go dodgers, blathering sarah, elite john, and is your suit full?
at last, a sports predicition of mine that came true. the dodgers have won the west! true, it is the worst division in mlb but they did win it; now all they have to do is win a post season series for the first time since 1988..... i was at the game last night and got to see manny hit a home run; cool indeed. hope the dodgers work out a deal so that manny and fucal both stay. lowe is also a free agent and keeping him should be high on the to-do list as well. however, as in politics, money is the name of the game and i don't think they can keep all three...especially since they are paying a huge amount for andrew jones who has been a total bust.
on to the real blood sports, politics. mc cain's trip to washington and wanting to cancel the debate on friday smells of desperation to me. johnny, "i know very little about economics" mccain is off to washington to save the country. LAUGH OUT LOUD. maybe he will send sarah, i don't believe in evolution, palin to debate obama. LAUGH OUT LOUD.
i ran a post about "how racism works" and 3 people wrote to tell me that they were not voting for obama but not because they are racist. none of them commented on the obvious truths of the post. none of them admitted that surely there are people who are not voting democratic because they are racist. but one guy, he had a real reason...obama was going to take his guns. LAUGH REALLY HARD OUT LOUD. another was against him because of his "eyes."
we have two (2) choices for president. forget barr, forget paul, forget nader; it is going to be either obama or mc cain.
the biggest two problems facing our country are a. the economy and b. the occupation of iraq. and so we have people saying that they will not vote for obama because he is a. going to take away my guns. b. he is going to make me marry a queer. c. he is an "empty suit". (i really love that one; the man brought himself up by his bootstraps, worked to help people, went to harvard and got law degree, edited the harvard law review and finished in the top 1% of his class, went back to helping people and to keep food on the table taught CONSTITUTIONAL LAW at the university of chicago, ran for and won a state wide election and then became an united states senator. that is some empty suit...i wonder what the people who call him that have done by their 45th birthday). instead of focusing on the problems of the united states and who best to solve them some people come up with the most petty of reasons and try to convince me (and themselves) that they are not racist. question: what does a ban on armor piercing bullets have to do with the economy? what does gay marriage have to do with the occupation of iraq?
and you know, the more i hear out of washington and especially bushmccain about how dire all this is it reminds me of the run-up to the iraq invasion and all the dire things we were told about how important and urgent it was that we invade and all the things they told us were lies. hmm. surely they aren't lying now..are they...would they????? "no judicial oversight" hmmm.
on one hand i find myself agreeing with some of the house republicans that this is not a good deal for the american people but then these same house republicans bring forth their plan and you know what that is? MORE TAX BREAKS FOR THE WEALTHY AND LESS REGULATION OF THE MARKETS!
saw the cbs interview with palin. the woman looked and sounded like an idiot. "putin rears his head and where do those things fly over...alaska. we send those things to check on a mighty country, russia blah blah blah" making no sense whatsoever. and her answer about international experience and rambling about canada and russia was a real hoot. you want this woman to be a heartbeat away from the presidency of the united states? god help us.
the republicans no longer are in love with sarah and seem to be trying to keep her away from the press as much as possible.
mc cain is trying anything and everything to do something to hide his total lack of understanding of the economy but i guess someone who owns 7 (8 if you count the one they bought IN CASH for one of the kids) and 13 cars really doesn't know (nor need to) about everyday economics.
and the idea of someone who owns 7 houses and 13 cars calling another man an "elitist" would be comical in any country that spoke english and understood the meaning of words. (go look up elite and then ask yourself who is elite; obama or mc cain) ((i know the republicans aren't going to do that but hell, it's fun asking them to)
will john show up in mississippi? will john know where afghanastan is in relationship to iraq? will john remember his talking points, will he bring up his pow days? will he remember how many houses he owns? stay tuned.
on to the real blood sports, politics. mc cain's trip to washington and wanting to cancel the debate on friday smells of desperation to me. johnny, "i know very little about economics" mccain is off to washington to save the country. LAUGH OUT LOUD. maybe he will send sarah, i don't believe in evolution, palin to debate obama. LAUGH OUT LOUD.
