sunday musings about mc cain.
sunday afternoon, recuperating from unr's blowout of unlv's football team last night and thinking about john mc cain and some of my comments about him....
ten years ago, my opinion of mc cain was much different and he was, at that time, someone who i would have been comfortable with in the white house with the exception of his militaristic view of international affairs. since 2000 when bush ran one of the dirtest campaigns ever against mc cain (remember the accusation that mc cain had fathered a black baby) the senator has gone from an honest campaigner to one as dirty as gwb. mc cain once called the firebrand so-called "christian" ministers, falwell, robertson et al, "agents of intolerance" which, of course, they are but now he cuddles up to them. mc cain said of the bush tax cuts "i can't see why we should give tax breaks to people who don't need them and ignore the people who do need them" and then voted against them. now he is in favor of making them permenant and not offering anything to the rest of us. once upon a time, john mc cain would answer any question honestly from any reporter at any time. today he won't even talk to the press and the press who once really like him has changed their opinion of him as well calling his campaign the "no talk express."
since the iraqi invasion and the subsequent occupation, mc cain has become more and more of a unilateralist war monger. he refuses to acknowledge that the invasion of iraq was based on a series of lies. he was also one of the many senators, republican and democrat alike, who did not even read the intelligence report.
there was once a time in his career that senator mc cain could and would admit mistakes and that was one of the things that i admired about him but now, he is right on all things at all times and seems to think that he never, ever made a mistake.
he was always a deregulator but that is a republican mantra and they all follow it. i disagree but that is a political difference of what government does and where does government power begin and end.
but now he has fallen into the rove version of right wing...we are right and anyone who disagrees is unpatriotic and obviously wrong. he has fallen into the bush policy of lying about almost everything and looking at military power as the answer to everything. something that was very telling in the debates was when senator mc cain "dissed" senator obama's reaction to the russian invasion of georgia after georgia had started the "war" by saying that "senator obama said both sides must show restraint." what is wrong with saying both sides should show restraint? do you have an answer to that? if so, i would surely like to hear it.
all of this makes me wonder which mc cain is the real one, the honest, forthright, bi-partisan or the extreme right-wing ideologue. the first i could live with in the white house but the one he presents now, to me at least, is a threat to our national well-being and, as such, should be defeated at the polls for our country's good.
bush has lead our country into such a hole that we need an entirely new change of direction, nationally and internationally as well. we need more regulations of the financial services industry not less as mc cain advocates. we need to restore the good name of america around the world where today, because of our aggression against iraq, we are looked at as the new facist regime on the block.
anyway, that's my thoughts on this sunday morning. have a good day and peace to us all.
ten years ago, my opinion of mc cain was much different and he was, at that time, someone who i would have been comfortable with in the white house with the exception of his militaristic view of international affairs. since 2000 when bush ran one of the dirtest campaigns ever against mc cain (remember the accusation that mc cain had fathered a black baby) the senator has gone from an honest campaigner to one as dirty as gwb. mc cain once called the firebrand so-called "christian" ministers, falwell, robertson et al, "agents of intolerance" which, of course, they are but now he cuddles up to them. mc cain said of the bush tax cuts "i can't see why we should give tax breaks to people who don't need them and ignore the people who do need them" and then voted against them. now he is in favor of making them permenant and not offering anything to the rest of us. once upon a time, john mc cain would answer any question honestly from any reporter at any time. today he won't even talk to the press and the press who once really like him has changed their opinion of him as well calling his campaign the "no talk express."
since the iraqi invasion and the subsequent occupation, mc cain has become more and more of a unilateralist war monger. he refuses to acknowledge that the invasion of iraq was based on a series of lies. he was also one of the many senators, republican and democrat alike, who did not even read the intelligence report.
there was once a time in his career that senator mc cain could and would admit mistakes and that was one of the things that i admired about him but now, he is right on all things at all times and seems to think that he never, ever made a mistake.
he was always a deregulator but that is a republican mantra and they all follow it. i disagree but that is a political difference of what government does and where does government power begin and end.
but now he has fallen into the rove version of right wing...we are right and anyone who disagrees is unpatriotic and obviously wrong. he has fallen into the bush policy of lying about almost everything and looking at military power as the answer to everything. something that was very telling in the debates was when senator mc cain "dissed" senator obama's reaction to the russian invasion of georgia after georgia had started the "war" by saying that "senator obama said both sides must show restraint." what is wrong with saying both sides should show restraint? do you have an answer to that? if so, i would surely like to hear it.
all of this makes me wonder which mc cain is the real one, the honest, forthright, bi-partisan or the extreme right-wing ideologue. the first i could live with in the white house but the one he presents now, to me at least, is a threat to our national well-being and, as such, should be defeated at the polls for our country's good.
bush has lead our country into such a hole that we need an entirely new change of direction, nationally and internationally as well. we need more regulations of the financial services industry not less as mc cain advocates. we need to restore the good name of america around the world where today, because of our aggression against iraq, we are looked at as the new facist regime on the block.
anyway, that's my thoughts on this sunday morning. have a good day and peace to us all.
In the forthcoming vice-presidential debate, I’m sure Biden is thinking that he’ll simply run over Sarah Palin. He might be in for a big surprise! He may find that she is much smarter and tougher than he gives her credit for. Go Sarah!
By the way, I thought her response about being able to see Russia, when asked about her foreign policy experience, was a clever answer to a stupid question. How much foreign policy experience did Reagan or FDR (both former governors) have when they were first elected? Governors have experience running governments, which is why they often make good presidents.
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