too few aim at the good of the whole...
the general, now retired, who investigated the abuses at the notorious prison in iraq concluded that torture was condoned at the highest levels of our government and recommended bringing members of the bush administration up on charges of war crimes. obviously a liberal plot.
the district attorney of nye county, nevada, was arrested and charged with dui after wrecking TWO cars within the space of 7 hours. if you like corruption and wild and weird behavior in your public officials, then nevada is the place for you. once here in vegas every member of the city council, save one, were convicted of taking bribes from a titty bar owner. i love this place.
the idea of drilling off the coasts of america recently floated out there by gwb is another red herring. first of all, it would take until the 2020's before any came on line which would do nothing at all for our high prices RIGHT NOW and secondly, there are hundreds of thousands of leases off shore RIGHT NOW that are not being explored. the oil in the artic, which none of the oil companies are proposing to drill, does not contain enough oil to really make a difference. the only reason bush and mc cain are pushing this is to look like they are trying to do something about our energy crisis that does not involve changing the way we are doing energy business. neither wants to put tighter regulations on the car companies to come up with more fuel efficient vehicles nor have we gotten really serious about coming up with alternative fuels even though much of the technology is there right now. cars and buses are being run on natural gas, of which we have plenty, cars and trucks are running on fuel made from cooking oil including the hummer that arnold drives in california. AND REMEMBER, THE ADMINISTRATION WILL STILL NOT TELL US WHO WAS AT THE ENERGY CONFERENCE IN 02 THAT CHENEY FLOORED. NOR WILL THEY TELL US JUST WHAT THE POLICIES THEY CAME UP WERE. both bush and mc cain are willing to toss out false accusations against the enviromentalists blaming them for our energy crisis but are not willing to come up real world solutions. of course, the FACT that bush, cheney, rumsfeld and connie rice were all associated with the oil business never is brought up in the media. their buddies and their past business partners are all making a killing right now. hmmmmm. just a coincidence i am sure.
a poll released yesterday showed that 83% of the american public thinks the country is on the wrong course. 17% think everything is just hunky dory, these people are more than likely rich. the working man and woman of america is being squeezed on all sides and most of us are just a termination slip away from being broke. our savings rate here is abysmal and we have been living on credit cards way too long. people used their homes as some kind of atm machine and borrowed against it to finance their spending ways. those chickens are heading home to roost.
my back still hurts and i still can't beat the internet in poker.
one of the things that i have always liked about senator obama is his stated desire to bring some kind of harmony to the debates in washington and end this political infighting that has engulfed us since the clinton presidentcy. the rancor of the republicans against bill and hillary c. has been returned by the rancor of the democrats against the bush administration. (however, i cannot see the equality of getting upset over a blowjob and lying about and going to war on false reasons and lying about that) regardless, we must learn, left and right, republicans and democrats, liberals and conservatives, white, black, brown and yellow and all in between to come together to face our problems. senator obama has made that same argument, we can handle anything facing us if we all face it together. that is the "change" he is speaking of and only someone not already caught up in the endless squabbling in d.c. can bring about.
both of those are from john adams.
we are in the 21st century, people, and we have to come up with 21st century ideas or we will end up in dust bin of history as another great empire that fretted away it's greatness in foriegn wars and homefront neglect. it happened to many others, it can happen to us.
the district attorney of nye county, nevada, was arrested and charged with dui after wrecking TWO cars within the space of 7 hours. if you like corruption and wild and weird behavior in your public officials, then nevada is the place for you. once here in vegas every member of the city council, save one, were convicted of taking bribes from a titty bar owner. i love this place.
the idea of drilling off the coasts of america recently floated out there by gwb is another red herring. first of all, it would take until the 2020's before any came on line which would do nothing at all for our high prices RIGHT NOW and secondly, there are hundreds of thousands of leases off shore RIGHT NOW that are not being explored. the oil in the artic, which none of the oil companies are proposing to drill, does not contain enough oil to really make a difference. the only reason bush and mc cain are pushing this is to look like they are trying to do something about our energy crisis that does not involve changing the way we are doing energy business. neither wants to put tighter regulations on the car companies to come up with more fuel efficient vehicles nor have we gotten really serious about coming up with alternative fuels even though much of the technology is there right now. cars and buses are being run on natural gas, of which we have plenty, cars and trucks are running on fuel made from cooking oil including the hummer that arnold drives in california. AND REMEMBER, THE ADMINISTRATION WILL STILL NOT TELL US WHO WAS AT THE ENERGY CONFERENCE IN 02 THAT CHENEY FLOORED. NOR WILL THEY TELL US JUST WHAT THE POLICIES THEY CAME UP WERE. both bush and mc cain are willing to toss out false accusations against the enviromentalists blaming them for our energy crisis but are not willing to come up real world solutions. of course, the FACT that bush, cheney, rumsfeld and connie rice were all associated with the oil business never is brought up in the media. their buddies and their past business partners are all making a killing right now. hmmmmm. just a coincidence i am sure.
