dirty trick by democratic national committee, obama and maverick
rhonda and i went to see senator obama this afternoon at a community center here in las vegas. the event was a "private" one for the "precinct captains", of which i am one. the speech was part his regular stump speech and part local issues that effect us here in nevada. he did make a comment about the dirty trick that the democratic national committee pulled here this week; the d.n.c. had set up caucus meeting places on the strip so that the people who were working that saturday could participate without having to leave the strip area but this was before the cullinary union came out for senator obama when it had been assumed that they would be in the clinton camp and when the news hit of whom they endorsed the d.n.c. sued to shut the strip caucus areas! just dirty politics against one of their own. the party poopahs desperately want hillary as the candidate and are doing everything they can to keep the nomination from obama. just why i don't know other then they are so tied to the clinton political machine.
one of the things that struck me at the event today was the fevor of the crowd for obama. he has the ability to fire people up and it showed. also, the diversity of the audience was striking, the only thing that worries me is that there were not nearly enough hispanics there. hillary has courted the hispanic vote and has done so quite successfully here and that bloc may push her over the top in nevada; we shall see.
my dog, maverick, is now fine and the danger has passed. i cannot express just how much i love my dogs and the thought of possibly losing him before his time was eating at my heart. all is well that ends well.
for those of you who have been following the posts and the comments you will have noticed that a couple of three people have written in critizing senator obama. each one of these people i asked just whom are they for but none had the courage of conviction to say. reminds of the words to a song i heard today and with them i shall end this post.
what kind of man
won't take an honorable stand
what kind of cynic
won't offer an alternate plan?
one of the things that struck me at the event today was the fevor of the crowd for obama. he has the ability to fire people up and it showed. also, the diversity of the audience was striking, the only thing that worries me is that there were not nearly enough hispanics there. hillary has courted the hispanic vote and has done so quite successfully here and that bloc may push her over the top in nevada; we shall see.
my dog, maverick, is now fine and the danger has passed. i cannot express just how much i love my dogs and the thought of possibly losing him before his time was eating at my heart. all is well that ends well.
for those of you who have been following the posts and the comments you will have noticed that a couple of three people have written in critizing senator obama. each one of these people i asked just whom are they for but none had the courage of conviction to say. reminds of the words to a song i heard today and with them i shall end this post.
what kind of man
won't take an honorable stand
what kind of cynic
won't offer an alternate plan?
The Politics of the Smooth Mood
The Obamarama Campaign Express was roaring down a New Hampshire highway near Nashua when an aide spotted the sprawling No Holds Barred Sports Bar. "Let's stop the bus," she urged, "and do some random schmoozing."
Obama and his entourage poured out of the bus and headed for the front door, over which hung a large sign: "HOME OF THE POLI-BEER: WHERE BOOZE, POLITICS AND SPORTS MIX IT UP!"
Inside the packed bar, the guys and gals were gathering for the Big Game to start. Before the game, however, there was an hour for political talk time. Their eyes widened in amazement when they saw Barack, bounding through the doorway with his secret service detail.
The bar had a big pit, with a huge crackling fireplace, where the patrons have their regular give and take. Obama was ready for some of that.
He started: "I stand for change. They said we set our sights too high in Iowa. They said now is not the time. I proved the cynics wrong in corn country and I'll prove them wrong in the granite state. To show you I mean it, no speech, go at me. Our time for change has come."
Guy number one-"Ok, Barack, you're going for the power in the Big House, the big companies already have the power, how ya gonna make us little people powerful?"
Obama-"Stay tuned. One leap at a time. We are one people. Get me there first."
Gal number one-"You say, CHANGE, well how are you going to cut the bloated military budget full of vast waste, fraud and abuse, when you've specifically said you'll 'expand and modernize the military?' Why, it's already half or more of the government's operating budget, squeezing programs for children, health and all that. I'm an accountant and I know numbers."
Obama-"Exactly. Our time for change has come. I'm going to change the old weapons with new weapons and the old soldiers with the new soldiers. That's real change-at the grass roots."
Guy number two-"You don't seem to have any rough edges, Barack."
Obama-"It's all about the mood, dude."
The crowd was getting agitated and the questions came faster and faster.
"Why are you for nuclear power with taxpayer guarantees?"
"Will you oppose Congress getting pay raises, pensions and health insurance until the American people get the same?"
"Do you favor repealing the anti-union nightmare-the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947?"
"How can you talk about change and take gobs of campaign money from the big corporate lawyers and bosses?"
Obama, smiling: "It's ALL about the mood, dudes. All the rest are details you can look up on my website-obama_is_us.org. We are choosing hope over fear."
