Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Sunday, April 06, 2008

"it will take time to restore chaos"

sunday morning musings after three cups of louisiana coffee and the review journal.

for those of you who are considering voting for john mc cain in nov. may i suggest you read paul krugman's editorial on johnny mac's voodoo health plan. johnny boy thinks (?) that the insurance companies are the ones who will bring down health costs. really?!?! we, the american people, PAY MORE FOR HEALTH CARE THAN ANY OTHER INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRY! thanks to the insurance companies. we are also the only ind. country that doesn't have national health care. why? because we are so fucking smart that we know better than anyone else. anyone who has had a run in with an insurance company knows just how full of shit john mccain is.

all things are related: the administration is going to cut back on VETERANS HEALTH CARE THROUGH THE VA. support our troops! my fucking god!

the administration has lifted the ban on hunting of wolves in 3 western states. hell, there is almost 1500 wolves in those three states. 500 per state. wolf experts say that a population of 5-7 thousand is necessary to a. insure the survival of the wolf and b. to balance the ecological system. george says, "kill 'em!"

the state government of nevada is republican which leads me to all things are related #2: in response to the slow down in jobs and so many people having to fall back on medicad and food stamps, so the republican government has decided to cut foot stamps, welfare and medicad. too many people need it don't you see. none of whom are rich, white republicans.

now you know why i don't bet sports. (see yesterday's scores and my

memphis to beat kansas by 5 or more is my latest. the tigers looked really good yesterday against ucla.

the iraq study group released their report yesterday: JUST AS BAD AS EVER. NO END IN SIGHT. stay the course. shock and awe, surge and purge, victory is in sight, light at the end of the tunnel, stay the course, mission accomplished, right around the corner, flowers at our feet, surge and purge, stay the course, war will pay for itself, get those wmd's, stay the course, victory will be accomplished as soon as we define victory which we wont but what the hell surge and purge and stay the course. of course.

only 289 more days until the bush nightmare is over. so let me quote george on freedom and iraq.

"You're free. And freedom is beautiful. And, you know, it will take time to restore chaos and order---order out of chaos. But we will." gwb april, 2003.


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