Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Friday, June 06, 2008

war and debt or peace and prosperity...your choice

i arrived in fort worth this morning having left on wed. morning from vegas. first day made it to albuquerque where, when i woke up on thursday, it was in the low 40's! here, however, high 90's with humidity to match. i really look forward to these two gigs because the rooms are so good. if you are in neighborhood of the metroplex come on down, let us rock.

i just got XM radio in my car and now i wish i had done it sooner. how cool is sat. radio? i was able to listen to dodger game in middle of afternoon and in middle of nowhere. dodgers lost but what the hell, it was baseball. the selection available is just amazing; i am sure the wonder will wear off but for now; i am enthralled!

for you fans out there with either xm or sirius be sure and email the comedy channels and have them play more of me. for real. the only way i can get more widely known is through these mediums and you, my fans, are the ones who can do it for me. i know for a fact that both radio outlets respond to emails and calls.

as most of you know, i have been an obama supporter since almost the git go and here we are, a mixed race man as the nominee of a major party. we have gone so far in the last 50 years here in america and this nomination should show, not only the world, but ourselves as well, that we have gone beyond our racist past. people of all colors should be proud of this moment. whether you vote for obama or not his nomination is a great thing for america.

when gwb was elected:
gas was 1.46 per gal.
we had a huge surplus
we were at peace
clinton's administration had seen 22 million new jobs created.

war without end in two countries
osama bin laden still not found (dead or alive)
gas is at 4.00
we have lost jobs overall since bush took over
we have a 3 TRILLION dollar debt
military stretched almost to breaking point
over 4,000 american troops dead
over 25,000 american troops wounded
millions losing their homes
inflation at the highest level in decades

want more of the same? vote republican
want peace and prosperity? vote democratic.

mc cain backed bush 95% of the time he was in the senate. want more bush? vote for john. had enough bullshit, had enough war, had enough lies, had enough job losses, had enough inflation, had enough debt, had ENOUGH??? vote for senator obama.

will senator obama bring peace and prosperity? i don't know. i do know this, if we have another republican in the white house we HAVE NO CHANCE AT ALL OF HAVING PEACE NOR OF HAVING PROSPERITY. the republicans have become the party of the very rich and the corporations. the military industrial complex that ike warned us about has taken over the republican party.

let us bring our troops home. let us spend that TEN BILLION DOLLARS PER MONTH here.
whatya say? let's quit supporting iraqis and start supporting americans. your choice and it is very clear. there couldn't be two more different candidates


Blogger R2KABA said...

When the democrats took control of both the House and the Senate, gas prices were barely over $2. In less than two years (1/4 of the time of the Bush administration), the democrats have allowed the price to double. This was after Pelosi promised to low gas prices for 'working families'.

Since the democrats took control, they have not ended the war as they promised, they have not pulled out the troops as they promised, they have not done ANY of the things they said they would do except raise the min. wage.

Because of liberal environmentalists, we can not drill for oil, we can not build a new refinery, we can not build nuclear plants, we can not use coal. And this is Bush's fault? Instead we have to beg our enemies for our source of fuel.

We spend 400% more each year, importing oil from our enemies(even though we have our own) than we spend on the war in Iraq.

We were not at peace under Clinton, we just had our head in the said. We were attacked at Mogadishu, we were attack at the Kobar towers, we attacked at the WTC, we were attacked at the USS Cole and we did nothing except embolden our enemies to build training camps and attack us until everyone noticed.

The unemployment rate during the Bush administration was historically low, inflation almost non-existant and NOT at the highest level in decads. That was under Carter. Compare the misery index under Carter vs Bush.

The housing crisis, and poor econonmy have all happend since the liberals have taken control.

Obama wants to raise taxes, gut our military, appease terrorists, hang out with racist, anti-americans and terrorists. He is nothing new.

You are a great story teller, but try inserting a few facts. It makes your stories much more credible.

8:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd settle for a few stories that aren't 20 years old.

9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Joe, It looks like you've got your facts straight from where most Republicans get their facts-from Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. Take a second to read what Barack is REALLY about, and you'll see that Ronno's got it right.

And anonymous, you might want to catch Ron's Show, before you make a comment like that.

Peace and Love;
Scott May

2:24 PM  
Blogger R2KABA said...

I know exactly what B. Hussein Obama ia about. Unlike you, I take his words, not those of the media. He will raise taxes. He will triple the minimum wage. He wants to ban the sale, manufacture, and POSSESSION of all handguns. Those are his words and documents he has signed. They are facts. Oprah won't tell you about those.

He has almost no foreign policy experience. He has almost no economic experience. He's only been a senator for 3 years.

He associates with racist, anti-Americans (Rev. Wright) for 20 years, he associates with terrorists, (William Ayers), and convicted felons, (Tony Rezko), and the list goes on and on.

Take B. Hussein away from a teleprompter and the guy is a blabbering fool.

But you guys stick to an empty slogan, 'we want change'. That is an argument for someone without a clue what the man stands for. I can make you one guarantee - I know a lot more about B. Hussein Obama than you do. You are the one who needs to do the research.

4:51 PM  
Blogger FatCat said...


You better hold on to that gun if we have four more years of republicans, you will need it when the government comes to take you away.

Under Bush we have lost our freedom. They can know hold a secret meeting, come and take you away in the middle of the night and not tell anyone where you are or why your there.

You what more of this, be my guest and vote for McCain.

5:11 AM  
Blogger R2KABA said...

For people who demand facts of their opponents, you libs sure do like to throw out a lot of hype. I guess that explains why you like B. Hussein.

I gave facts and examples. Go ahead, tell an example of freedoms lost under Bush. Give me an example of an American citizen disappearing in the dead of night

You say if I want "more of this" vote for McCain. How about you give some examples since unlike your other lemmings, I am not subject to your empty scare tactics.

