Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Thursday, June 26, 2008


senator john mc cain has become somewhat of a one trick pony because, it seems, that whenever he speaks about anything he brings that "anything" around to "keeping us safe." his chief advisor, a mr. black (oh what a name for fearmongering), said that another terrorist attack against the united states would be "a great benefit" to the mc cain campaign. the bush people said basically the same thing BEFORE 9-11 but i can't remember the exact wording. but it is the same old same old same old; BE AFRAID. the boogyman is going to get you. be afraid and vote republican.

(just to refresh your memory; prior to 9-11, george bush's approval rating was already very low, only after 9-11 did he go up in the polls and stayed there for three years...if it had not been for 9-11 we would have been rid of bush, like his daddy, in four years instead of the 8 year disaster we got instead)

according to the latest polls, i don't have to do much selling of senator obama to the people...he is going to crush senator mc cain in november. mc cain cannot run away from bush; he can claim to be a "maverick", but he voted 95% of the time with the administration. i have always said that once the people got a better look at mc cain vs obama the better obama is going to look. senator mc cain does not represent any kind of change of course for the country, senator obama does. now, i can hear you stuttering out there, "yeah, but what kind of change?" look at it this way, joe, it can't be any fucking worse than it already is.

i am tickled at the republicans sudden love for public financing of the presidental race and their attacks on senator obama for changing his mind about whether or not to take public financing. at first he said that he would and so did the republicans. BUT that was before the obama express took off and he tapped into the internet and raised hundreds of millions of dollars, mostly from small contributors. in 80, 84, 88, 92, 96, 00 and 04 the republicans raised much more money, mostly from very large contributors, and did they opt for public financing? of course not, they had the money advantage. that worm has turned and the republicans are going to have to live with it. the millions who gave to the obama campaign and i am one of them, wanted to help him and one of the ways we could is through the pocketbook. to renounce those millions of people who donated and then not use their money would be unfair. as you know, if you have read this blog this year, i worked for senator obama here in nevada (back when he was a long shot at best) so i am not a johnny come lately to this party.

in another case of horribly twisted logic several republicans have written me or said to me that ONLY 19 AMERICANS WERE KILLED LAST MONTH, THE LOWEST TOTAL OF THE WAR. from that they said it was proof that we are succeeding in iraq. let me make something perfectly fucking clear to you: ANY AMERICAN DEATHS IN A WAR THAT WE SHOULD NOT BE IN IS A TRAGEDY!!!! ANY AMERICAN DEATHS IN AN OCCUPATION OF A COUNTRY THAT DID NOT DO ANYTHING TO US IS A TRAGEDY!!! and this month it has gone up again. tragedy.

there is no victory in iraq to be had. this "war" has been a tragedy for iraq, for us, for the world. saadam hussian was an evil man and a dictator, no doubt about it but there are evil dictators all over the middle east, africa, south america and asia. it is not our job to be policeman of the world. (and, once again, we coddled up to saadam in the 80's and we gave weapons to iran so get off your high horse because we do not hold the high moral ground here)

and one final thought: afghanastan has just had another record poppy crop meaning that tons of heroin are now heading to america and europe. and incidently, the taliban pretty much did away with the poppy crop when they were in power. now, of course, they are growing it to finance their attacks on us. oddly enough, the last american tragedy of a war, vietnam, lead to an increase in heroin production as well. well, you know what they say, nobody runs drugs like the cia. air america flys again. (that is from my little poem, "poppies") tragedy.

p.s. have we caught osama bin laden yet? dead or alive? tragedy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this has nothing to do with what you wrote here. I saw you in Arlington TX last month, laughed my butt off. Im driving down the road on I20 and this big pick up is tailgating me, Im thinking yup he's gonna stay there til I move. I dont move. He moves and i look over and call got it, A** hole. lol and thought of you and your show. Still laughing in Arlington dude.

6:33 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

yeah, i don't make that shit up, do i? glad you liked the show, tell your friends and come see me again next year.

that texas driving routine was the very first piece of material that i wrote that got laughs, it all started with the line, 'four way stops are lessons in psychological warfare' and grew from that into about, what?, 14 minutes of stuff.

incidently, that routine is on the c.d. "deep in the heart of texas".

10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What statistics like 'only 19 died last month' miss is that each one of those 19 people left family and friends grieving for EVER. It dismisses the tragedy that some of them left children who will never even know them and that some of them left parents who are agonized at outliving their babies. They have sisters and brothers and aunts and uncles and nieces and nephews and friends and lovers and colleagues. ALL OF THEM DIED VIOLENTLY IN A HELL HOLE FAR AWAY FROM HOME. So we bury them in a statistic?????????????????????

4:36 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

absolutely, yvonne, and not only that, the american press just glides over the deaths of iraqis, whom apparently don't count as human beings. we had ONLY 19 deaths that month but hundreds of iraqis were killed. the death toll has to be well over 100,000 iraqi deaths so far. that is a lot of blood on our hands.

5:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It might be much worse...

Nearly 2 million Iraqis -- about 8 percent of the prewar population -- have embarked on a desperate migration, mostly to Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, according to the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees.

Iraqi deaths are at least 10 times greater than most estimates cited in the US media according to a scientific study published in prestigious medical journal The Lancet which estimated that over 600,000 Iraqis had been killed as a result of the invasion as of July 2006. The killing went on, and the estimate that over a million Iraqis have died received independent confirmation from a prestigious British polling agency in September 2007. Opinion Research Business estimated that 1.2 million Iraqis have been killed violently since the US invasion.

At this rate, I don't think we really need McCain's 100 year war.

8:53 AM  
Blogger Sevesteen said...

The frightening thing to me is that starting a war in order to get re-elected worked. Frightening that so many of the voting public are that gullible, frightening that future presidents with low approval ratings are likely to try the same thing.

10:55 AM  

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