Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

a very long night

last night was one of the longest nights that rhonda and i have gone through: our two dogs, maverick (the great dane) and annie d. dog (the mutt) sleep in the pool room and last night when i went out to close the door for them and give them their evening treats, i noticed that maverick was obviously not feeling well. nose was dry and he was extremely lethargic. rhonda and i immediately took him to an emergency animal clinic and it was a good thing that we did: his stomach had torn loose and had twisted in his body and he was going into shock. we had him operated on then and there and i was at that clinic until almost 4 this morning. the doctor said that the operation had gone exceptionally well and he thought maverick was going to make it. we had him transported to his regular vet clinic at 7:30 this morning and at 2 this afternoon, our vet said that he was doing "wonderfully well."

when we found out about his stomach tearing last night, it really hit me hard because i had lost my first great dane to this horrible event. it strikes mostly large breeds and the great dane in particular. the stomach literally turns over in his body. fucking horrible. they have to open him completely up, take out his spleen, turn the stomach around and attach it to the walls of the body. it can go either way and if not caught in time it leads to an extremely painful death for the dog. anyway, when the doctor told us what was going on, i broke down in tears and, my brothers and sisters, i really thought i was going to have a heart attack right there on the spot. i almost died of grief. for real. i do love that dog.

maverick is one of the most magnificent beasts you will ever see. his grand dad was a national champion as was one of his aunts. when you see maverick, you see what a great dane should look like. he is 35 inches at the shoulder and weighs aprox. 160-170 lbs. (you try getting a dane on a scale...i used to weigh zeus by putting him in my car and then weighing the car with him and without him. lol) the danes are loyal, intelligent, powerful, protective, playful animals that were bred to be a personal protection dog from bandits and the european wild boar. the ewb weighs in at about 4-500 pounds and the great dane can grab that animal by the neck and lift it off the ground and then snap it's neck. that is a powerful dog, jack. only the big bull mastiff is more powerful.

anyway, just spoke to the vet and she said that maverick is doing quite well and in fact, wants to PLAY, can you fucking believe that? he comes home tomorrow.

i don't pray a lot but saint francis of assisi got some calls last night.

peace to us all and may maverick be with us for years to come.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Ron & Rhonda-when he can eat again, please give your boy a treat from Uncle Scott and Auntie Chris.
Our Chihuahua Paco (talking about going to the other end of the size spectrum) had some spine problems recently, which he recovered from--it is the most heartbreaking thing to see a beloved pet suffer. Our best to you both. Peace and Love-Scott & Chris

5:05 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

hey scotty,

i am picking up mr. maverick today and will be sure and have him read your post. (i did mention these dogs are quite intelligent didn't i?)

thanks for your concern, scotty and hey to chris from rhonda, maverick, annie d. dog and me.

10:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope maverick will be alright which seems like he is going to...
I read an explanation online on why a dog's stomach would turn and while reading it I saw that a dog can die within hours of this. Even with treatment it says up to 33% of the dogs die.
You should feel very lucky to have found out about it.
I am glad he is better.


5:36 PM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

we were very, very lucky on this deal. someone was watching out for maverick that night. (also, it helped that i am very attuned to my dog and recognized immediately that something serious was wrong).

thank you for your kind words.

ron and rhonda and maverick

8:58 PM  

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