a poll released yesterday showed that 83% of the american public thinks the country is on the wrong course. 17% think everything is just hunky dory, these people are more than likely rich. the working man and woman of america is being squeezed on all sides and most of us are just a termination slip away from being broke. our savings rate here is abysmal and we have been living on credit cards way too long. people used their homes as some kind of atm machine and borrowed against it to finance their spending ways. those chickens are heading home to roost.
my back still hurts and i still can't beat the internet in poker.
one of the things that i have always liked about senator obama is his stated desire to bring some kind of harmony to the debates in washington and end this political infighting that has engulfed us since the clinton presidentcy. the rancor of the republicans against bill and hillary c. has been returned by the rancor of the democrats against the bush administration. (however, i cannot see the equality of getting upset over a blowjob and lying about and going to war on false reasons and lying about that) regardless, we must learn, left and right, republicans and democrats, liberals and conservatives, white, black, brown and yellow and all in between to come together to face our problems. senator obama has made that same argument, we can handle anything facing us if we all face it together. that is the "change" he is speaking of and only someone not already caught up in the endless squabbling in d.c. can bring about.
both of those are from john adams.
we are in the 21st century, people, and we have to come up with 21st century ideas or we will end up in dust bin of history as another great empire that fretted away it's greatness in foriegn wars and homefront neglect. it happened to many others, it can happen to us.
Thought this might make someone smile...
OPEC sells oil for $136.00 a barrel.
OPEC nations buy U.S. grain at $7.00 a bushel.
Solution: Sell grain for $136.00 a bushel.
Can't buy it? Tough! Eat your oil!
Ought to go well with a nice thick grilled filet of camel ass
I enjoy your posts as well.
Read those articles, made me madder than a 3 legged giraffe trying to run away from the lady who just tickled his balls.
I have to say, you are not only an awesome comic, your views on life in general are thee best.
The idea that we shouldn't do anything because it won't help us RIGHT NOW is insane--It is a part of why we are in this mess RIGHT NOW. There is nothing we can do to fix it right now--Short term, we are pretty much screwed. Mid and long term, there's lots we can and should do. We should have increased refinery capacity years ago, but there is so much red tape that it is essentially impossible.
I don't know enough to say whether we should be drilling more of our own oil. There may come a time when oil is considered far too valuable as a raw material to be used as fuel--We may be glad we emptied the rest of the world first.
We don't need tighter regulations--Fuel economy is self-correcting in a few years. The truck plant where I work used to have 3 shifts plus overtime, spitting out a 15mpg SUV every minute, 20 hours a day 6 days a week, plus 2 shifts at a sister plant. Sister plant is gone, we lost a shift already, plus a slowed line, and we are scheduled to close next year. Meanwhile, there's a year wait for Smartcars, and you can turn around and sell one for about $4000 more than you paid.
Biofuel isn't the answer--Used cooking oil is a great thing in small scale operations, but as prices go up, it won't be free anymore. McDonalds already processes its used fry oil into fuel for its fleet, and you will see more and more of that. It will help McDonalds and such, but won't make a significant dent in the problem. That's not to say it isn't worthwhile--The payoff might not be huge, but it is bigger than the effort, and enough small improvements equal one big one.
The problem is lead times and incentive. A couple years ago if someone came up with an alternate fuel that cost $3.40/gal at retail, we would have laughed. Now they would become instant billionaires if they could make enough. There are several promising alternatives, but the quickest is probably 5 years out in enough quantity to make a difference. We need the government to get out of the way more than we need them to stick their fingers in--If government control worked, the USSR would have kicked our asses. China didn't start to kick our ass economically until they started allowing economic freedom in certain areas.
Natural gas needs a decent method of compressing it, quickly and safely so we can fit a useful amount in a reasonable sized car. There are a lot of alternatives with similar problems--They are reasonable in fleets and large vehicles, but not for passenger cars.
I agree with your John Adams quotes--Too often there's a knee-jerk reaction to proposals by the other party, without examining the policy on its own merits.
Have you figured out my true identity yet? I know you're bad at this, so I'll give you some subtle hints in my future posts.
joe, let me guess: you are LINDA BURNETT!
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