politics and poker
aig wants (and will get)more money and so do some (dare i say, foolish) banks. i have a problem with bailing out companies that are bad shape because they made bad decisions. while i have socialistic ideals and believe in my heart of hearts that a nation's worth or greatness lies not in the power of their military but how they treat their citizens, i have enough free enterprise in my personal system that failure should not be rewarded. aig is in the situation that they created. like i have said before, i called the housing collapse waaaaay before it happened and if i, drug addled, poker playing stand-up comic with no college education could read that writing on the wall then how come these "masters of the universe" could not? did they know that if they failed then someone would come along and bail their sorry asses out? same with the banks. why not, if we are giving out money, support those banks who did not play the fools game of derivatives and shaky loans to shaky people? let them continue to prosper and give them more capital to work with since they seem to know what they are doing?
i can understand the rationale behind the support for the car companies in as they employ so many people and we, the people, will get benefits from them recovering whereas what is the benefit to the american people if aig makes a comeback? they are an insurance company, there are LOTS of insurance companies. and we all know just what fair minded people insurance executives are. (speaking of which, according to tv commercials we all ought to change our car insurance to x, y or z because each and every one of them has the lowest rates.....could it be that they are lying? nah? not an insurance company)
"getting out of iraq" does NOT mean leaving 50,000 troops there. that is not getting out. that is reducing forces. and there is a huge difference.
my wife, rhonda, says that we should not be nitpicking right now because that just plays into the republicans game but i say that life and death on foreign soil is not nitpicking. while i agree with 90% of what president obama has done so far, i cannot in good conscience support leaving american boys and girls in iraq for any reason. yes, i know that violence is going to break out and that there will be blood letting on all sides, shiites, sunnis and kurds but let us not shed another drop of american blood there. we broke it and we can't fix it. so let us get the fuck out. a new strong man will come out of the chaos and establish a new dictatorship there. so be it. once that happens we can establish some kind of relief fund for them with strings attached of course and help who ever it is to right that particular ship of state.
as far as the republicans go they are committing political suicide right in front of our eyes. bobby jindal in louisiana is a joke and so is samford in south carolina. they have NO ideas, NO plans, NO proposals other than give tax cuts to the rich. man. and to hear rush Limburger cheese (they both smell) say that he wants obama to FAIL is beyond my comprehension. for obama to fail the country fails. unemployment reaches TENS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE. that is what he wants? talk about unpatriotic. if they had an alternate plan that would be one thing...but they don't.
oh well, tomorrow we go back to poker blogs for a while ... i have some interesting hands to discuss.
matter of fact here is one now but with a twist. i am only going to give you the hand as it came out and you write me and tell me what you would have done. once we get enough people to comment on preflop we will then go to flop and start the process over again.
you are in first position at a table that usually gets lots of callers but few raises preflop but can get really hairy from there on out with one certified maniac who has lots of money in front of him but i have already seen him bluff off several hundred dollars in the short time i have been there. there are others who are loose and will gamble but he is the only maniac.
first question on this problem: you have a pair of 2's. what do you do? fold, call or raise?
i can understand the rationale behind the support for the car companies in as they employ so many people and we, the people, will get benefits from them recovering whereas what is the benefit to the american people if aig makes a comeback? they are an insurance company, there are LOTS of insurance companies. and we all know just what fair minded people insurance executives are. (speaking of which, according to tv commercials we all ought to change our car insurance to x, y or z because each and every one of them has the lowest rates.....could it be that they are lying? nah? not an insurance company)
"getting out of iraq" does NOT mean leaving 50,000 troops there. that is not getting out. that is reducing forces. and there is a huge difference.
my wife, rhonda, says that we should not be nitpicking right now because that just plays into the republicans game but i say that life and death on foreign soil is not nitpicking. while i agree with 90% of what president obama has done so far, i cannot in good conscience support leaving american boys and girls in iraq for any reason. yes, i know that violence is going to break out and that there will be blood letting on all sides, shiites, sunnis and kurds but let us not shed another drop of american blood there. we broke it and we can't fix it. so let us get the fuck out. a new strong man will come out of the chaos and establish a new dictatorship there. so be it. once that happens we can establish some kind of relief fund for them with strings attached of course and help who ever it is to right that particular ship of state.
as far as the republicans go they are committing political suicide right in front of our eyes. bobby jindal in louisiana is a joke and so is samford in south carolina. they have NO ideas, NO plans, NO proposals other than give tax cuts to the rich. man. and to hear rush Limburger cheese (they both smell) say that he wants obama to FAIL is beyond my comprehension. for obama to fail the country fails. unemployment reaches TENS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE. that is what he wants? talk about unpatriotic. if they had an alternate plan that would be one thing...but they don't.
oh well, tomorrow we go back to poker blogs for a while ... i have some interesting hands to discuss.
matter of fact here is one now but with a twist. i am only going to give you the hand as it came out and you write me and tell me what you would have done. once we get enough people to comment on preflop we will then go to flop and start the process over again.
you are in first position at a table that usually gets lots of callers but few raises preflop but can get really hairy from there on out with one certified maniac who has lots of money in front of him but i have already seen him bluff off several hundred dollars in the short time i have been there. there are others who are loose and will gamble but he is the only maniac.
first question on this problem: you have a pair of 2's. what do you do? fold, call or raise?
I call
I want America to succeed. I don't want Obama to succeed in changing it into a socialist country, even if it is better for me short term. Socialism is not compatible with freedom, especially when mixed with Chicago-style politics.
I tend to be a bit right of center, and I agree with you that the Repube's don't have a clue. I don't want Obama's larger government, but Bush & Co. had 8 years to run us into the ground - I wish Obama the best of luck in getting our ship righted.
BTW, under these poker conditions, I'd limp with any pair and hope for a cheap flop
in first position, i'm only going to call with a low pair, and see what the rest of the table does.
Although it is tempting to play just about any pair in a wild, loose game, I would definitely throw the 2s away. With that much action, even if you hit the flop someone is likely to hit it also with a better hand. So you want to be very cautious here.
I'm running behind, but won't cheat. I call.
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