Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Friday, May 09, 2008


albert hofmann died yesterday and i wish him a pleasant journey into the afterlife for because of his discovery of lsd i am the man i am today. lsd changed my life. prior to taking it, i was a shit bag, i lied, i cheated, i stole, i was greedy, i used other people and other faults too many to mention. it made me see me as i really was and because of that clarity of sight i didn't like what i saw and set out to change it. and did.

having said that, let me also say that i would not recommend lsd to anyone (other than me) because it can, and will, take you to places that you did not know existed. you would see things that you did not know where there, but they are. most people (99%) cannot handle these revelations and this could cause mental trama unlike anything you have ever known nor that i could ever describe. let me also say (for all you narcs out there) that i do not use lsd anymore and haven't since the 70's and probably wouldn't in todays world because almost all of the psycadellic (sp) drugs today are made in back yard factories whereas what i took was the lsd25 straight from sandoz in switerland. i wouldn't want to trust my mind to some backyard chemist.

a little drug story: my first lsd experience was in sydney, australia and we were in an apartment close to king's cross. i could feel the drug coming on and thought it would be best if i used the bathroom now because there was a possibility i would be unable to navigate the path later on. after i finished my business, i am washing my hands and look up into the mirror above the sink and instead of me looking back at me there is a skull. the skull says to me, "why are you frightened? this is what you are, you know." that is when i knew this is a different kind of drug.

the grand funk railroad story is true and was seen by two other people. (for those of you who do not know what i am talking about it is from the oral roberts 900 foot jesus the cd)

on to something else: yesterday while driving home i am going through the radio dial trying to find the basketball game when i came across something called, "the savage nation". the host was talking to a listener and this is what he said, (this is pretty close to word for word) "the aclu has been trying for years to get the age of sexual consent down to twelve years old. the aclu is also trying to get libraries to stock child pornography available for all to see and you know why? because the people who work at libraries are all perverts." his listener said, "absolutely!" you know, it is hard to get three lies into such a short period of time. unfuckingbelievable. obviously, the host, whose name must be savage, and his listeners don't go to libraries...they have books in there, you know. and god forbid, a good rightwinger shouldn't read books. unless, of course, they are from the mental giant, anne coulter.

oh, and incidently, i am a dues paying, card carrying member of the ACLU. and because i am, i support savage's right to lie on the airways.

a shout out to two couples we met in new orleans: joe and andrea from long island and steve and dana from arkansas. you all are cool people and it was a real pleasure meeting you. (and, andrea, if i misspelled your name, i apologize...i am a terrible speller and too lazy to look words up.)

won big at the tables yesterday and hope to do the same today, so closing for now.


Blogger Sevesteen said...

You brought up another argument against the war on some drugs that I hadn't really thought about--How much of the hysteria and ill effects are caused by adulterated and badly-made drugs?

Savage Nation is one of the main causes of me almost entirely abandoning conventional radio. I've got a 40 minute commute, and I could get several stations broadcasting his idiocy, or music. (While I love music, there's nothing on commercial stations that can hold my interest while driving alone). I'd be really happy if Savage Nation was replaced with Savage Love.

9:41 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

the backyard chemists have whipped up some terrible shit. back in the 60's there was a pill that was called "black molly" and it was a pharmaceutical speed, so much better than any of the meth that is out there today. we had uppers, downers and in betweeners all of which were made by the drug companies and were pure as new snow. to my knowledge, overdoses were very rare and you weren't poisoning your body. today, doctors can't even write a script for mild pain pills without submitting various forms to the government.

we have spent TRILLIONS of dollars on the so-called "war on drugs" and anyone can go into any city and score any drug within two hours. the war on drugs has always been a war on civil liberties since we are a drug driven society; alcohol, cigarettes, valiums, etc. hell, we even drug our kids. a kid acts bored in school, we give him drugs, a kid is full of energy, we give him drugs. god forbid, that kid smoke a number.

blah blah blah.

savage may be as bad as i have ever heard. just that one time was all it took for me to come to that conclusion. rush is a fucking genius compared to this guy and rush, by any other standards, is an idiot.

3:40 PM  
Blogger Sevesteen said...

I think I've said here before, I'm personally anti-drug, but the idiocy attached to the drug war should be enough for anyone with common sense to say enough. Rights are violated, Doctors can't treat the pain of even terminally ill patients, because they might become addicted. WTF? Because someone might god forbid enjoy a drug other than alcohol? The people who are going to partake will, people like me won't, even if it becomes legal. Kick all the drug crimes out of jail to make room for the jewel thieves :) and other real criminals.

I haven't managed to listen to either Savage or Rush for more than a few minutes at a time, but I'm near certain your conclusion is correct. Does George W go above or below Savage?

8:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michael Savage is a loud-mouthed conservative from the east coast who managed to somehow get his own radio show. He spends a large percentage of his time talking out of his own ass, and manages to make Rush Limbaugh seem tame by comparison. The only reason I know this, Is because I have to listen to it every damn day at work.

6:11 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

gosh, buddy, where do you work? does your boss listen to that crap?you may have grounds for a law suit. lol.

6:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i work in an automotive shop, with a bunch of "super christians". While entertaining at times, it's not without it's frustrations.

10:34 AM  
Blogger FatCat said...

I only spent part of an evening in New Orleans. Four of us had started out from Houston on a trip to Florida, the car broke down in Beaumont so two of us started hitching the rest of the way and the other two decided to head back. We got picked up by this guy in New Orleans, he took us to get something to eat and then dropped us off all the way out of town past that long bridge so we wouldn’t have to cross it on foot. I always thought he was probably gay and trying to pick us up but realized we weren't and were hoodlums to boot so it wouldn't be a good idea to try it. But from what you wrote here maybe they are just hospitable that way.

6:37 AM  

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