Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Friday, March 13, 2009

random thoughts from my sick bed

you won't ever see a better basketball game than syracuse and uconn last night. big east bb allows contact to go uncalled that would be felonies in some states. no a league for the faint of heart. gamblers had to be living and dying.

i have been sick as dog for past week hence the absense of blog but if a sports fan is going to be under the weather this was a good week to do so.

just when is this stimulus money going to create a job? it has proped up banks and insurance companies and credit card companies and has created a hog heaven of pork but so far as i know not a single dollar has gotten to the people who need it. and congress did grant themselves a new pay raise. cocksuckers.

no wait, some of the finest people i know are cocksuckers so let's just call them insensitive pigs.

next week the ncaa's kick off and unlv will not be there; they went out with a whimper. we failed to live up to our hype. oh well, wait till next year.

if san diego state gets in and his a high enough seed to not be playing one of the top three or four in their bracket in the first game they will be a good bet, they are good athletic team that is peaking at the right time. you heard it here first.

too tired, too sick, too medicated to write anything of consequence, not that i ever do, so this is just to let you know i am still around


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ron, you ignorant slut...

Hope you get to feeling better soon.

This is indeed going to be an interesting NCAA tournament. No telling what happens in this one.

And boy, do I know what you mean about an exposed nerve you had a few posts back. I had the wonderful experience of knocking down a Georgia mailbox and a street sign with my fat ass many years ago and broke two back teeth off on the process. Every time I sucked air it was a whole new experience in pain. And my bike was a whole lot easier to fix than I was. Jesus, let me tell you how much fun that was.
(Wear a helmet if you ride folks, I wouldn't be typing now without one.)

Get better soon. I'm gonna try and come see you on your trip to Texas you have coming up in May.

1:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is pretty clear that the redistribution of wealth was never intended to benefit Americans. Foreign companies and banks got billions of dollars from the billions we gave AIG. It seems to me that a better plan, if we are going to own banks, would have been to open a bank with the stimulous money, lend it to those Americans who need it, and use the interest off the re-payment of the loans to pay off our debt. Giving our hens to the wolves pretty well guarantees that we will NOT get the eggs...

Hope you're feeling better soon, Ron!

8:33 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

j.t. you know that scene in MARATHON MAN where the bad guy drills the good guys teeth? ANY FUCKING BODY would have sold out their mother from that. it is a whole new experience in pain, indeed. when i say "i cried" and "i screamed" i was telling the honest to god truth. while i am not mr. macho man by any stretch, i am not a total wimp either but that dropped me to my knees.

10:59 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

yvonne, you are exactly right about where the money is going but on the second part, what we really need to do is nationalize our money. we don't really print money, we borrow our own money from the federal reserve bank which is a PRIVATE BANK. i cannot recommend highly enough the book WEB OF DEBT which is just great. read it and weep.

11:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Marathon Man. HA! I almost asked you "Is it safe?" when I was typing that last one but I wasn't sure if you'd get it or not.


I can't believe I'm laughing at NAZI torture tactics but I'm laughing my ass off over here.

Glad you're feeling better today.

2:33 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

nothing like nazi torture to bring a big ol' belly laugh.

you are my kind of guy!

11:47 PM  

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