Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

see you in the night.

"the pentagon plans to sell up to 4,000 sets of high-tech night - vision goggles to iraq, despite u.s. government audits showing that the deal could leave a critical u.s. military asset vulnerable to theft or diviersion to insurgents fighting u.s. forces."

that is in USA TODAY tues, june 10th.

"THE PREVIOUSLY UNPUBLICIZED SALE is sparking concern from members of congress."

(wouldn't want the folks to know about shit like this)

"iraqi forces have been faulted along with their pentagon supervisors for being unable to account for THOUSANDS OF FIREARMS AND OTHER BATTLEFIED EQUIPMENT provided by the united states in recent years."

understand something here; these goggles are so powerful and so far beyond anything else out there that they give our soldiers a tremendous advantage at night; so much so that many dangerous operations are performed AT NIGHT BECAUSE WE HAVE SUCH AN ADVANTAGE. (the newspaper points this out but not with enough emphasis in my opinion.)

the iraqi forces are now and have always been corrupt. they are inflitrated by shiite gunman and sunni insurgents. they remind me of the south vietnam army that was going to take over the fighting then too. the old joke was "south vietnamnese army rifle for sale: never been fired and only dropped once." south vietnam was a military dictatorship that kept changing every three or four months or so for several years. hard to get someone to fight for a military dictatorship that just overthrew a military dictatorship that had just overthrown another military dictatorship which had just overthown............and so on and so on.

over the years since we invaded in 2003, there have been dozens of stories in the press about how much has been lost in iraq due to corruption and just out and out theft. not only tens of thousands of weapons but tens of millions of dollars has just disappeared into the corrupt quaqmire of iraq. that slurping sound you hear is american gold and american lives going down the drain into the cesspool of the middle east.

we install a puppet government in iraq by having elections that we decide who gets to run. cool, huh? democracy at it's finest.
then we watch as sunnis, shiites and kurds all argue all of the time. (of course, that they have all been arguing with and killing each other for the last 1400 years or so never came into our thinking).

we claim that iraq is important for our security. but we are not there to stay. but then we want 56 PERMENANT BASES IN IRAQ.

the iraqis call us "occupiers," which, of course, we are. they don't want us there permenantly. who would? if we stay they will keep attacking us. the iraqi in the army is more likely to back iraq instead of the united states. duh. so, what do we do? sell them more arms.

back to the newspaper story: this statement sent me reeling:

"the sale would send hummvees, rifles, grenade launchers and cargo trucks to iraq, WHICH HAS BECOME A LEADING FORIEGN BUYER OF US WEAPONRY"

so we are spending ten billion a month in iraq and we are paying for their government and they won't use their oil money but now we are selling them arms. whatthefuck.

we are not planning on attacking iran but we want permenant bases in iraq. we are some peaceloving motherfuckers.

when iraq attacked iran back in the 80's we sold them weapons to do so.

for two wars since then we have fought iraq who has been using our old weapons against our new weapons and now we want to sell them some more new weapons. we want to be sure that our boys will have an equal fight i guess. fuck that, i want our boys to always have the advantage.

on one hand we are told that iraq is a hotbed for terrorists. next we want to make sure that everyone in iraq has some weapons. let's arm the people who have been killing each other for centuries and then stay in the middle of them. bush and boys are tactical geniuses. peace in the middle east is just around the corner.

p.s. don't forget that the iranians got their weapons from ronnie reagan when he traded weapons for hostages. ronnie was strong on terrorism. lol.

p.s.s. don't forget that before that, iran also got their weapons from us because we had overthrown THEIR GOVERNMENT and installed the shah. whom we then armed. whom they overthrew. whom we then armed.

we are some peace loving motherfuckers. aren't we?

psst. want a gun? we got guns. you got enemies? we got guns. your enemies have guns. we know, we sold them to them. so, once again, do you need a gun? we got guns. need one? thought so. here you go.

and there you go.

don't you see the light at the end of the tunnel?

general westmoreland did.

and so did john mc cain.

they were both wrong then.

and there is no light at the end of the tunnel in iraq either. get out. get out now. stop the insanity. it is insane to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best thing you've written so far Senor Ron. Even a stark raving mad Libertarian like myself would have to agree with you on most of that.
The only thing I can't come up with is a logical solution to this mess. I've mindfucked myself over it until I'm blue in the face. The only thing I can come up with is to drill like motherfuckers on this side of the planet so we don't have to deal with any of these people at all. But congress won't let us do that.
China (I repeat CHINA!) is already in the works to drill for oil 12 miles off the coast of Florida.
Hey, It's international waters right? We won't drill for it so they'll just come and take it. Nice, huh?

And just take a look at what our money buys at 4 bucks a gallon.
Sorry for the long link but you need to see this. Hopefully you can get there with this link:

Congress. Gotta love 'em.

11:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's bad enough that you continue to disparage an honorable veteran like John McCain, but then why do you still inflict your fans with routines that are so old that they predated McCain's election to the Senate?

Uh...where have you been getting your drugs lately?

6:02 PM  
Blogger FatCat said...

Why do republicans always resort to insults? You make an argument and they come back with "Oh yea, well you suck".

6:21 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

dog gone it, did i disparage poor little warmongering john mc cain. oh the horror of it all! johnny "straight talk" mc cain who has changed almost every position that he held as recently as 2004. johnny mac who goes to iraq and is guarded by delta force and helicopters but doesn't show his heavy protection and then tries to tell us all is safe in iraq. mc cain who doesn't know the difference between a shiite and a sunni...dementia? or just stupidity?

if you don't like my routines, don't come to my shows. don't buy any of my 5 c.d.'s. and for your info, i put out about an hour of new material each year.

7:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we may have found the identity of the above anonymous poster:

I'm just sayin.

11:21 PM  

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