i am not leaving the country, sorry joe.
in the last post i said let's talk about issues and the first guy, joe, suggested that i leave the country. LOL. god, i just love an intellectual argument.
one guy said that since i have been married multiple times i shouldn't mention that mc cain divorced his first (and crippled) wife. i need to point out that a. i am not running for president and b. have never claimed to be high on the "family values" rating system.
the other two were bright and reasonable though i disagree on the one about health care which i will address in a coming post but don't feel up to it right now.
the shows in fort worth and last night in arlington have been nothing short of great. for the past six months i have really been on top of my game and, truth be known, it feels real good. i plan on rocking until i drop dead and hope that is not for many years to come but hey, we all die anyway.
you will have to notice that the republicans have avoided any comment on issues and stick to personal attacks on senator obama...the "terrorist hand jab" describing senator obama and his wife touching of fists when he clinched the nomination was reported by that "fair and balanced" fox news. apparently the nba and the nfl are inflitrated by terrorists since that is the going version of a "high five". fox news...the best comedy on tv.
speaking of tv, may i recommend COUNT DOWN WITH KEITH OBERMANN on MSNBC; what a hoot it is; as good as if not better than the DAILY SHOW.
on issues:
mc cain wants to stay in iraq.
obama wants to leave.
advantage: obama.
war without end or end of an illegal and immoral war.
we were attacked by a small group of fanatical criminals not by a state. the attack could have been avoided had anyone up and down the line been paying attention, after all, bush and company had recieved a national security report that said osama bin laden planned on attacking the united states using airliners. two of the highjackers were on the fbi wanted list, they carried weapons onto the planes, the air force did not scramble when FOUR AIRLINERS WERE HIGH JACKED and so, we invaded iraq. most of the attackers were saudis, none were from iraq nor iran.
there is no VICTORY to be had in iraq. john mc cain cannot define victory, only to say we will stay until iraq is a secure and functional democracy and an ally of the united states yet the iraqi people want us gone and gone now. that is how they vote. but hey, fuck democracy if they don't agree with us.
advantage: obama
one guy said that since i have been married multiple times i shouldn't mention that mc cain divorced his first (and crippled) wife. i need to point out that a. i am not running for president and b. have never claimed to be high on the "family values" rating system.
the other two were bright and reasonable though i disagree on the one about health care which i will address in a coming post but don't feel up to it right now.
the shows in fort worth and last night in arlington have been nothing short of great. for the past six months i have really been on top of my game and, truth be known, it feels real good. i plan on rocking until i drop dead and hope that is not for many years to come but hey, we all die anyway.
you will have to notice that the republicans have avoided any comment on issues and stick to personal attacks on senator obama...the "terrorist hand jab" describing senator obama and his wife touching of fists when he clinched the nomination was reported by that "fair and balanced" fox news. apparently the nba and the nfl are inflitrated by terrorists since that is the going version of a "high five". fox news...the best comedy on tv.
speaking of tv, may i recommend COUNT DOWN WITH KEITH OBERMANN on MSNBC; what a hoot it is; as good as if not better than the DAILY SHOW.
on issues:
mc cain wants to stay in iraq.
obama wants to leave.
advantage: obama.
war without end or end of an illegal and immoral war.
we were attacked by a small group of fanatical criminals not by a state. the attack could have been avoided had anyone up and down the line been paying attention, after all, bush and company had recieved a national security report that said osama bin laden planned on attacking the united states using airliners. two of the highjackers were on the fbi wanted list, they carried weapons onto the planes, the air force did not scramble when FOUR AIRLINERS WERE HIGH JACKED and so, we invaded iraq. most of the attackers were saudis, none were from iraq nor iran.
there is no VICTORY to be had in iraq. john mc cain cannot define victory, only to say we will stay until iraq is a secure and functional democracy and an ally of the united states yet the iraqi people want us gone and gone now. that is how they vote. but hey, fuck democracy if they don't agree with us.
advantage: obama
You know Ron, I've figured out your style. You throw out bombs, then move on, never looking back. You continue mislead or tell outright lies, then accuse others of avoiding issues. You lied about the economy under Bush saying he has historic inflation and unemployment - both false. The more I read what you write the more I actually start to realize that you aren't nearly as intelligent as I thought you were. I'm starting to feel a bit sorry for you actually. You are obviously extremely closed minded and/or brainwashed.
