Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Monday, April 21, 2008

betting positions and bombing positions

four of the five shows in ann arbor were as good as i can be. i can be 'as good' but i can't be 'better.' the fifth show was damn fucking good but not at that same level. it is what i do this for; to have shows such as those.

i was explaining how the muslims couldn't get into heaven because they didn't believe in THE BUNNY. all salvation is found through the BUNNY. hippity hop, hippity hop.

position is not just that in the betting cycle but where you are in relationship to other players. both are important but look at it this way; one changes on every hand and one stays the same on every hand except one and that is when you are on the big blind. obviously then, the one that is in play 90% of all hands should get some strong consideration. YOU DO NOT WANT A STRONG AGGRESSIVE PLAYER TO YOUR IMMEDIATE LEFT. YOU DO NOT WANT A COMPLETE IDIOT ON YOUR want both of those people on your right so that you can isolate them or at the other end of the table so that there are always potential callers/raisers between you and them.

i have been running good and am up quite a bit for the month. i would be having a better month had not i lost three hundred dollars to one guy who outplayed me on two seperate hands. he was to my immediate left. i might add that i still won that day but only a tiny amount. i was playing well just not as well as he was playing. not only that, he had gotten into my head and so i contributed to my contributions, so to speak. i finally said to him, "i've got to move; i don't want you on my left any more. you are a better player than me." and i laughed. and then i got a seat change. and then i got my money back from players whom i was better than.

point being: recognize really good opponents and don't give them an extra edge against you. see, i should have left the first time he outplayed me, i should have seen the obvious signs. he was a good aggressive player. why give him that advantage?

i am just passing on a lesson that i paid 300 dollars for:

of course, betting position is of HUGE importance. i think most money is lost from hands in early position. when i look at my cards in early position and the first one is a queen or jack, i secretly hope that the other one is a two. daniel N. said the hardest hands to play are "good cards in early position." i must remind my readers, i am not any kind of an expert on no limit hold-em. i am learning this shit as i go along. next time i visit "position" i will talk about some position plays that i have done, successfully and not so....

remember folks and never forget: john mc cain did not know that iran was shiite and al qaeda was sunni. he had to be told three times by joe liebermann. scary. mc cain is a warmonger. and remember and never forget: without john mc cain, it would have been the keating 4.

let me see if i have his creditionals right.

he was shot down. i believe that could be classified as having "failed" in his mission.

once shot down, he was captured. according to the code of conduct of the united states military, a soldiers duty is to avoid capture. so, that would be a "failure".

once captured, he did not escape. once again, it is his duty to escape.

we are told he went through a lot while in the hanoi hilton. so did other people. there are guys who suffered much more in vietnam than john mc cain did. john mc cain was a bomber pilot, he bombed people from afar. the north vietnamese held a very dim view of such men. what with the bombing of hanoi and all. there are thousands of men who came back from that ill fated, ill planned, illegal war that was not a war but another "police action." where we supported a military dictatorship in the south. from 65 to 69 there were somewhere in the neighborhood of 12 government changes; ALL THROUGH MILITARY COUPS. that is whom we were fighting for. military dictatorships.

that john mc cain suffered, i am sorry. that over 55,000 american boys died, i am sorry. they shouldn't have been there. and for that i am mad. just like our boys, and now girls, are dying in iraq, i am mad. they shouldn't be there. i am sorry for the deaths, i am sorry for the tens of thousands wounded, i am sorry for the families that have been devastated but, most of all, i am mad that those dead, those wounded, those families plus the hundreds of thousands of iraqis killed or wounded and all their familes were put in these positions, these graves, these hospitals based on lies told by our leaders. there were no weapons of mass destruction. there were no connections to osama bin laden. there was no connection between iraq and 9-11. john mc cain apparently is not sorry. he wants to continue the slaughter. he wants to continue the occupation of a country that never did anything to us. and he keeps bringing up his imprisonment as some kind of "experience" that in some ways qualifies him to be president and therefore commander in chief. i, for one, am not buying it.


Blogger Sevesteen said...


Failed his mission? I guess technically. I really don't think his Vietnam service, or his military career is a negative politically--I see no dishonor at all. I would much rather have him as commander in chief than the chickenhawks we have now. (Of course, I'd rather someone picked randomly from the comics who have appeared at Wiley's in Dayton the last year over who we have now, and I wouldn't even insist on a headliner) I don't support his politics, but to disparage his military background is amazing and wrong.

9:20 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

i am disparaging it, i am pointing out that since he makes such a big deal out of it, we should take a good long look at what he is promoting as a "reason" to elect him. HE keeps bringing it up. and if he keeps bringing it up, it is fair game.

in his book, mc cain said that he wanted to bomb the russian ships that were bringing in supplies to vietnam. that could have brought us WORLD WAR THREE but, hey, johnny mac knows best.

he has said recently, that only the generals on the ground should determine the course of the war. wrong! if johnny would look at that constitution that he took an oath to defend he would notice that the president is the commander in chief. the generals answer to him or her and not the other way around.

john mc cain has ridden his military service horse long enough. john kerry was a bigger "hero" than him and look what the repubs did to him.

sorry if you think my comments are wrong or amazing but i stand by them. john mc cain is a warmonger and is dangerous to our country.

7:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it deplorable that you would consider John McCain a three-time "failure" because he got shot down, was captured, and didn't escape. Do you have that view of every POW who has ever fought for our country?

There are many facators that affect the likelihood of a soldier being captured (such as going on dangerous missions or encountering superior forces) that have nothing to do with a person's skills or responsibilities. Even Chuck Yeager got shot down once.

By your own logic, you are also a three-time failure. You failed as a jewel thief because you were caught, you failed to convince a judge not to send you to jail, and you failed to escape once you were in prison. At least John McCain was serving his country at the time of his supposed failures.

I think you owe every veteran in this country an apology.

7:00 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

nope, i don't. they aren't using their war experiences to try to get into the white house. mc cain keeps bringing it up.

and yes, i failed as a jewel thief, did try to escape but got caught (failed) and glad i did.

once again, many suffered more than mc cain. his experiences, while traumatic, do NOT qualify him for higher office. his record as a senator, in my opinion, disqualifies him.

his experience apparently did not make him anti war. he wants to bomb iran, he says we can occupy iraq for 100 years. maybe his experiences fucked him up. my buddy, kenny, the lurp, came out of vietnam with 100% disability and he is anti war. i know his entire fire team and they are all patriots and did their duty. now they know, they lost fellow soldiers because of lies of politicans, they lost limbs and some lost their mental health and what this did was make them more skeptical of warmongering poseurs.

i owe no one an apology. kennedy, johnson and nixon owe all those dead from vietnam, all those wounded, all those crippled an apology; the same as bush AND MC CAIN owe our men and women in iraq an apology.

12:56 PM  

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