Shock Thoughts

The San Francisco Chronicle called Ron Shock one of the greatest American storytellers.
He has been called one of the best comics who ever walked on a stage by his peers.
This man will take your mind on a wild ride. Enjoy !!!

Location: Las Vegas

This is Ron's spot for an ongoing dialog with the world. Updated as frequently as you need...

Friday, July 04, 2008

e pluribus unium

out of many: one. that is the original motto of the united states of america and it defines, more than any other slogan or motto, the promise of the united states. we are so many peoples, with so many origins, so many religions, so many beliefs, so many interests, so many skills, strengths, desires, ambitions, hopes and fears that uniting us is our greatest national challenge. together, united, we can do almost anything; we have the natural resourses and the brainpower to overcome our problems and make this country a realization of its potential.

it seems to me anyway, that we have lost our course and lost our sense of unity. maybe the hard times that we are now facing will force us or allow us to regain our unity as a people and when united, we can plot a course that benefits us all.

in my mind, we must pull back from interferance in foriegn affairs and concentrate much more here in the homeland. we have now been "at war", either 'hot' or 'cold', in the middle east since bush the first. we are at the twenty year mark right now (i think it was 88 when we invade iraq the first time) and this war has been waged every since then by republicans and democrats alike. bush invaded and clinton bombed and then another bush invaded again. (and that wasn't really the beginning, remember reagan in lebenon (sp)) in the meantime, critical problems here in america were ignored or put on the proverbial back burner.

(see post for 10-6, 06...the war party)

the main reason i am for senator obama in this election is i believe he has the ability to unite us as a people and also has the ability to work across the aisle to unite us in the political sense. now, don't get me wrong, i don't see repubs and demos joining hands and singing around the campfire but i do think that faced with troubling times and economic woes that with a strong voice at the top, repubs and demos can put aside their differences for the moment and do what is necessary to right the ship of state.

senator obama is the only politician that i have been excited about since jfk. he is the only one that i have actively worked for. i went door-to-door for him, we donated time and money to his campaign. i think he is the best hope we have right now.

today is our country's birthday. you can give a present to your country; get involved; whether you be conservative or liberal, democrat or republican, independent or libertarian, green or socialist, male or female...get involved. physically and mentally. no one party has all the answers. no one party has a monopoly on brainpower or ethics. as a united country we can accomplish miracles; as a divided country we are doomed to laying the groundwork for our eventual failure and collapse.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The simple truth here is that you have been taken in by a master con artist, whose empty rhetoric and promises of "change" are appealing to the frustrated emotions of the disenchanted American people. He would therefore "unify" America only in the sense of fooling most of the people most of the time, like any good con artist typically does.

10:18 AM  
Blogger Ron Shock said...

well, here i call for unity and you come out calling names. that is what happens when people won't talk about issues or problems; they resort to name calling. i am sorry you feel that way about senator obama; there is probably nothing i can say to change your mind but you might try reading his bio. go to his web site and see his positions on various subjects and if you have a problem with one or more of those; fair enough; but just calling names adds nothing to the discussion or to the nation.

8:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A tremendously beautiful and truthful piece!

Your first paragraph captured the essence of what it is we as a nation should strive to be.

Thank you!

Thank you, very much

2:07 PM  

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