You say Bush and company had received national security reports saying Bin Laden wanted to attack us. Bush had a couple months to do something, Clinton had either years. And I have another news flash, Bin Laden STILL wants to attack us and look at what you libs do when we try to do something about it. If Bush had done anything preemptively prior to 9/11 can you honestly tell me you would have supported it? Of course not. If Bush had prevent 9/11 entirely, your side would have crucified him as being a bully or - your favorite name - a "cowboy". But it is easy for you to look back and accuse. It is what you people do. Whine and cry but have no plan.
According to a CNN report last week, for the entire month of May, there were only 19 troop deaths in Iraq. (Last year, five people on average were shot every day in Chicago.)
And if I would have asked you on 9/12 if you think we could go seven years without another attack, do you think you would have believed it to be possible? I know you will never give Bush credit for anything positive, but we are attack free because we are fighting them there and not here.
And what about your friends in the Congress? Now I know you hate issues, but tell me something. What has your Congress accomplished in the past 18 months? This is serious question? I doubt you'll reply because it will actually take some thought, but what have they accomplished? They promised a lot while campaigning, they won. Now what have the done? I mean besides having the lowest rating of any Congress.
From Gallup.com:
Just 14% of Americans have a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in Congress.
This 14% Congressional confidence rating is the all-time low for this measure, which Gallup initiated in 1973. The previous low point for Congress was 18% at several points in the period of time 1991 to 1994.
So what makes your side so great? B. Hussein Obama? You think he is the answer. Or are you going to accuse me a racism again because I use B. Hussein's real name?
My comment on health care was simplistic--Lawyers are part of the problem, but I won't spend much time defending that they are the majority of the problem. There's also abuse, (An EMT I know recently brought someone in by ambulance for earwax--She isn't allowed to say no) and the decoupling of the payment from the services--I'm insured, so there's little incentive for me to economize, within the boundaries of my insurance.
You're using Hussein because it's his given middle name and you're trying to link him to the late Iraqi dictator.
You know this, you're doing it to insinuate that he's associated with Hussein, and to imply that he is a Muslim and based on every word you've said you don't like Muslims, and I absolutely challenger your character, morals and integrity if you say otherwise.
If you wanted to use his real name, you'd call him Barack. If you want to make racial, religious and deposed dictator insinuations you'll call him B. Hussein. That's as transparent as a picture window.
If you continue to call him B. Hussein, you will continue to be doing it to make racial, religious and deposed dictator insinuations.
You know this, and you know you're lying if you say otherwise.
But you don't have to justify or admit that here. You know what kind of person you are better than I.
And you also know what kind of person manipulates and prods at a person's given name to make racial, religious and deposed dictator insinuations.
You know that kind of a person is a racist.
Whether you admit it or not.
How do you know that I'm not Muslim myself? I am not a racist and I don't hate Muslims. But I know one thing - the odds that the next attack on this country will be cause by... Muslims. That is just a fact.
If I have respect for the man, which I openly admit that I don't, I'd call him by his first name. I believe Mr. Obama and his wife are the racists. I also know for a fact that the people that he associates with are racists of the highest order. I know that I would not spend any time, much less 20 years, around a person who preached hate, racism and anti-Americanism like Rev. Wright. I would not call a person that says "god damn America", accuses America of starting the AIDs epedimic my mentor and I most definitely would not have him baptizemy children.
So you can pass a quick judgment on me because I use them man's name and ignore the actions of the man himself all you want. I question your morals as well.
I don't care if B. Hussein Obama is muslim, black, or anything else. What I do care about is the decisions he makes. The people he surrounds himself with and his complete lack of experience.
If I want to hoodwink the public, I'd run on a platform of 'hope'. No two people hope for the same thing so you don't have to give out specifics. When you get them believing in the intangible hope - move your rhetoric to 'change'. Again, no plan, just change. The mindless fill in their own plan.
Obama is an empty suit with no experience, no plan, and nothing new. I've asked several supporters of Obama why they like him. Without exception their first arguement is a slam on Bush. Apparently the 'change' crowd doesn't know Bush isn't running again.
well, at least this time you didn't suggest i leave the country but now i am brain washed. really?
tell the american people that the inflation isn't high. i am sure they would all agree with you. under bush by 2007 he had "created" 5 million jobs. with a smaller population, clinton "created" 22 million jobs. under bush we have record deficits under clinton record surplusses.
i would be in the group that held the congress in low esteem; i feel that they didn't hold bush nearly accountable enough; though they were stymied every time by the republicans they should have kept it up.
there are over a billion muslims in the world; 99% of them are not terrorists. we have had two three terrorist attacks in the united states, 9-11, the wtc of 93 and timothy mcveigh. the muslims that hate us do so, not because of the simplistic bush explanation of "hating our freedoms" (which is laughable) but because we have troops on what they consider to be "holy" land.
