Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Friday, March 06, 2009

poker, robbers, shooters and always keep your cool

at this point i have to get more specific because the action heats up. (this happened at the mgm and it was a buddy of mine who had the 2's and he was sitting right next to me and i had folded and he showed me his cards preflop. after the hand we discussed at great length.....

he bet 30 dollars into the pot and was called by the maniac and the button. pot is now pretty big.

the next card was the 8h. now what? do you back off or do you bet and if so, how much?

speaking of buddies, one of mine got robbed at gun point the other night and it reminded me of something that happened in the 60's......

it is late night in oklahoma city and i was running a book office at the time and on that night i had gone to see a boxing match downtown and afterwards i had to go to the bus station to pick up supplies that had been sent to me. (back in those days, shipping by greyhound was the fastest and most economical way to get boxes of whatever sent from a to b) i go in and pick up two boxes weighing maybe 15 pounds each and go to leave. the bus station sits on a corner and my car is parked right across the street if i were to go to my right it is right there. as i am leaving with my hands obviously full, i notice two rather scruffy looking young black guys get up and follow me out. downtown is deserted at this time of night and i am a little skeptical of the action so instead of turning right to go to car, i go straight across the street and they follow, maybe ten yards behind me. i then take a right and cross the street and they follow. now so far it could be just a coincidence but then i take a right again so i am going back the way i came but just across the street. they follow. now i know something is amiss. i get to my car and throw the boxes on my trunk and spin around with my right fist cocked, i am going to punch the first guy before they can jump me. however, as i turn i find myself facing a snub nosed .38! (lesson: don't bring a fist to a gun fight) i freeze in mid punch and the guy with the gun says, "be cool." i say, "i am the coolest motherfucker you have ever seen." he says, "give me your money" and i reach very slowly to my wallet and hand it to him. inside is about ten dollars. he says, "fuck! you are more broke than we are." i say, "look, keep the money, give me back my wallet and i.d. and i will get in my car and go about my business and will not call the cops" he says, "promise?" i say, "absofuckinglutely." and that is what we did.

the lesson here is threefold: be aware of your surroundings and be willing to change tactics is the situation changes are the first two and the third one is always keep your cool.

and that story reminds me of the times i have been shot at and maybe next post i will tell one or two of those. yeah, yeah, i know; everyone of you have been shot at multiple times...... lol.

peace to us all.

rock and roll.

enjoy today, tomorrow could be worse.


Blogger sincityxingyi said...

My teacher got me a job as a body guard/liaison for a group of Chinese Trade Ministers who were staying at Korean owned hotel in Salvadoran barrio near downtown LA...

... now when I say "Trade Ministers" I have to add, that, these guys were living four to a room, and had their laundry strung out across the hotel courtyard; so I'm not trying to portray myself as some kind of James Bond...

... just a martial arts bum with a functional grasp of Mandarin, - and yeah, I looked down the buisness end of a gun more than a few times on that gig. Oh, the stories I could tell...

Now I'm the Swing Shift Floor at The Imperail Palace Poker Room:

Wired Dueces ?

Pay the $5bucks, and "FLop It or Drop It" - "Hit It or Quit It".


1:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really loved your story and how you changed your approach from aggressive to relaxed within a split second :))).

Now back to that poker hand.

At this point, it seems like the pot is about $140. So, in order to take a realistic shot at it, I would have to bet about $80-100.

I wouldn't feel comfortable with set of 2's at this point. So, I would just check and see what my opponents do. (I don't like the fact that they just called the $30 and not raise it. This means that either they were on a draw or one of them had a better hand than I did and just trying to milk me.)

Eight of hearts could give my opponents a straight or a flush. I think I would just give up that hand and keep my money for the future hands. If it was just me and the maniac, I could have followed a different direction...


1:31 PM  
Blogger sincityxingyi said...

Okay, - I've just flopped a weak set, and three to a flush...

... I hate my hand !

I either push, or check out*.

* I never check out, I was taught that "checking out" is rude; so I just check,wait my turn, and fold.

1:40 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...


i should drop by some evening (when exactly is swing shift) and we could swap gun and poker stories. you sound interesting.


6:30 PM  
Blogger sincityxingyi said...

6pm -2am Friday-Monday, ...

... Tuesday nights I deal.

Stop by anytime, - we have the worst players in town !

12:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would bet; I am a limit player so betting amounts are usually decided for me. So if the previous bet was $30, I would bet $60.

I have never been shot at; not even when I was married to you. I never thought about shooting you either but I did once think about choking you but it passed.

4:21 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

ah, well heather, i probably gave you reasons to want choke me. no, cancel that; i am sure i gave you to want to choke me. glad you didn't. besides, we had no guns.

4:35 PM  

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