Gal number two-"Ok, answer this one that probably isn't on your website. When are you going to meet with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and campaign in the black ghettos-say Harlem or Watts?"
Obama-"Whoaa, give that tough lady a Poli-beer on me! We are one nation."
Guy number three (with an Obama face mask)-"I'm the old Obama, remember me? I was for single-payer, full medicare for everyone. I was strongly for Palestinian rights and for replacing NAFTA and WTO, not for tweaking them. I was for taxing the super-rich and defending class actions. I was for capping credit-card and loan shark interest rates. What happened to me?"
Obama-"Well, didn't I tell you that I stand for CHANGE?"
Gal number three-"You seem to be for everyone, but not everyone is for everyone. Some are against everyone. Tell me, are the big corporations, the greedy defense contractors, drug, oil and insurance companies, starting to quake in their boots at the thought that you are now the front-runner?"
Obama, lifting his chin-"Well, Ma'am, we haven't ordered our seismometer yet."
Oooohs and boos float around the pit. A few start drifting away.
Guy number four-"You're one of those smart Haavard lawyers, Barack. You were a constitutional law teacher. You were against the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq. So, why aren't you putting two and two together-impeachment of the war criminals in the White House followed by conviction in the Senate?"
Obama-"You don't understand (testily), impeachment talk is just more of the same old Washington politics. I stand for change. No need to point fingers. We are one people."
Gal number four-"Hello, Barack. I'm Hermaphrodite and I luv your blended politics of harmony."
Obama-"Great! Then how about a quick dance around the bar before we have to leave," he said, humming to the tune of the Battle Hymn of the Republic-"We are choosing unity over division, we're sending a powerful message, that change is a coming to America, it is all about the mood, dude"
Ralph Nader is the author of The Seventeen Traditions
i think ralph should keep his day job instead of trying his hand at comedic writing.
and your alternative is?
ah, thought so.
thanks for writing,
please try again.
ron (my real name)
Glad to hear about your dog. Pets become part of the family after you have them for a while. I've about lost count of how many critters wander our hallways.
Great article by Nader! Thanks a million.
from Paul Krugman:
The Obama campaign's initial response to the latest wave of bad economic news was, I'm sorry to say, disreputable: Mr. Obama's top economic advisor claimed that the long-term tax-cut plan the candidate announced months ago is just what we need to keep the slump from "morphing into a drastic decline in consumer spending." Hmm: claiming that the candidate is all-seeing, and that a tax cut originally proposed for other reasons is also a recession-fighting measure - doesn't that sound familiar?
Anyway, on Sunday Mr. Obama came out with a real stimulus plan. As was the case with his health-care plan, which fell short of universal coverage, his stimulus proposal is similar to those of other Democratic candidates, but tilted to the right. For example, the Obama plan appears to contain none of the alternative energy initiatives that are both in the Edwards and Clinton proposals, and emphasizes across-the-board tax cuts over both aid to the hardest hit families and help for state and local governments.
I know that Mr. Obama's supporters hate to hear this, but he really is less progressive than his rivals on matters of domestic policy.
i must admit that i am disappointed in obama's health care plan and his "tax cuts" ideas. it seems as if all politicians talk about tax cuts as though they were the magic elixir that will cure all economic ills when, in fact, we need some tax increases to offset the spending binge that the republicans have been on for the past 7 years and counting.
on the health care side, obama wants to make health care more "affordable" but is not proposing a single payer plan that would include all the people. he said you can "buy in if you want" and that is patently foolish since young healthy people would not be part of the plan and middle-aged and up, those with more health problems, would and that would make the costs prohibitive. i, for one, am hoping that he will come to his senses on this.
by the same token, you must understand that if you are going to run as a democrat against the republican attack machine you must be very careful that you do not give them material to use against you. both hillary and obama understand this and it is the answer to why both of them have made some of the decisions attributed to them. hillary on the war powers act for instance.
krugman is wrong though on the alternative energy policy platform of obama. here in nevada he talking about nevada leading the way in alternative, wind and solar, enegry because of our climate.
also understand i can find many editiorials praising obama's plans and platform. i do not chose to put these here in my blog. and once again, I MUST ASK YOU IF NOT OBAMA THEN WHO? and until you answer that question, i must think that you are only being argumentative and have that, and that only, as your agenda.
you will have to take note that i do not defend every position of senator obama nor do i think that i and i alone have the proper insight to choose our next president. if i thought there was a better candidate i would support them. if you can give me a clear explanation of just who you think would be better i would be glad to consider it. you have so far refused to do that. so go fuck yourself.
We already told you- Ron Paul.
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