you asked me to name some american citizen that has been taken away; there was an attorney in portland, oregon who was; you can google the story up; he was taken in the middle of the night on false charges and held without bail nor attorney.
i also named the guy in gitmo in one of previous posts. let me quote dr. king for you, "an injustice to one is an injustice to all."
we also haven't been attacked by martians, elephants or people from crete; should we praise bush for that too?
bush was a con man and a loser before he was loaned money to buy part of the rangers and then, lo and behold, the cities of ft. worth and dallas ponied up millions of public money to buy a new stadium, thus raising the price of bush's minority ownership which he then sold making millions (thanks to public money) and could present himself as a successful businessman. (the fact that his two oil companies went broke and bush was bailed out by the saudis never quite make it into the bio. also his investors in those two companies lost money, bush didn't.) this is the man you defend?
you sound like ron f. when he was writing under another name. empty suit? editor of harvard law review is an empty suit? taught constitutional law at the university of chicago...is an imbicile? really? worked as civil servant when he could have been making millions on wall street and you don't think he has concrete plans? me, brainwashed? well, joey boy, you brain seems a little scrubbed to me.
and, like the other guy, yeah, i think you are a racist. but, then again, you may just be a guy who can't really think for himself.
one more comment; unlike most conservative blogs, i leave up the posts that disagree with me.
so keep on posting joe, you are always good for a laugh.
That would be Brandon Mayfield, the Portland attorney:
But at least the FBI said "sorry" later.
I'm not say BHO isn't educated. But if you think he is so bright, then how does your side get off alway accusing Republicans of being morons. Bush attended Yale and Harvard Business school. Condolezza Rice has more degrees and education than BHO could ever dream of but your side never makes them out to be intelligent people. In fact, just the opposite. So it seems if you are a liberal you are smart - Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Obama - but if you are a conservative you are are moron. Is that how it works?
Accuse me of being a racist all you want. You know nothing about me. But look the other way when your boy surrounds himself with racists, terrorists and felons. And in her 40 plus years of like, Michelle Obama was proud of her country for the first time in her life just a few months ago? Really. She was never proud of her country for tearing down the wall, or giving aid to countries in need. She was never proud of our service men and women (that almost goes without saying for liberals though). No, the first time she was proud of her country is when her husband run for POTUS. And don't try to tell me that she is off limits too. I know she isn't running but she has chosen to put her foot in the political ring so her words and actions are fair game.
I have no illusion that anything I say will change your mind and you most certainly will not change mine, but I'll never understand why libs consistently side with our enemies and blame America for all the ills in the world. And your side does it all the time.
Dick Durbin, John Kerry, Charles Rangel, et.al, they insult and demean our troops consistently but in public tell us how they support them. I don't buy it. Not for a second.
As for your moronic comment about being attacked by Martians or elephants - it hardly justifies a reply. But if martians and elephants had vowed to destroy us. If martians and elephants and attacked us at home and abroad on several occasions and if martians and elephants had built training camps with the sole intention of killing as many Americans as they could and George Bush had been hunting and killing them and their leaders - you damn right I'd thank George Bush. I'd thank him every night.
The beauty of being a liberal is that you don't have to do anything - example Bill Clinton. Just complain and then when someone else has the balls to finally act, you can just sit back and say "I would have done it differently." Well George Bush didn't have that luxury. Because if he had done nothing as the liberals would have, and we had been attacked again, the fallout from the left would have been unstoppable. Can't you just hear it? "George Bush didn't do anything to stop the first attack (Ron Shock) and he didn't do anything to stop the other attacks. " The 20/20 hindsight card would have been played. Bush was screwed either way. Damned if he did, damned if he didn't and he knew it. So he did what he thought was best to defend this country and he did it with 100% perfection. You can disagree with his methods but you can not disagree with the results.
I'm not making him out to be perfect. There is plenty about him I disagree with. But watch the Obama groupies. They love him, they are enamored with him and 99% of them know absolutely nothing about him. If you think that isn't scary - think again.
Let me start off by saying:
Jow Blow... You have alot of balls jumping on a mans blog slamming him. If you don't care for Mr. Shock's thoughts, heres a thought for you... DON'T READ IT! You have some serious anger issues going on, seek help or SHUT IT!
