backs and hacks and thank a liberal
now back in las vegas (be it ever so humble no place...) and first day home, doing some light yard work, pulled my back. it felt like someone shot me in the back! banshees looked around to see who that was screaming. damn, this hurts! been going to chiropractor and it is a little better and tomorrow go to regualar m.d. to get drugs so between the two i should be ready to rock and roll next week.
my last couple of blogs have picked up a "flamer" named joe who writes quite a lot arguing with me and my readers about things i have posted about politics. joe seems to be a republican since he uses so many of the catch phrases that the rnc puts out, seemingly daily, that the "true believers" then parrot across the airways and, in this case, across the internet. joe has informed me that senator obama is an "empty suit" and once he gets away from his speeches he is an imbecile. i pointed out that senator obama was the editor of the harvard law review and then taught constitutional law at the university of chicago. you know, very few imbeciles teach constitutional law and very few get into harvard much less edit the law review but apparently joe, being a good neo con republican, doesn't know that.
i am against the war so to justify why we should have gone into iraq, joe, like the republicans today, is quoting some of the democrats that backed bush as if i wasn't throughly disgusted with them as well. i have said before the democrats and the republicans are both guilty of this war. both parties joined in the rush to war, both parties would not let the united nations finish their inspections and both parties refused to read all of the intelligence reports. there were many caveats in those reports with wording such as "sources unknown" or "source has proven to be unreliable in the past" or "other sources give exactly opposite information" and other disclaimers that neither bush nor the democratic leadership brought up in their drumbeating speeches. bush, cheney and company didn't lie as much as they "cherry picked" information about the wmd's. they did lie about saadam and obl. anyone with an understanding of the middle east in the year of our lord, 2001 knew that s. hussian and obl were mortal enemies. saadam was way too liberal for osama, way too secular for al qyada.
even if they had wmd's, which they didn't, how were they going to get them here? we had been bombing iraq for 8 years! they didn't have an air force much less icbms.
war should be the ABSOLUTE last resort to resolve any international crisis. war was our only resort in the case of iraq; no information was released that disputed the administrations claims. the so-called liberal press was not to be heard from. colin powell also feels that he was mislead in the days preceeding his speech to the united nations. there was even a book written before the 2000 elections, called, i believe, the rising storm; the case for invading iraq. it was the neo con bible.
one of the reasons that i believe that senator obama will be a good if not great president is that a. he was opposed to the war from git go and thusly will have the high moral ground on that issue. b. is because he is an outsider and not part of the entrenched washington society he has the ability to unite, if not the hard core republicans, the moderate republicans, independents and democrats in coming up with a way to extradite ourselves from that mess. extradiate ourselves is what we must do.
senator obama has a history of helping people. he was a community organizer. mc cain married a beer distributor. obama wants to lower taxes on the middle class and raise taxes on the wealthiest. mc cain wants to keep the bush tax cuts in place. (they have worked so well for mc cain still is pandering with his plan for a gasoline tax vacation which, of course, would cost us billions of dollars that would be used to EMPLOY PEOPLE to fix the roads and, of course, would add to the already horrendous national debt. obama wants everyone, including the rich like mc cain, to pay into social security (which, incidently, would bring ss up to solvency) while mc cain wants young americans to give their money to wall street for their retirement fund and opt out of social security which would bankrupt the ss. that johnny, boy is he for the little guy or what? guess you lose your perspective when you marry into millions.
too many of the politicians in both parties are just hacks and are looking only for ways to get re- elected and are not looking for the RIGHT thing to do. i am much more a progressive liberal than i am a "democrat." the democratic party, right now, is closer to what i think the role of government should be than the republicans are and senator obama is the first man (or woman) that i have truly been excited about on the national scene.
the republicans or should i say the neo-cons would like to make liberal a dirty word; i am proud to be a liberal and proud of the things that the liberals have brought into our society: when you make that morning coffee and get that clean water from your facuet, thank a liberal. when you buy a product and all the ingredients are listed so you know what you are putting in and on your body...thank a liberal. thank a liberal for the fda which inspects the meat that you eat. if you have health care at your work, if you have a retirement plan, if you have money in a bank that is insured by the fdic, (go research out the crash of 1929 and see what the banks did then and you will appreciate the fdic a lot fucking more), if you get a vacation from work thank a union member for fighting and sometimes dying for that as well as your retirement fund and your health care. if the conservatives had their way, none of these would be in existance. the conservatives have fought tooth and nail against any thing for the worker over the employer. there would be no minimum wage, no social security and no recourse if you were hurt on the job.
conservatives like to think of themselves as "self made" and don't give credit to the society in which they live that allows them to do whatever it is they do. from the roads we build, to the police on the street to the teacher in the school; all those have an immense effect on our day to day lives. if you become unemployed, thanks to liberals and union members, you get unemployment insurance because some girli-man thought it wasn't right that you go broke because of some unseen circumstance.
if you went to school on a student loan...thank a liberal.