i ran a post about "how racism works" and 3 people wrote to tell me that they were not voting for obama but not because they are racist. none of them commented on the obvious truths of the post. none of them admitted that surely there are people who are not voting democratic because they are racist. but one guy, he had a real reason...obama was going to take his guns. LAUGH REALLY HARD OUT LOUD. another was against him because of his "eyes."
we have two (2) choices for president. forget barr, forget paul, forget nader; it is going to be either obama or mc cain.
the biggest two problems facing our country are a. the economy and b. the occupation of iraq. and so we have people saying that they will not vote for obama because he is a. going to take away my guns. b. he is going to make me marry a queer. c. he is an "empty suit". (i really love that one; the man brought himself up by his bootstraps, worked to help people, went to harvard and got law degree, edited the harvard law review and finished in the top 1% of his class, went back to helping people and to keep food on the table taught CONSTITUTIONAL LAW at the university of chicago, ran for and won a state wide election and then became an united states senator. that is some empty suit...i wonder what the people who call him that have done by their 45th birthday). instead of focusing on the problems of the united states and who best to solve them some people come up with the most petty of reasons and try to convince me (and themselves) that they are not racist. question: what does a ban on armor piercing bullets have to do with the economy? what does gay marriage have to do with the occupation of iraq?
and you know, the more i hear out of washington and especially bushmccain about how dire all this is it reminds me of the run-up to the iraq invasion and all the dire things we were told about how important and urgent it was that we invade and all the things they told us were lies. hmm. surely they aren't lying now..are they...would they????? "no judicial oversight" hmmm.
on one hand i find myself agreeing with some of the house republicans that this is not a good deal for the american people but then these same house republicans bring forth their plan and you know what that is? MORE TAX BREAKS FOR THE WEALTHY AND LESS REGULATION OF THE MARKETS!
saw the cbs interview with palin. the woman looked and sounded like an idiot. "putin rears his head and where do those things fly over...alaska. we send those things to check on a mighty country, russia blah blah blah" making no sense whatsoever. and her answer about international experience and rambling about canada and russia was a real hoot. you want this woman to be a heartbeat away from the presidency of the united states? god help us.
the republicans no longer are in love with sarah and seem to be trying to keep her away from the press as much as possible.
mc cain is trying anything and everything to do something to hide his total lack of understanding of the economy but i guess someone who owns 7 (8 if you count the one they bought IN CASH for one of the kids) and 13 cars really doesn't know (nor need to) about everyday economics.
and the idea of someone who owns 7 houses and 13 cars calling another man an "elitist" would be comical in any country that spoke english and understood the meaning of words. (go look up elite and then ask yourself who is elite; obama or mc cain) ((i know the republicans aren't going to do that but hell, it's fun asking them to)
will john show up in mississippi? will john know where afghanastan is in relationship to iraq? will john remember his talking points, will he bring up his pow days? will he remember how many houses he owns? stay tuned.
Why did Obama blow off all the town hall meetings? If he was so anxious to debate, why did he run away? The answer - the man can not think on his feet. He needs questions for bias reporters and bias moderators. He needs forums like 'The View' where is sycophants fawn over him. He refuses to have a open forum discussion, man to man. That is desperation.
McCain does not own any houses. Look it up. Obama has NEVER held a job in the private sector yet made 4 million dollars last year. Yeah, he's just an average guy.
Obama does support the complete ban on the manufacture, sale, and POSSESSION of ALL handguns. I'll send you a link to the document he signed stating such if you want. That is more than just a ban on armor piercing bullets.
Again, since you would never vote for Condi Rice, a black woman with infinitely more education, experience and knowledge on any topic than Obama, you are obviously a racist and sexist. Using your definition of course.
Will Obama visit all 57 states again?
Will Obama make more deals with convicted felons to purchase his next house?
Let's make this easy... Name one thing Obama has done as a Senator. Go ahead, list his accomplishments besides talking and writing a book.
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