P.T. is the hidden mc cain campaign strategist.
well, john mc cain went to washington to show leadership and to get the deal done. lol. comments on tv last night from both republicans and democrats were to the effect that the only thing the erstwhile senator got done was to pose for a photo op. earlier in the day, senators from both parties said that they were on the cusp of a deal, that is until johnny, "i am here to save the day", mccain showed up and the deal went sideways. (though that wasn't his intention, it was probably the best thing that could have happened; i, for one, do not want a "rush to payment" for wall street)
fact of the matter is that neither of the two candidates seem to have a grasp on this thing. mc cain as of tuesday HADN'T EVEN READ THE PAULSON PROPOSAL AND STILL HAS NOT READ THE REPUBLICAN ALTERNATIVE and this is according to john, "i am on top of things", mc cain. obama has been preaching economics for the whole campaign while john, "i was in a pow camp", mc cain wants to talk about the "surge" and how he was for it and obama was against it. that is his entire campaign: THE SURGE. however this latest debacle out of the bush program for the rich seems to have caught both senators off guard.
i have brought this up before but how could an entire congress, wall street, the administration, the banks, the investment firms and all the other "groups" of "experts" fail to recognize this, obviously false, housing boom was bound to fail? a child could have told any of these experts that home prices cannot keep going up 20% per year forever and middle class people still be able to buy them (wages haven't gone up AT ALL in the bush years) and you cannot loan money to people who have bad credit and shakey jobs and expect them to pay, not only, the original amount of the monthly payments but somehow be able to meet payments that are 50-75% higher three years later. that, in a nutshell, is the crux of the matter. all these MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE as the people on wall street are prone to call themselves could not see this coming disaster? bullshit. bullshit. bullshit. they didn't want to see it, they took the money and ran and now they all want us, that's you and me, to bail their sorry asses out or dire things are going to happen to US. not them, us. bullshit. bullshit. bullshit.
and as far as sarah palin goes. watch the interview. read the transcripts. she didn't answer the questions. typical republican. smoke and mirrors and no answers.
and for joe and peter and their stubborn hatred of obama, have you ever been to one of his speeches? you keep saying that he can't speak with notes. you are so wrong. i have seen the man in person, heard him speak in person, heard him speak off the cuff and have NEVER SEEN HIM USE A PROMPTER OR NOTES. john mc cain, on the other hand, reads almost every word he utters from a prompter. watch the two tonight and see who is quick on his feet mentally. see who has a grasp of facts. see who understands what the average guy and what he is going through. and joe, if mc cain doesn't own any houses (lol, god you are such a republican) why couldn't he remember even that? maybe the houses are in cindy's name and that is how you come to the conclusion that mc cain doesn't own any houses. bullshit. bullshit. bullshit. john mccain, thanks, not to his own hard work, but to marrying into a fortune owns 7 houses and 13 cars. and his wife not only was addicted to drugs (pills) makes her money from her family who sells drugs (alcohol). neither one of them made the money. she inherited it and he married it. and they call obama elite. and the fact that some actually believe their lies just goes to prove that barnum was correct.
fact of the matter is that neither of the two candidates seem to have a grasp on this thing. mc cain as of tuesday HADN'T EVEN READ THE PAULSON PROPOSAL AND STILL HAS NOT READ THE REPUBLICAN ALTERNATIVE and this is according to john, "i am on top of things", mc cain. obama has been preaching economics for the whole campaign while john, "i was in a pow camp", mc cain wants to talk about the "surge" and how he was for it and obama was against it. that is his entire campaign: THE SURGE. however this latest debacle out of the bush program for the rich seems to have caught both senators off guard.
i have brought this up before but how could an entire congress, wall street, the administration, the banks, the investment firms and all the other "groups" of "experts" fail to recognize this, obviously false, housing boom was bound to fail? a child could have told any of these experts that home prices cannot keep going up 20% per year forever and middle class people still be able to buy them (wages haven't gone up AT ALL in the bush years) and you cannot loan money to people who have bad credit and shakey jobs and expect them to pay, not only, the original amount of the monthly payments but somehow be able to meet payments that are 50-75% higher three years later. that, in a nutshell, is the crux of the matter. all these MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE as the people on wall street are prone to call themselves could not see this coming disaster? bullshit. bullshit. bullshit. they didn't want to see it, they took the money and ran and now they all want us, that's you and me, to bail their sorry asses out or dire things are going to happen to US. not them, us. bullshit. bullshit. bullshit.