when you turn on the electricity...thank a liberal. (fdr in this case)
cars are much safer now than they were 40 years ago...thank a liberal.
but hey, listen to rush or savage. they will tell you that we liberals are a threat to the country.
but we are not a threat. we are on YOUR side because you see, liberals want fairness for all and you are included in that.
the republicans are going to try to run on fear. they want us to fear muslims. they want us to fear a guy who lives in a cave. they want us to fear the iranians. they want us to be afraid of our shadows because apparently republicans are very afraid themselves. the boogyman is coming. and only a republican can save us from the boogyman. LAUGH OUT LOUD!
don't go for it, folks. the world is full of people who just want a better life for themselves and their children. they want to get an education. they want to put food on their table. they want to run their own countries and not have american troops on their land.
for years the neo cons told us about THE GODLESS COMMUNISTS in china and how we should fear them. now china is whom our neo con leaders go to for loans. (p.s. how is it that a communist country has the money to loan us anyway, i thought you told us that communism didn't work????)
and as far as drilling in the artic and off the coasts..sure i would go for that as long as that oil belongs to the PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES and not to the oil companies. i would be willing to start a national oil company to do that drilling. is that okay with you neo cons? have it belong to the people?
my last couple of blogs have picked up a "flamer" named joe who writes quite a lot arguing with me and my readers about things i have posted about politics. joe seems to be a republican since he uses so many of the catch phrases that the rnc puts out, seemingly daily, that the "true believers" then parrot across the airways and, in this case, across the internet. joe has informed me that senator obama is an "empty suit" and once he gets away from his speeches he is an imbecile. i pointed out that senator obama was the editor of the harvard law review and then taught constitutional law at the university of chicago. you know, very few imbeciles teach constitutional law and very few get into harvard much less edit the law review but apparently joe, being a good neo con republican, doesn't know that.
i am against the war so to justify why we should have gone into iraq, joe, like the republicans today, is quoting some of the democrats that backed bush as if i wasn't throughly disgusted with them as well. i have said before the democrats and the republicans are both guilty of this war. both parties joined in the rush to war, both parties would not let the united nations finish their inspections and both parties refused to read all of the intelligence reports. there were many caveats in those reports with wording such as "sources unknown" or "source has proven to be unreliable in the past" or "other sources give exactly opposite information" and other disclaimers that neither bush nor the democratic leadership brought up in their drumbeating speeches. bush, cheney and company didn't lie as much as they "cherry picked" information about the wmd's. they did lie about saadam and obl. anyone with an understanding of the middle east in the year of our lord, 2001 knew that s. hussian and obl were mortal enemies. saadam was way too liberal for osama, way too secular for al qyada.
even if they had wmd's, which they didn't, how were they going to get them here? we had been bombing iraq for 8 years! they didn't have an air force much less icbms.
war should be the ABSOLUTE last resort to resolve any international crisis. war was our only resort in the case of iraq; no information was released that disputed the administrations claims. the so-called liberal press was not to be heard from. colin powell also feels that he was mislead in the days preceeding his speech to the united nations. there was even a book written before the 2000 elections, called, i believe, the rising storm; the case for invading iraq. it was the neo con bible.
one of the reasons that i believe that senator obama will be a good if not great president is that a. he was opposed to the war from git go and thusly will have the high moral ground on that issue. b. is because he is an outsider and not part of the entrenched washington society he has the ability to unite, if not the hard core republicans, the moderate republicans, independents and democrats in coming up with a way to extradite ourselves from that mess. extradiate ourselves is what we must do.
senator obama has a history of helping people. he was a community organizer. mc cain married a beer distributor. obama wants to lower taxes on the middle class and raise taxes on the wealthiest. mc cain wants to keep the bush tax cuts in place. (they have worked so well for mc cain still is pandering with his plan for a gasoline tax vacation which, of course, would cost us billions of dollars that would be used to EMPLOY PEOPLE to fix the roads and, of course, would add to the already horrendous national debt. obama wants everyone, including the rich like mc cain, to pay into social security (which, incidently, would bring ss up to solvency) while mc cain wants young americans to give their money to wall street for their retirement fund and opt out of social security which would bankrupt the ss. that johnny, boy is he for the little guy or what? guess you lose your perspective when you marry into millions.
too many of the politicians in both parties are just hacks and are looking only for ways to get re- elected and are not looking for the RIGHT thing to do. i am much more a progressive liberal than i am a "democrat." the democratic party, right now, is closer to what i think the role of government should be than the republicans are and senator obama is the first man (or woman) that i have truly been excited about on the national scene.
the republicans or should i say the neo-cons would like to make liberal a dirty word; i am proud to be a liberal and proud of the things that the liberals have brought into our society: when you make that morning coffee and get that clean water from your facuet, thank a liberal. when you buy a product and all the ingredients are listed so you know what you are putting in and on your body...thank a liberal. thank a liberal for the fda which inspects the meat that you eat. if you have health care at your work, if you have a retirement plan, if you have money in a bank that is insured by the fdic, (go research out the crash of 1929 and see what the banks did then and you will appreciate the fdic a lot fucking more), if you get a vacation from work thank a union member for fighting and sometimes dying for that as well as your retirement fund and your health care. if the conservatives had their way, none of these would be in existance. the conservatives have fought tooth and nail against any thing for the worker over the employer. there would be no minimum wage, no social security and no recourse if you were hurt on the job.