11:02 AM  
Blogger FatCat said...

Brother, I am far from a liberal, I want the government out of my life, therein lies the problem.

Republicans talk about freedom while they rob you of it, they talk about free trade but it's only free for the countries we are trading with, it costs us our jobs, our ability to get quality products or for that matter safe products.

They talk about freedom of religion as long as your religion is one they approve of. They use people faith in god to justify disregarding science. They claim to be faithful yet pick and choose what parts of the bible they want to believe.

Under republican rule you are as free as you want as long as you do it their way.

I’m not a big fan of Democrats either but four more years of what we have now is going to send this country into chaos if we don’t end up with a police state

I really feel sorry for Obama if he wins, he will have to clean up this mess and I don’t know if that’s possible.

6:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Senate Republicans Defeat Oil Windfall Tax Measure (Update1)

By Daniel Whitten

June 10 (Bloomberg) -- Senate Republicans thwarted Democratic-supported legislation that would increase windfall- profit taxes on oil companies such as Exxon Mobil Corp.

Democrats fell nine votes short of the 60 needed to proceed to debate. The White House Office of Management and Budget today said advisers would recommend a presidential veto of the measure.

The bill ``will undercut U.S. energy security and decrease U.S. energy production, thus exacerbating market tightness and increasing energy prices,'' said the White House statement.

The price of oil reached a record 139.12 per barrel June 6. Pump prices in the U.S. passed $4 a gallon for the first time over the weekend. Regular gasoline nationwide averaged a record $4.039 a gallon, the Energy Department said yesterday.

The proposal, announced last month, would have imposed a windfall profit tax of $10 billion to $12 billion this year on oil companies, set new margin requirements on oil-futures trades, and aim to outlaw price gouging.

Senate Republicans today also blocked debate on a tax measure to extend credits for wind, solar and other forms of renewable energy. Republicans objected to that legislation, which was 10 votes shy of the required 60, partly because of concern over the source of funding for the tax breaks.

To contact the reporter on this story: Daniel Whitten in Washington at

Last Updated: June 10, 2008 12:25 EDT

11:11 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

senator obama has said that he will end gwb's tax break for the top 5% and he would give a tax break to all making less than 200K.

trickle down economics has never worked, didn't under reagan and didn't under bush. both built up GIANT DEBTS to be paid by other administrations.

the neo con right winger wants to throw out false statements as if they were fact.

the use of "hussain" in arguments is proof of their racists roots.

if you are undecided go to senator obama's web page and read for yourself. see if any of his arguments are valid. don't take my word and don't take his. become an informed citizen and find out and think for yourself. do not be frightened by their rants. fear is their only ally.

1:30 PM  
Blogger R2KABA said...

Hey Ron... So I can't use the guys name? Is his name off limits? If I call a man by his name, I'm a racist?

Are you a fucking moron? No, let me make a statement, you must be a fucking moron.

The tax breaks were for ALL tax payers. It turns out, the top 5% pay the vast majority of taxes so it is completely logical they would get the breaks.

I am the only one is this miserable excuse for a blog that states facts. I can prove links for anything I've said. Instead, you throw out unfounded rhetoric and fear.

Go ahead, find one thing I've said that isn't true. You can't do it. You are ignorant to the facts. You know you can throw out the same liberal talking points and none of your lemming libs will bother to take the time to verify or argue it. I do. I would love to debate you, you have no clue about what is real. You are brain washed lib - peace and love. Guess what - appeasement has never won freedom. The only thing that keeps us free is our strength. Something the libs want to rob us of.

6:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're not fighting for freedom.

If we were fighting for freedom, then yes appeasement would not win it.

But we're not fighting for freedom right now.

We're killing for power and dying for oil, but we're not raising one finger in the name of freedom.

Unless someone dares question what we're doing, then freedom gets paraded around like an underage beauty queen, freedom gets abused and twisted and spun into whatever is convenient, and the people who actually DID die for the freedoms we have would be embarrassed at it all.


10:10 PM  
Blogger R2KABA said...

Dying for oil? Are you serious? What oil? We didn't take their oil. Those morons with their 'no blood for oil" signs have shown their ignorance. If it was about oil, we would have taken it by now.

And yes, we are fighting for freedom. The peacenicks are never for war or defense. And that doesn't mean that anyone of 'for' war, just like I'm not 'for' prostate exams. But they are necessary when circumstances call for it.

Peache through strength. Go ahead and gut our military and elect a spineless liberal who won't defend this country and see how long we are free.

7:24 AM  
Blogger FatCat said...

We are in this war because little Georgie was pissed that daddy didn't kick that rag heads ass when he had the chance. A whole country goes to war because some fuckup wants to best his dad.

How are we fighting for freedom, have you heard of the patriot act? A few minor loses of our freedom there.

I'd be willing to wager that Joe is the only person posting here that hasn't been in the service.

6:05 AM  
Blogger R2KABA said...

Wrong again asshole. I have been in the military. Its you libs that hate our military. And yes, I have heard of the Patriot Act. So what. You obviously have no clue what you are talking about. How did the Patriot Act take away YOUR rights?

The fact that you think this war is because of President Bush wanting to best his dad is frightening. You really don't have a clue do you?

For a liberal to even refer to our troops when your leaders constantly insult them, call them torturers and murderers and tell them they are in a war they can't win is disgusting.

Go back to Woodstock moron and put your head back in the sand.

10:27 AM  
Blogger FatCat said...

There you go with the name calling again, and yea the fact we are are war because Bush wanted to go one up on old dad is frightening.

I can't put my head in the sand Joe, I'm buried up to my neck in high prices because of republicans.

5:12 AM  

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