Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Saturday, April 05, 2008

where have all the giants gone?

several people had told me that the JOHN ADAMS series on HBO was something i needed to see but i don't get hbo and besides, the book is always better than the movie. (prime example: BONFIRE OF THE VANITIES by wolfe and then the movie...the book was one of the best i have ever read and the movie was horrible) i am about 20% into JOHN ADAMS and it is stunning. what a man he was! our country was truly blessed to have a collection of men such as we had to bring us to independence. these were giants; of intellect, of compassion, of will, of vision and the burning desire for freedom. their legacy spreads across the world. a thousand years from now almost everyone alive today will be forgotten except by a very few history buffs but the names of washington, adams, jefferson, franklin, hancock et al will be not only remembered but honored. i just hope that the midgets that call themselves politicians today don't destroy what these men built.

in reference to the above: another 80,000 americans lost their jobs last month. here in vegas, THOUSANDS of families are being put out on the streets each month as foreclosures continue unabated. meanwhile, in washington and on the campaign trail, our politicians act as so many obstreperous children, calling each other names and making snide remarks and at the same time, george the insouciant, tells us that all is well; it is just a "slow down." rome burns while many fiddle.

don't you just love the way congress has come out with billion dollar deals for builders and banks and then offering counseling to the people? oh yeah, i forgot, we all get 600 dollars. cool. that should last a laid off worker with 3 children at home for at least a week.

the one thing they haven't proposed is a vast government program to put people to work such as the tva did during the 30's. (that is the tennesse valley authority and the 1930's for those of you who don't know american history....a small percentage of my readers i hope) spend that iraqi and afghani money here at home. i know, it is not going to happen.

alright, here are my picks for today. memphis beats ucla and unc beats kansas. on monday, unc beats memphis. (i, of course, am going against my own favorite, ucla, whom i will be pulling for.) the best game today will be the tigers vs. bruins. offense vs. defense. i look for unc to beat kansas by ten or so.

the thing about memphis, though, is they are an outsider such as UNLV was in 90 and 91 and not a member of the basketball "elite" as the others are. for that reason, it would be cool if they won it all. it would be nice for a "mid major" to win it all again. i will have to look it up but i don't remember if anyone else of that nature has won it since the rebels did.

go bruins.
go dodgers.

go away, bush.

it is beautiful here, think i will go take maverick, the great dane, for a walk. impress the neighborhood children.

have a good day, don't hurt anybody, get high and enjoy life. be thankful you don't live in iraq.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't know if this is the right place but here it is.Why are people losing jobs? Because the credit markets are "gummed up" and though the Fed. has been accomodative the bankers are not doing business. Why? Because they are afraid of the stability of their counter parties. Translate the bankers are not forth coming in telling the world which includes shareholders how much bad paper they are holding. That is it. Put another way bankers are such liars that they don't trust each other. Good thing I have held bankers in such low esteem, now that they have reached professional liar status there is not far for them to fall.

7:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

gotta love them dodger bums

8:45 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

you could not hold them in any lower esteem that either a. i do or b. they deserve.

if this is my old friend, mike, i need you to call me again, there is something i would like for you to do....

i have been a dodger fan since i was in prison in california in the early sixties, vince scully kept me sane through some very hard times. go blue!

9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last "upstart" sort of team to win was UNLV -- though they'd been in a Final Four a few years before winning.

I really think that before that you either have to go back to Marquette or all the way back to Texas Western to find a non-mainstream school winning the title.

Go Memphis!

P.S. Ron I'm in Vegas to enjoy this title game the way it's meant to be enjoyed -- immediately following a trip to Lotus of Siam.

P.S.II. Do you have a favorite 1-2 game in Vegas for a certifiable grinder whose a good to really good player? ...

4:36 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

hey josh, great weather here, huh?

mandalay bay is still my favorite but the mgm has good games as well. mb has bonus money for 4 of a kind or better and none of them, that i know of, have bad beat jackpots so the bonus hands, i think, are good. over the years i have hit many and my extra winnings are in the thousands of dollars. i will be there, myself, this afternoon but am coming home to watch game with rhonda. go memphis.

10:43 AM  

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