Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

are we getting ready to bomb iran?

the ASIAN TIMES reported two days ago that they had information from sources in the bush administration that george w. bush is planning to bomb iran in august. it is supposedly to target the revolutionary guards training camps and the qud barracks. the asian times has been accurate in the past on reporting things that the american press missed.

IF this true, and there is no way of knowing at the present time, it MAY be designed to help the mc cain campaign, putting us into another conflict right before the election and johnny mac can tout his military background to qualify him as president. by the same token, it could backfire against him because the american people (not counting the 28% who still think georgie boy is doing just a super job) are getting tired of war and occupations of foreign lands. either way, it is another unprovoked attack on a country that has done nothing to us. to use iran's support for the iraqi's who are fighting our occupying forces as an excuse to attack them is ludicrous. here, once again, put yourself in their position: let's say china has attacked and occupied canada; do you think that the american government and THE AMERICAN PEOPLE would not do everything in their power to help the canadians fight off the invaders? why then do we get so high and fucking mighty when iran helps the shiites in iraq? we are the invaders. we are the ones who started the war. we are the one's who are tens of thousands of miles away from our homeland. we are the ones from another race, another religion, another color, another system of government who came all the way there with our "shock and awe" air bombings of defenseless cities. we are the ones who blew up the schools (which we are now rebuilding), we are the ones who destroyed the water system, the electrical grid, the roads, the bridges; we are the ones who killed thousands upon thousands of civilians. we hold no high moral ground here.

another attack on another muslim country is just what we need. i have always believed that the vast majority of muslims do not really hate us but they do hate bush but if we bomb iran then we just may get that "war of civilizations" that bush and cheney jack off to at night.

did you see that scott mc clellan has written a book on the white house and how he, scott, was decieved over and over again on the war, the so-called (and highly elusive) weapons of mass destruction, the outing of valery plame as a cia agent (high treason in my book) and the bullshit response to katrina????? it is on my list to read.

write your congressperson. write your newspaper. speak out and speak up. do not let us get in yet another war. become an involved citizen. peace is patriotic.


Blogger mkirsch said...

I couldn't agree more with you on the sad state of affairs our government is in. With GWB leaving office after a long disasterous 8 years, I find myself worrying that it could continue for at least 4 more if McCain takes the office. As a veteran I feel for the soldiers overseas and hope that the bad policies implemented by GWB do not reflect poorly upon them. They are stuck in an awkward position between duty and the everchanging story of why we are there in the first place.
If Clinton could get impeached for getting a blowjob and having bad aim, you would think something would have been done about Bush already. But I guess the republican party feels there is safety in numbers and ignorance. After all if Bush tells them that the pope is the new face of evil we will have tanks outside the Vatican City walls and destroying our own catholic churches, geneva convention be damned.
Anyway, I see I moved from NY to Ft. Worth at the right time to catch your show in a week and a half. looking forward to it!

6:06 PM  

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