Personally, I am a "Vote for the person best suited for running our great country" kinna gal and I am damn tired of paying these high gas prices! Joe, you old enough to vote? If so, do you actually leave your computer long enough to go out and vote or do you just bitch and moan when you disagree with someone? Take me on Joey boy, I have more ovarilogical fortitude inside me than you have in those 2 marbles you carry! I will even let you have my email address at the end so you can see that I have nothing to hide.
That being said, Mr. Shock I have a personal message for you as well.
My husband Scott and I have followed your career since we seen you on Showtimes comedy all stars. We go to at least one or two of your shows when you are in Fort Worth or Arlington, and I would even go as far to say that WE are your biggest fans (next to your family and close friends naturally). Our 16 year old son has wanted to come see you live but club says he must be 18. He wants to meet you so bad. He listens to your cd's right along with us, jealous that we have seen you so many times. Mr Shock, I hope you never forget that I am the red headed Princess who gave you a giraffe beanie on stage, on Saturday June 14, 2008.
Thank you for ALWAYS making us laugh! Your dvd was AWESOME, if your fans who read this don't have it already, BUY IT!!!
Your Greatest Fan & Giraffe giver,
Our country is going down the shitter and Joe wants us to vote to pull the handle one more time.
Little Ms. Princess. We are all tired of paying high gas prices. It would appear to me the liberals are the reason. Le's see - the liberals have essentially removed all forms of competition for the oil companies. Don't let us drill for more oil, don't let us explore for more oil in the gulf, even though Brazil and China are drilling there. Don't let us build refineries. Don't let us use coal. What happens? More depand, less supply. Oil goes up. I think the liberal environmentalists must be in bed with the oil companies. Bush/Cheney are trying to open up competition of oil companies and you accuse THEM of being in bed with the oil companies.
If you believe for one minute the oil companies set the price of oil, you are simply ignorant. They don't. If you think the oil companies make the majority of the profits of gas - wrong again. The government makes a lot more money on gas and they have no risk or investment. They just sit back and take the money.
Princess, I am probably older than you, and if you think you are some great debater, bring it on. I find it funny though that you essentially told me if I don't agree with Ron, then I should SHUT UP. So as usual, you libs don't like hearing the other side. So you guys can all just write in and agree with each other and have a nice little happy love fest.
I guess if you can't debate the facts intelligently, just try to shut up the other side. That is the liberal way. You are trying to do it in the Fairness Doctrine. This, coming from the party that seeks to tell us how much they support the Constitution.
Try listening to someone besides Michael Moore and Sean Penn for you 'facts' and you might actually learn something.
Wow FatCat - great contribution to the discussion. Brilliant.
O Joey BOY....... if you were old enough to read then you would be intelligent enough to quote me CORRECTLY! What I saiddddddddd was "If you don't care for Mr. Shock's thoughts, heres a thought for you... DON'T READ IT!" I did NOT say you had to AGREE with him. Anyone with ANY intelligence (I know that is a big word for you so I took the liberty of looking it up for you):
in·tel·li·gence [in-tel-i-juhns] Pronunciation Key - –noun 1. capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in grasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc.
could read what I wrote. I also said "SHUT IT" NOT "SHUT UP" that would be rude.
Huked on fonix werked fer ewe huh?
Now what I pointed out wassssss if you do not appreciate what Mr. Shock says why smear your unintelligent bullshit all over HIS message board. Start your own blog and be your own biggest fan and let those of us who appreciate and enjoy Mr. Shock's thoughts read in peace!
Let me say this again in case I typed it to fast for you the last time... Nobody said you have to agree with the man but if you don't appreciate what he has to say... go to that lil box at the top of your screen with an "X" in it..... and click it!
Fatcat... Purrrrrrr on baby!!
TP, you are obviously not very intelligent. So SHUT IT isn't a euphemism for SHUT UP? (Oh, I'm sorry... better go back to your dictionary for euphemism.)
If you care to read, Ron actually said I should continue to post so it is you who is the presumptuous one isn't it?
So far all you've managed to do is throw around insults and imply your intelligence - although you have yet to demonstrate it.
You have yet to add any facts or even a shred of knowledge about the issues. I won't attempt to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person so you really aren't worthy of debating. I'm sure you'll come back and throw around a few more names and some meaningless drivel.
One thing I know about libs - start introducing facts into an argument and you guys get pissy real fast. Thanks for continuing to demonstrate this phenomenon.
Facts?!?! The ONLY fact you have proven Joe, is that you are a dumbass.
The fact that one life lost in a war that has proven to be a lost cause is one life too many!