and as far as sarah palin goes. watch the interview. read the transcripts. she didn't answer the questions. typical republican. smoke and mirrors and no answers.
and for joe and peter and their stubborn hatred of obama, have you ever been to one of his speeches? you keep saying that he can't speak with notes. you are so wrong. i have seen the man in person, heard him speak in person, heard him speak off the cuff and have NEVER SEEN HIM USE A PROMPTER OR NOTES. john mc cain, on the other hand, reads almost every word he utters from a prompter. watch the two tonight and see who is quick on his feet mentally. see who has a grasp of facts. see who understands what the average guy and what he is going through. and joe, if mc cain doesn't own any houses (lol, god you are such a republican) why couldn't he remember even that? maybe the houses are in cindy's name and that is how you come to the conclusion that mc cain doesn't own any houses. bullshit. bullshit. bullshit. john mccain, thanks, not to his own hard work, but to marrying into a fortune owns 7 houses and 13 cars. and his wife not only was addicted to drugs (pills) makes her money from her family who sells drugs (alcohol). neither one of them made the money. she inherited it and he married it. and they call obama elite. and the fact that some actually believe their lies just goes to prove that barnum was correct.
Did you levy the same complains about John Kerry - by far the richest man in the senate. He married his money. Did that somehow disqualify him? Not in your eyes.
I don't care how well Obama can or can't speak. I don't want another Clinton. I don't want a professional liar. I want someone I can trust. Someone who has proven their love and loyalty to this country, not someone who was mentored by a guy telling us to 'god damn America'.
You talk about hard work? Just how hard has Obama worked to earn 4 million last year? And what exactly did he do to earn it. I can tell you that McCain has done more to deserve anything he has than Obama has.
I'm still waiting for that long list of Obama's accomplishments. I'm also waiting to explain how you are not a racist for not voting for Condi Rice.
Ok, so here is a solution to the financial debaucle that was emailed to me today. This guy makes a lot of sense -- but, as he says, it'll never happen!
Now here is the idea of how to save the economy.........
I'm against the $85,000,000,000.00 bailout of AIG. Instead, I'm in favor of giving $85,000,000,000 to America in a "We Deserve It Dividend."
To make the math simple, let's assume there are 200,000,000 bonifide U.S. Citizens 18+.
Our population is about 301,000,000 +/- counting every man, woman and child. So 200,000,000 might be a fair stab at adults 18 and up.
So divide 200 million adults 18+ into $85 billon that equals $425,000.00.
My plan is to give $425,000 to every person 18+ as a "We Deserve It Dividend."
Of course, it would NOT be tax free. So let's assume a tax rate of 30%. Every individual 18+ has to pay $127,500.00 in taxes. That sends $25,500,000,000 right back to Uncle Sam. But it means that every adult 18+ has $297,500.00 in their pocket. A husband and wife have $595,000.00.
What would you do with $297,500.00 to $595,000.00 in your family?
Pay off your mortgage, housing crisis solved. Repay college loans, what a great boost to new grads. Put away money for college, it'll be there. Save in a bank, Create money to loan to entrepreneurs. Buy a new car. Create jobs. Invest in the market. Capital drives growth. Pay for your parent's medical insurance, health care improves. Enable Deadbeat Dads to come clean, or else
Remember this is for every adult U S Citizen 18+ including the folks who lost their jobs at Lehman Brothers and every other company that is cutting back. And of course, for those serving in our Armed Forces.
If we're going to re-distribute wealth let's really do it...instead of trickling out a puny $1000.00 (vote buy) economic incentive that is being proposed by one of our candidates for President.
If we're going to do an $85 billion bailout, let's bail out every adult U S Citizen 18+!
As for AIG liquidate it. Sell off its parts. Let American General go back to being American General. Sell off the real estate. Let the private sector bargain hunters cut it up and clean it up.
Here's my rationale. We deserve it and AIG doesn't.
Sure it's a crazy idea that can never work. Maybe?
But can you imagine the Coast-To-Coast Block Party!
How do you spell Economic Boom?
I trust my fellow adult Americans to know how to use the $85 Billion "We Deserve It Dividend" more than I do the geniuses at AIG or in Washington DC .
And remember, The Birk plan only really costs $59.5 Billion because $25.5 Billion is returned instantly in taxes to Uncle Sam.
