Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

how racism works

How racism works

What if John McCain were a former president of the Harvard Law Review?
What if Barack Obama finished fifth from the bottom of his graduating class?

What if McCain were still married to the first woman he said "I do" to?
What if Obama were the candidate who left his first wife after she no longer measured up to his standards?

What if Michelle Obama were a wife who not only became addicted to pain killers, but acquired them illegally through her charitable organization?
What if Cindy McCain graduated from Harvard?

What if Obama were a member of the "Keating 5"?
What if McCain was a charismatic, eloquent speaker?

If these questions reflected reality, do you really believe the election numbers would be as close as they are?

This is what racism does. It covers up, rationalizes and minimizes positive qualities in one candidate and emphasizes negative qualities in another when there is a color difference.
(from a letter to the editor of the fort worth star telegram)
my thanks to scott may who sent this to me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s amazing that the presidential race is as close as it is, given the extreme unpopularity of the current administration. McCain is actually leading slightly in some of the polls. It should have been a Democratic shoo-in, but then the Democrats went and nominated Barack Obama. I think the American people are rightly suspicious of his phony rhetoric and vacuous promises. And then there are those creepy eyes of his...

No, the Democrats deserve to lose in November, which means that we will all be treated to four years of a McCain administration (maybe even eight). But even that is preferable to handing the country over to a shyster like Obama. He seems to be running a con game with the American people, repeating sound bites like, “I’m for change!” “You can trust me!”

I think that when his true colors emerge, even his most frenzied supporters will not like what they see.

No, Obama is not eloquent. Crafty and evasive, perhaps, but not eloquent. One simply needs to tell the difference between true eloquence and doublespeak

4:22 AM  
Blogger Sevesteen said...

96% of voters of one race are refusing to vote for the candidate of the other race. That is somehow different?

I don't think a white candidate equivalent to Obama in experience and platform would be doing better. There is race involved in the decisions, but it is on both sides, and I think a net gain for Obama.

5:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some reasons I will NOT vote for Obama:

He voted for partial birth abortion (one more push it’s a baby, one less push you can kill it).

He want’s to raise capital gains taxes

He voted against repealing the death tax. (A tax that can force small businesses and farms to be sold, to pay inheritance taxes, rather than allow the heirs to continue to run the business or farm is morally reprehensible).

His comment about people “clinging to guns and religion” (I have both!!).

He voted for a law that would have prevented Illinois residents from defending themselves with a firearm IN THEIR OWN HOME.

I wouldn’t vote for any candidate like this, regardless of race.

5:23 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

one at a time: first ptp, you, rudy/liz/ptp would say the sun came up in the west if i said it came up in the east so your view is discounted.

sevesteen, as always, makes good points but i think mc cain has this advantage not obama.

jasonb, don't know about the guns in home..send me something on that. it is not a "death" tax it is an inheritance tax and is designed to have the sons and daughters of the ultra rich pay that tax. the death tax spin is a republican tactic to obscure the real meaning. i have guns and religion too and i agree wholeheartly with what obama said and if you look at the full statement you, if you think about it, would agree as well. he was referring (in a private meeting, i might add) to his problems connecting with the working people who would benefit THE MOST from his policies and how the republicans use scare tactics to obscure the real issues. they tell people that obama will take away their guns..he won't. they tell people that the democrats are against religion...they aren't. they use scare tactics, which apparently you have bought into, to keep people from looking at the real issues. the gays are not out to get you, you can keep your guns, you can go to any church you want, believe anything you want as long as you are not harming others. the republicans are the party of war (how does your religion feel about that, i am christian and as a christian i am against war) and they are the party of the rich and keep spending more than we bring in. go ahead and vote for them, it has worked so well for the last 8 years.

10:32 AM  
Blogger R2KABA said...

What if McCain NEVER held a job in the private sector.

What if McCain had only 143 days of experience as a Senator before running for president.

What if McCain had spent the past 20 years with racist, anti-American hate mongers whom he refers to as his "mentor" until it is no longer politically expedient to do so?

What if Cindy McCain had said she had never been proud of her country?

What if Cindy McCain said she would use all of her present and future resources to benefit white people 'first and foremost'?

This is what racism does. It protects those who deserve it from being criticized or else the accuser is charged with racism.

More people will vote for B. Hussein Obama because he is black than will not vote for him because he is black.

I would never consider voting for B. Hussein. Does that make me racist?

Ron, would you vote for Condi Rice? Of course not. Why? Because you are both a racist AND a sexist, right?

10:37 AM  

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