conservatives like to think of themselves as "self made" and don't give credit to the society in which they live that allows them to do whatever it is they do. from the roads we build, to the police on the street to the teacher in the school; all those have an immense effect on our day to day lives. if you become unemployed, thanks to liberals and union members, you get unemployment insurance because some girli-man thought it wasn't right that you go broke because of some unseen circumstance.
if you went to school on a student loan...thank a liberal.
when you turn on the electricity...thank a liberal. (fdr in this case)
cars are much safer now than they were 40 years ago...thank a liberal.
but hey, listen to rush or savage. they will tell you that we liberals are a threat to the country.
but we are not a threat. we are on YOUR side because you see, liberals want fairness for all and you are included in that.
the republicans are going to try to run on fear. they want us to fear muslims. they want us to fear a guy who lives in a cave. they want us to fear the iranians. they want us to be afraid of our shadows because apparently republicans are very afraid themselves. the boogyman is coming. and only a republican can save us from the boogyman. LAUGH OUT LOUD!
don't go for it, folks. the world is full of people who just want a better life for themselves and their children. they want to get an education. they want to put food on their table. they want to run their own countries and not have american troops on their land.
for years the neo cons told us about THE GODLESS COMMUNISTS in china and how we should fear them. now china is whom our neo con leaders go to for loans. (p.s. how is it that a communist country has the money to loan us anyway, i thought you told us that communism didn't work????)
and as far as drilling in the artic and off the coasts..sure i would go for that as long as that oil belongs to the PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES and not to the oil companies. i would be willing to start a national oil company to do that drilling. is that okay with you neo cons? have it belong to the people?
Nobody who voted for Bush can bitch about Obama's intelligence. (I'm not sure anyone who voted for Bush's second term can even make claims of their own intelligence...)
How much should the rich be taxed? I'd agree that they should pay more total than the middle class, but I don't think they should pay a bigger percentage than I do. Wealth is created by entrepreneurs, not just shuffled. If punitive taxes keep people from becoming (or remaining) fabulously wealthy, they won't expend the effort and take the risks to create, or they will do it somewhere else.
On the other side of the coin, if your skills are only worth $5 per hour, a $7 minimum wage means you are unemployable, and don't get the chance to learn job skills that would make you worth more. Think of the results if the minimum wage was raised to $15 per hour...McDonalds would turn into a giant vending machine, prices would go up until $15 buys the same thing that $7.00 does now.
The problem with a government big enough to give you everything is that same government can take it away. We need to reduce spending (drastically) rather than increase revenue.
And have the government responsible for oil drilling? Hell, no. Government cannot be as efficient in commerce as competitive business. What we should do is have an open auction for non-exclusive and non-perpetual lease rights--Part would be a lease to set up a rig, part would be a per-barrel royalty back to the government.
I appreciate the fact that you have used reason, logic, and facts in your little dispute with our man Joe. While annoying at times, it does make for endless entertainment.
On a lighter note, I see that our beloved dodgers have managed to start winning some games again.
come to oregon.
Well Ron, if you think anyone who disagrees with you is a 'flamer' than I'll be more than happy to leave your little blog and let all of you who agree with each other just sit around and tell each other who wonderful you all are.
joe, oddly enough you knew what a flamer was...
and no, i don't want you to leave, it is good (really) to have opposing views expressed. i have had my share of bitches with the democrats and even had one post that the title was STUPID DEMOCRATS. we are all americans and we all face a rather uncertain future and the answers will come, not from one side or the other, but from compromise and negotiations (sp?).
john, the dodgers have sucked so bad recently that i want to scream. when they got beat 5-4 the other day, we gave away 3 runs. bad fielding, bad throws, bad pitching, poor situational hitting, poor base running has been our m.o. for the past month. torre should be able to turn it around but we need another arm in the rotation.
sevensteen, actually the government can provide health care at a much less expensive rate than private enterprise and does. would they do the same for oil, probably not but, by the same token, if we must buy high priced oil to keep our addiction going then i would prefer it to be going into the treasury of the united states instead of the pocketbooks of the oil companies. (the oil companies hold no alliegance (sp?) to america only to the bottom line.
i realize, of course, that a national oil company will not happen in my lifetime but a guy can dream can't he? russia turned their whole country around when they nationalized the oil companies.
I don't believe that the government can provide health care cheaper than private industry. There would be significant savings with universal coverage (not the same as government-provided), and that is probably the best politically achievable option to fix the mess we are in.
Too much of the government has allegiance to their own power, rather than to the citizens of the US. It is nearly impossible to replace them with decent people. Those are the ones who would wind up running a government-run oil company.
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