Sound like a great idea to me!!!
joe, you're slipping. you used to come up with intelligent, well thought out posts but now you are slipping down a slop into fantasy.
well, john fucked cindy, so if that qualifies as "earning" so be it. p.s. obama wrote two books and millions bought them. how many books have you written? it is hard work and requires much discipline.
and to your comment (lie) that obama has never done town hall meetings. sure he has, go to utube and watch some of them.
and just what was condi rice running for when i didn't vote for her? come on, joe if you can't come up with better than your last few comments quit while you are still behind and not dig yourself a bigger hole.
i am against john mc cain for his policies. i am for obama for his policies. mc cain wants to give tax breaks to the rich...obama wants to give tax breaks to the middle class. mc cain wants deregulation of almost everything, obama wants oversight and regulations. (see current fiasco in washington) mc cain does not read proposals but shoots from the hip...obama carefully studies each thing. i could go on and on. and, by the way, no president has the right to "take your guns" so that is a none factor. and once again...obama was in the top 1% of his class at harvard, mc cain was in the bottom 1% of his class at the naval academy, i would prefer my president to be intelligent and well read; look what we got with bush who revels in his anti-intellectualism and who admits he doesn't (can't?) read.
great post! great idea! it will never come to be. please write again.
back to joe, it is "slope" not slop but ...
i thought john kerry was a horrible candidate for president and said so at the time. unlike some, i can swing both ways.
you accuse obama of being a liar. right. coming from a backer of bush that is laughable.
i answered your "mentor" comment in a previous post...check it out.
mc cain was a bomber pilot and got captured when he got shot down. does not, in any shape, form or fashion qualify him for anything other than a pension and respect. i must also point out that while he was a prisoner he read an anti american propoganda message for his north vietnamnese capturers. do i hold that against him, his own words? no. but you hold someone else's words against obama. ???? come on joe, you are more than slipping, you are falling and intellectually failing.
I hate to break it to you sweethart, but math is not your strong point.
Let's try and make this simple:
85,000,000,000 = 85 and 9 zeros
200,000,000 = 2 and 8 zeros
Cancel the zeros, and we have:
850/2 = $425.00
A damn far sight from $425,000, wouldn't you say.
Ron, you disappoint me in not catching this.
Remember, a million is a thousand thousands, a billion is a thousand millions, and a trillion is a thousand billions.
A trillion is also a million millions.
The total price tag for the ENTIRE Wall Street bailout (assuming our math savant's population estimates of 200 Million people) is $5,000 for every adult ($1 trillion, divided by 200 million adults).
Not chump change, but if the economy tanks everyone reading this post will loose far more than that.
I'm not saying its right, but it is what it is. The upshot of all this is that I believe you will see a flurry of securities legislation and reform the likes of which haven't been seen since the 1930's. That will be good.
And make no mistake, there is nothing short of a calamity of this size that would have resulted in that happening. In America, you need a catastrophe to give the politicians the balls (and the cover) to do what's right.
Ron, I realize that Condi isn't running for anything. My point was hypothetical. To make it more realistic let me put it to you this way. If Condi was running, would you vote for her? She is black. She is extremely educated - graduated from college at 19 years of age, several degrees, a Ph.D, etc., etc. She has a lot of experience. So - if you don't vote for her, are you a racist?
Being a POW for over 5 years does not qualify someone to be president, but it does demonstrate ones loyalty. It show character. It shows the quality of the man. So according to you, being a POW doesn't qualify you to be president but owning more than one house disqualifies you?
And if you think McCain doesn't have a grasp of facts, especially in foreign policy, you are naive. He made Obama look like a school boy.
You mentioned the hate of the right. I have never read the words of one person so obsessed with the hate of McCain and Bush as you are.
hey Russell:
Thanks for pointing that out! However I didn't do the math. If you had paid attention to my post I simply copied and pasted an email that was sent to me. I liked the concept so much that I didn't pay attention to the details which isn't like me. Ron has known me for many years and knows that I am not an airhead so he didn't check the numbers either.
At the risk of sounding tweeked and petty because you called me "sweethart" I am compelled to point out that spelling is definitely not your strong suit...which just goes to show we all have our shortcomings.
We are in deep shit and something of monothilic proportions will have to be done. It's going to be interesting to see what the agreed upon solution will be. I am sure they are all thinking as Ron would say, "What to do...what to do".
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