sue the soldiers, huckabee is a whacko, revelations.
hundreds of soldiers who were given signing bonuses are now being asked to return some or all of the money when they are wounded in battle and are discharged from active duty. a soldier in iraq was blinded by a bomb and was being sued by the army for 2,800 dollars which was a pro rated figure based on how long he was in until blinded. support our troops indeed.
huckabee is surging in the polls for the republican nomination. huckabee does not believe in evolution and when he was governor of arkansas the schools there got an "F" in science because he cut funding for science. "science changes, god doesn't." is what he said. also, he apparently does not know that man is a primate as he answered a reporter's question about evolution with, "well anyone who would care to try to prove than man is primate to me, he would be welcome to try." gosh, gov, man is a primate.
huckabee, as well as george, the decider, bush, believes in the book of REVELATIONS. revelations is a favorite among the fundalmentalists but there is a little problem with that: REVELATIONS SHOULD NOT BE IN THE BIBLE AT ALL SINCE IT IS, IN THE OPINION OF MOST BIBLICAL SCHOLARS (WHO ARE NOT FUNDALMENTALIST) A JEWISH PAMPLET AGAINST ROMAN RULE. the seven headed dragon refers to the 7 hills of rome. if you read it with that in mind, it makes much more sense. the great battle of armageddon is the battle for jerusalem between the jews and the romans. it was one of the books that the catholic church put in the bible at the council of nice in 300 a.d.
in that same vein, have you noticed how the so-called christian preachers are always quoting the epistles of paul and hardly ever quote jesus christ himself. i have written of this before, but the epistles should not be in there either. if you want to be christian, try reading and living by the words of christ. if you want to be a paulist, read paul. if you want to be jewish, read the old testament; but if you are christian, read the four gospels and, in my opinion, concentrate on matthew.
one of these days i am going to devote a series of blogs to the gospel of matthew which i have read in latin and greek as well as english. it may surprise you in what it says.
once again, go to my myspace space. tell me what you think. post comments.
didn't get to poker today but plan on hitting tables tomorrow.
huckabee is surging in the polls for the republican nomination. huckabee does not believe in evolution and when he was governor of arkansas the schools there got an "F" in science because he cut funding for science. "science changes, god doesn't." is what he said. also, he apparently does not know that man is a primate as he answered a reporter's question about evolution with, "well anyone who would care to try to prove than man is primate to me, he would be welcome to try." gosh, gov, man is a primate.
huckabee, as well as george, the decider, bush, believes in the book of REVELATIONS. revelations is a favorite among the fundalmentalists but there is a little problem with that: REVELATIONS SHOULD NOT BE IN THE BIBLE AT ALL SINCE IT IS, IN THE OPINION OF MOST BIBLICAL SCHOLARS (WHO ARE NOT FUNDALMENTALIST) A JEWISH PAMPLET AGAINST ROMAN RULE. the seven headed dragon refers to the 7 hills of rome. if you read it with that in mind, it makes much more sense. the great battle of armageddon is the battle for jerusalem between the jews and the romans. it was one of the books that the catholic church put in the bible at the council of nice in 300 a.d.
in that same vein, have you noticed how the so-called christian preachers are always quoting the epistles of paul and hardly ever quote jesus christ himself. i have written of this before, but the epistles should not be in there either. if you want to be christian, try reading and living by the words of christ. if you want to be a paulist, read paul. if you want to be jewish, read the old testament; but if you are christian, read the four gospels and, in my opinion, concentrate on matthew.
one of these days i am going to devote a series of blogs to the gospel of matthew which i have read in latin and greek as well as english. it may surprise you in what it says.
once again, go to my myspace space. tell me what you think. post comments.
didn't get to poker today but plan on hitting tables tomorrow.
My Space is owned by Rupert Murdoch. You already have a website to which you can link everything.
My Space just makes it easier to identify the free thinkers and tax dodgers and puts money in Murdoch's coffers.
People who claim to be liberals should think before subscribing to right wing enterprises.
you make a very good point; however, i doubt that rupert is reading my mail and the people who work for him are just like the people who work for anyone else, 95% of them are idiots anyway so i think that i can stay under the radar. by the same token, i hate to put a penny in murdoch's pocket.
who owns utube? thinking about putting up some video there.
I take it you saw that Richard Roberts, who resigned from Oral Roberts U. amid a scandal, said he did so because God told him to.
YouTube is owned by Google. Post away.
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