Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Saturday, March 15, 2008

who is that stern looking bear?

here we go again, bear stearns almost went belly up yesterday and was only bailed out at the very last moment by the fed and jpmorgan chase. bs lost half its value in minutes in what can only be called a "bank run", which is when people rush to get THEIR money out of a bank because the bank doesn't have enough money to pay everyone that they owe.

what do i mean by "again"? well, i wrote about this a year and a half ago. once again the question is: if a drug addled, poker playing comic in las vegas knew about the coming disaster at bear stearns, then why didn't the fed nor wall street nor the administration know about it?

let me tell you a little story. sometime in the early 70's a friend of a friend came to me and told me to go buy travelodge stock that day and to buy as much as i could afford. i bought 7,000 dollars or so at 8 and one half. the next morning that stock opened at TWELVE AND A HALF. a 50% return on my money overnight!

so, naturally, i asked the friend of a friend just how he knew that and he told me about "tender" offers which are supposed to be secret until the day they happen but people in the know, know and they use that knowledge to profit immensely. hmmmm. says i. how did you know? says i. he says that he found out just that day but sometimes he knows a month or so in advance and that is when the really big money can be made.

and then he said something which has always stuck with me. "the stock market moves up or down based on lies, rumors and bullshit and only the people with inside information make money at the market." (them and the brokers that is. brokers make money when you buy and then they make it again when you sell. is that a deal or fucking what?)

everyone on wall street knew this was coming and you can bet your sweet ass that the major players dumped bs way before the little guy saw it coming. some of them probably bought short which is when you make money when the stock goes DOWN.

but, hey, george w. bush told us yesterday that the economy is ok. and if you can't believe george who can you believe?

senator obama's minister said some pretty strong things about america. like us supporting the racist government of south africa when all the rest of the world was condemning them. but we did that. he said we bombed not only hiroshima but nagasaki as well killing hundreds of thousands of civilians. (nagasaki was bombed after japan had offered to surrender but we went ahead and "tested" another bomb on them...some would call it mass murder but hey, we are the good guys, don't you know) he went on to say "god damn america" and said that is what the bible says. that part of his speech (sermon) is pure hatemongering bullshit. but folks, we have to realize that what he said about the twin towers being bombed is chickens coming home to roost is right. we brought 9-11 on ourselves. we kept meddling and meddling and meddling in the middle east and it sheer stupidity to think that eventually some hothead over there was not going to call for tit for tat. we overthrew the government of iran and installed the shah. we always take isreal's side against the palenstinians (sp). we invade and bomb islamic countries and expect them not to retaliate? how blind are we?

all of that being said, obama must not only disavow his remarks about "damning" america but must leave that conregation (sp?) if he wants to show his sincere desire to bring people together. there is nothing wrong with the minister pointing out our mistakes and shortcomings but to call for the damning of america is hate speech and must not be tolerated. you do not overcome hate with hate. obama must, MUST address this and he MUST do it immediately or it is going to have serious reprecussions in the election. hate speech is hate speech whether it is from a black minister or the klu klux klan.

and UNLV won it's first two games in the tournament and plays for the championship today. i will be there. go rebels.


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