Granted, under Mr. Bush's leadership he did what no other president before him was able to do and that was catch and hang that miserable bastard Saddam! But that don't mean we should stand by and watch our brothers & sisters, moms and dads, friends, die because our leader don't know when to pull out. (Sounds like a story of how you came to be doesn't it?!?!) Why stay and "teach" a country to stand alone when we can barely stand as a country as it is. My child will never see his social security because our deficit has grown beyond repair because we keep loaning money to countries to rebuild, to teach people how to run and protect their country, to search for WOMD that aren't there. You want to talk about FACTS? Fact is, we live in the United States of AMERICA who the piss is going to help US when Jackasses from the very fucking countries that we tried to help and who we tried to "teach" pull another 911?
Pull your head out of the sand (or your ass) and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
You used a pretty big word there "euphemism", did you have to use "the google" or just use "the internets" (pssssstttt case ya didn't know, those are Mr. G.W. Bush-isms)
I never said you didn't have the right to post (and by the looks of it, you have posted under several identies), all I said wasssssss "If you do not care for Mr. Shock's thoughts, why are you plastered all over his blog". But like your previous posts, YOUR intelligence is not as high as a flea on meds.
Mr. Shock calls em like he sees em and consensus of the board is.... well I will leave that up to the AMERICAN PEOPLE!
The consensus of the board on a liberal blog will be liberal.
We spend 4 times as much money buying oil from our enemies as we spend on the war. Are you in favor of drilling for more oil here? Are in favor of building refineries? Are you in favor of building nuclear plants here? If not, don't bitch about he cost of the war.
The problem you have is your are a victim of your own ignorance. You can only see what is directly in front of your face. A soldier dies in war, you conclude we shouldn't have a war so we can save lives.
I served in the military. Unlike liberals, I love our military. But I know that war is a necessary evil and I know that those sacrifices save lives in the long run. If Clinton had done something about the attacks while he was president, there is a strong chance 3000 innocent lives and trillions of dollars wouldn't have been lost on 9/11. You'll never see that. I wouldn't expect you to.
As for WMDs... Again, Bush couldn't win. All your liberals friends were also saying there were WMDs. If Bush hadn't acted and we were attacked, they would have crucified him. Here are just a few...
-"the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ..."
-Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23, 2003.
-"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction."
-Sen. Ted Kennedy (D, MA), Sept. 27, 2002.
-"Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power."
-Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002.
And that is just the tip of the iceberg. The difference is that Bush had the balls to do something about it and not turn his head and run away. Now they all tell us how terrible it is after not having to do anything themselves. Again, they sit back after the difficult decisions are made and then tell us after the fact how well they would have done it. That's easy. Anyone can do that.
Sorry, TP. I don't agree with everything our buddy Joe here says but he has you nailed to the wall on the democratic hypocrisy involving Iraq and Saddam. It's beyond ridiculous what the left had to say before and what they say now. I've seen some flip-flops in my day but this shit takes the cake.
Let's take a look at a few more quotes from our liberal friends...
"We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country."
-- Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002
"The last UN weapons inspectors left Iraq in October of 1998. We are confident that Saddam Hussein retains some stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, and that he has since embarked on a crash course to build up his chemical and biological warfare capabilities. Intelligence reports indicate that he is seeking nuclear weapons..."
-- Sen. Robert Byrd (D, WV), Oct. 3, 2002
"He will use those weapons of mass destruction again, as he has ten times since 1983."
--Sandy Berger, Clinton National Security Adviser, Feb, 18, 1998
"I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force -- if necessary -- to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security."
-- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Oct. 9, 2002
And here's the clincher...
"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
-- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002
Hillary sure changed her story now didn't she?
Bush lied? Well if he did he sure as hell wasn't alone. So much for that.
But being the even-handed libertarian that I am, I'm not letting the Republicans off the hook either.
They keep saying things like "We cannot lose the war in Iraq" and "If we surrender now it will only embolden our enemies"
Say what? Lose? Surrender? What the fuck? The last time I checked the objective in a war is exactly the same as a game of chess. You capture the king and you win. Checkmate. Game over.
Also the last time I checked Saddam, most of his henchmen, brothers, and his sons Uday and Quasimodo were all stone fucking DEAD!
Hello? Can we leave now?
We keep pouring billions of dollar down this rat hole by being the Iraqi police department and for what?. Fuck 'em. Leave. If they descend into chaos and start killing each other, fuck 'em. If another hairy dictator pops up and starts causing some shit then go back and kill his ass too.
The initial objective was to kill the bastards. We did. We won. Now fold up the chessboard and go home.
to texasprincess,
thanks for the giraffe! that was very cool and it fit right into the show.
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