Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Saturday, April 12, 2008

of course some are bitter

obama was absolutely correct in his "bitter" comments. the republicans have known this for over 20 years; how do you think they get working class people to vote against their own self interest?

each election cycle, republicans get working class people to vote for them by talking about how the liberals are going to take away their guns or how the republicans are going to keep "god" in the schools. the republicans will talk about the "sanctity" of marriage between a man and a woman.

while they are talking about those things they are installing economic measures that insure wages don't go up, workplace safety is not a priority and all the while outsourcing as much as possible and then giving tax breaks to companies that send american jobs to foriegn countries.

one of the differences between the republican approach to social ills and the democratic approach to the same ills is that republicans "blame" and democrats look to "fix." check it out.

instead of doing something about soaring medical costs, the republicans blame "frivolous lawsuits" for driving up costs. schools are falling apart, republicans blame the "teachers union." i could go on and on. check it out.

and people who are on the bottom rungs of the economic ladder are often susciptible the blame game. it is not their fault, it is not the administrations fault, it is (pick one) the niggers, the spics, the illegals, the queers, the welfare cheats, the lawyers, the liberal press, the commies, the liberals, the terrorists and, if all else fails, the french.

obama could have phrased it better but he was right.

and those people who are bitter, a good number of them had every right to be so. they were sold a certain line then it was taken away from them. "go to work for a big company, put in your 20 to 30 to 40 years and then retire with a nice pension." that was true in the 50's and 60's but, starting with nixon, the republicans set out to destroy the unions and they did and when the unions got weak, workers across the industrialised belt of america got weak as well. now we find that many pensions had been stolen and that health care was an illusion. towns that were once the envy of the world are boarded up and rusted out. those that could, got out; those that couldn't are still there and they are either under or un employed. they bought a story and the story was a fairy tale of a golden land that used to be.

but i wanted to write about the importance of position in no limit hold-em.



Blogger Sevesteen said...

"workplace safety" not a priority? When was the last time you worked in a factory? OSHA is ridiculous--It is not possible to run a factory without OSHA violations. Inspectors come in, you kiss their ass, and then they negotiate the fines you WILL pay. It is an OSHA violation (against the company) for an employee to bring in a jug of homemeade iced tea without marking the container.

If you want to fix something, you first have to figure out what's wrong-Both sides blame each other. Democrats blame the oil companies for high gas prices, when the government makes more on a gallon of gas than anyone else.

Lawsuits are part of what is wrong with medicine. Another part is that ER's and ambulances cannot turn patients away--I was talking to an EMT yesterday that had to transport a patient by ambulance to the emergency room because he complained of pubic lice. (I know everything is bigger in Texas, but lice so big you can't get to the doctor on your own?) That's not nearly the most trivial thing she's transported someone for. What do you think the chances are that he will pay his bill? Maybe some government program, but certainly not him.

Unions weren't destroyed because of legislation, they were destroyed because they became an incredible drag on companies. I don't have a problem with the pay of a regular line worker--I'd have to be paid a lot to do that job too, and 80% of them work their asses off and do a good job. The problem is the deadbeats who can't be fired, lines of demarcation, and people who know how to milk the system.

A machine that collected data that I needed for my job broke. A union toolmaker had to run the machine, but a union welder had to open the cabinet and do anything inside (even though he was clueless about it) and a union datacom had to actually fix the network wire that turned out to be bad. Toolmakers don't want anyone but them to measure a truck with anything more complicated than a ruler. (Some plants get around this by buying machines to do the measuring) Only electricians are allowed to move computers on the plant floor. It takes 2 electricians 4 hours to carry 6 computers to where they belong and plug them in. There are some plants where managers can't carry their own laptops from the gate to their office.

We were recently able to get non-union janitors--Not only do they work harder and cheaper, they don't sleep on the job nearly as much as the $20/hr janitors.

10:52 PM  

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