European world leaders, CEO's and media figures. Every year, 120 most important people meet and set the agenda for the following year. The proceedings are top secret, which is why people confuse it with a conspiracy.
Daniel Estulin has written a well-documented and explosive book about the Bilderberg Group, which is now a best seller in Europe. It's a must-read for anyone interested in politics. He was recently intervied on Pacifica radio and if you Google "Daniel Estulin + Pacifica", you'll hear the most interesting hour on how the world really operates.
One of the tidbits was that during their last meeting in Ottawa in June the Bilderbergs nixed Bush's war with Iran.
You don't become a U.S. president without the approval of the world's elite. To think otherwise is indeed naive.

4:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

please explain why you think obama would stand a better chance at general election then hillary

i should think the opposite is true

and in view of the fact that the last two elections got stolen how do you reckon it won't happen again

5:48 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

well, of course, it could be stolen as the last two surely were. i don't think they (the repubs) will try to steal 08 since they obviously aren't running anyone of consequence. i think they think the shit is going to hit the fan by mid 09 and they would just as soon have a demo in there to take the blame.

hillary does have her detractors and she inspires some real hate on the side of some republicans. obama, on the other hand, comes with a clean slate and will bring some moderate repubs over as well as many independents who are the true swing votes. do not get me wrong, i like hillary, i just like obama more and think he is the best person for the job. if you think otherwise, tell me why.

10:34 PM  
Blogger Sina Amedson said...

Have you looked at Dennis Kucinich? He has some great views but seems to be an underdog in the nominee process.

Still, he would be the dem that I would vote for if he was a nominee. Otherwise, i was debating between Obama and Hillary (well, in the off chance that Ron Paul got the nomination...I'd vote for him) but Hillary's association with Bill made me immediately dislike her. And your argument did some good in swaying my judgement.

It's Kucinich or Obama all the way. Whoever gets the nomination.

But let's not forget how Lincoln got elected in the first place...America didn't think that anyone would vote for a republican so they spent all their time splitting the vote and then the republicans ended up winning with a small margin.

At least that's what i think happened. I agree this is an important election though.


3:25 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

dennis has the same problem as ron paul, he tells the truth and worse yet, he tells it bluntly. the american people don't really want the truth and quote the movie, "you can't handle the truth!" you being the american public. the truth is, our problems in the middle east and elsewhere are our own damn fault. we brought 9-11 upon ourselves, we let our own constitution get shredded because we are too lazy and too stupid to pay attention. we let our treasury get looted by the corporations and in particular, the oil companies because we, as a nation, have no real backbone. we are like drunken bullies on the world stage and unless we come out of our stupor we are going to get our comeuppance in many and horrible ways.

8:48 AM  
Blogger Sina Amedson said...

Agreed. I wish the People would elect an honest and smart man like Dennis or Paul...but it's looking like it's going to be another showman's race.

Obama's got my vote.


8:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GLad to have you in the Obama camp with me and the rest of us who'd like to think that a president should be bright, articulate, and free from PAC entanglements.

I havew no faith the the powers that be will let him be the nominee, but its nice to know I'm not alone.

Merry Xmas to you and Rhonda!

5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As African Americans contemplate the possibility of Barack Obama in the Oval Office, they should consider the ramifications of a black face at the helm of an unreconstructed imperial policy.
Barack Obama shows no inclination to abandon imperialism as state policy, only to avoid dumb wars, while placing U.S.-designated interests above international law.

9:34 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

gee anonymous, you sound a lot like a previous post which (who) sounded a lot like L.W. but regardless, i think the ramifications of a black face in the oval office will do wonders for our image abroad.

1:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A-fucking-men, Brother Ron. A black face (heck even a moderately brown one) will do a great deal of good not only internationally, but with a huge chuck of the American population who have been bullshitted into thinking they can't do anything with the lives God has given them.

Keep up the good work,
Friar Chuck

10:50 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

brother chuck,

great point! i hadn't even thought of that but it is excellent. it will motivate, encourage and, in some instances, be a real eyeopener for a huge percentage of our black population. and our brown population for that fact.

the demos are running a hispanic, a woman and a black. the repubs are running a group of white men. speaks volumes doesn't it?

4:36 PM  

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